Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Birari Abhijeet Chandrakant Speculative investment decisions in cryptocurrency: a structural equation modelling approach Journal of Decision Systems / / / 1 - 22 1246-0125

2 Blesson Varghese James Indian Budget 2022: A Make-or-Break Moment for Cryptocurrency EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things / 10 (2024) / / - 2414-1399

3 David Joseph FinTech and Financial Capability, What Do We Know and What We Do Not Know: A Scoping Review Indian Journal of Finance / 17 / 2 / 40 - 55 0973-8711

4 David Joseph Telemedicine- The New Digital Healthcare Platform Pharma Times / 55 / 10 / 15 - 17 0031-6849

5 Pallavi Pandey An Extensive Reflection on the First 5 Years of the Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (2018-2022) Journal of Data Science, Informetrics, and Citation Studies / / / - 2583-5440

6 Pallavi Pandey The Digital Educational Divide: Public V/S Private Schools W.R.T Primary Education in Chhattisgarh JIM QUEST: Journal of Management and Technology / / / - 0975-6280

7 Pallavi Pandey Under Scanner: Impact investing trends in recent times International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology / / / - 2349-6002

8 Pallavi Pandey A historical research to interpret the behavioral impact of Microfinance: The Case of India Mukt Shabd Journal / / / - 2347-3150

9 Pallavi Pandey Factors Influencing Customer?s Life Insurance Investment Decisions O P J U Business Review / / / - 2583-729X

10 Pallavi Pandey Analysis of the factors influencing Investment Decisions among millennials in Pune, Maharashtra Mukt Shabd Journal / VIII / / - 2347-3150

11 Pallavi Pandey Financial Performance and Sustainability of Indian Premier League (IPL) Franchises: A Comprehensive Analysis Alochana Journal / / AJ/2541 / - 2231-6329

12 Pallavi Pandey Gender Equality as an Element of Indian Socioeconomic Development: Census Scanning Scholars Journals of Economics, business and management / / / - 2348-5302

13 Preethi N Machine Learning Classifiers for Credit Risk Analysis EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things / / / - 2414-1399

14 Preethi N Indian Budget 2022: A Make-or-Break Moment for Cryptocurrency EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things / 10 (2024) / / - 2414-1399

15 Preethi N Machine Learning Classifiers for Credit Risk Analysis EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things / 10 (2024) / EAI / - 2414-1399

16 Sneha Babu Bivariate Block and Basu?s Exponential Distribution Through Entropy Optimization and Its Application to Rainfall Data Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics / 24 / 2 / 509 - 533 2364-9569

17 Blesson Varghese James Young adults? experience of housing and real estate chatbots in India: effort expectancy moderated model International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis / 16 / 7 / - 1753-8270

18 David Joseph Young adults? experience of housing and real estate chatbots in India: effort expectancy moderated model International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis / 16 / 7 / - 1753-8270

19 Nisha Mary Daniel Young adults? experience of housing and real estate chatbots in India: effort expectancy moderated model International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis / 16 / 7 / - 1753-8270

20 Pallavi Pandey Humans Replaced by AI in HR Practices- A Perspective Scanner International Journal of Advanced Research / / / - 2320-5407

21 Preethi N Using machine learning architecture to optimize and model the treatment process for saline water level analysis Water Reuse / 13 / 1 / - 2709-6092, 2709-6106

22 Birari Abhijeet Chandrakant COVID-19, Lockdown and Its Effect on Consumption Behavior of Household: Evidence from Maharashtra State, India JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMY / 22 / 1 / 57 - 82 1527-8603

23 Nisha Mary Daniel Effect of salt fingers on heat transfer for different non-uniform concentration profiles in a micropolar liquid Heat Transfer / 51 / 7 / 6450 - 6469 2688-4542

24 Preethi N A Pragmatic Study on Movie Recommender Systems Using Hybrid Collaborative Filtering IoT and Analytics for Sensor Networks / 244 / / 489 - 494 2367-3389, 2367-3370

25 Preethi N Comparing Strategies for Post-Hoc Explanations in Machine Learning Models Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies this link is disabled / 68 / 1 / 5852367-45 - 592 2367-4520

26 Preethi N An Intelligent System to Forecast COVID-19 Pandemic using Hybrid Neural Network IEEE / / 2329-7182 / 543 - 548 2329-7182

27 Preethi N Application of AI in Video Games to Improve Game Building IEEE / / / 821 - 824 2329-7182

28 Preethi N Fake News Detection: An Effective Content-Based Approach Using Machine Learning Techniques International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2022 / / / - 2329-7190

29 Preethi N An Intelligent Business Automation with Conversational Web Based Build Operate Transfer (BOT) CEUR Workshop Proceedings / / / - 1613-0073

30 Preethi N Performance of big data analysis of sentiments In twitter dataset using SVM models International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies / 11 / 13 / 1 - 13 2228-9860

31 Preethi N An Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms in Profound European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine / 07 / 2 / 5179 - 5192 2515-8260

32 Preethi N A Succinct Analysis for Deep Learning in Deep Vision and its Applications International Journal of Current Research and Review / 13 / 6 / 85 - 92 2231-2196

33 Preethi N Collaborative intrusion detection system in cognitive smart city network (CSC-Net) International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, / 12 / 1 / 60 - 73 1947-8208

34 Preethi N Performance Of Big Data Analysis Of Sentiments In Twitter Dataset Using Svm Models International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies / 11 / 13 / 1 - 13 1906-9642

35 Briji Jose One Part Woman: The Book On Trial For Acknowledging The Invisible INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH / VOLUME 8 / ISSUE 10 / 3360 - 3363 ISSN 2277-8616

36 Guru Basava Aradhya The dynamics of SQ in the relationship to Virtuous organizations in ITES, Bangalore International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering & Management / Volume 3 / 2 / 01 - 09 2456-1770

37 Guru Basava Aradhya ? Digital Marketing: A study on Artificial Intelligence on the effectiveness & its influence on small retailers & Customer Satisfaction Restaurant business / 118 / 11 / 572 - 589 0097-8043

38 Guru Basava Aradhya Ways of Capturing the Rural Market through Effective Advertising and Promotion in India TEST Engineering & Management / 82 / ? / 9007 - 9014 0193-4120

39 Guru Basava Aradhya Dynamics of retailer profit in the channel of distribution in LED lighting industry in Bangalore City International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research / 9 / ? / - 22497986

40 Guru Basava Aradhya Conflux of Product dependency and service in effectiveness of retailer in the channel of distribution in lighting industry with special reference to Bangalore City Journal of XI'AN University of Architecture & Technology / XI / XII / 782 - 789 1006-7930

41 Guru Basava Aradhya Empirical Study on Perception of consumers about Online Shopping Journal of XI'AN University of Architecture & Technology / XI / XII / 790 - 796 10067930

42 Guru Basava Aradhya Impact of Retail Store Design and Layout on Consumer Buying Behaviour Journal of Xidian University / 13 / 12 / 112 - 118 10012400

43 Guru Basava Aradhya Driving Forces for the Success of Food Ordering and Delivery Apps: A Descriptive Study International Journal of Engineering & Management Research / 10 / 2, April Issue / 131 - 134 22500758

44 Guru Basava Aradhya Insights and strategic views on grocery retailing with special focus on consumer purchasing power and price positioning-A descriptive study International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation / 24 / 10 / 3309 - 3326 14757192

45 Maheshkumar T India Post Payment Banks - A Catalyst For Financial Inclusion Our Heritage / 68 / 2 / 659 - 666 0474-9030

46 Maheshkumar T Factors Affecting Adoption of Green Banking Practices in Indian Banking Sector and its Impact on Environment Test Engineering and Management / 82 / ? / 14211 - 14219 0193-4120

47 Preethi N An Investigation on Brain Tumour Segmentation using Various Machine Learning Approaches International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering / 7 / 5 / 600 - 603 2347-2693

48 Preethi N Case And Relation (CARE) Based Page Rank Algorithm for Semantic Web Search Engines International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) / 9 / / 329 - 377 1694-0814

49 Preethi N New Integrated Case And Relation Based (CARE) Page Rank Algorithm IEEE / 2 / 1 / 1 - 8 978-1-4673-2907-1 ?

50 Preethi N Segmentation of Suspicious Region using GAN Based CNN in Brain MR Images International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) / 9 / 4 / 91 - 914 2249-8958

51 Sumitra Binu A Signature‑Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Remote Health Monitoring SN Computer Science / 1 / 8 / 1 - 14 2661-8907

52 David Joseph Impact of NPA on Profitability and Flow of Credit in India International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / - 2349-5138

53 David Joseph Trends and Pattern of International Trade of India Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 4 / - 2349-5162

54 Sumitra Binu Static Analysis Tool for Identification of Permission Misuse by Android Applications International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 12 / 24 / 15169 - 15178 0973-4562

55 Sumitra Binu Vehicle Rout Optimisation Using Artificial Bees Colony Algorithm and Cuckoo Search Algorithm International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER). / 13 / 2 / 953 - 959 0973-4562

56 Preethi N Survey on Analytics, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS / 6 / 6 / 1042 - 1046 2229-6093

57 Preethi N IOT Perspective And Future Impact Framework International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) / 3 / 10 / 39 - 41 2321-0869

58 Preethi N Analysis On Extractive Automatic Text Summarization Using Machine Learning International Journal of Contemporary Research in Computer Science and Technology (IJCRCST) / 1 / 3 / 87 - 91 2395-5325

59 Birari Abhijeet Chandrakant Intellectual Capital Information Disclosure of Top Indian Corporations The SIJ Transactions on Advances in Space Research & Earth Exploration / 1 / 5 / 49 - 53 2347-6818

60 Preethi N A Review on Role of Data mining Techniques in Enhancing Educational Data to Analyze Student?s Performance International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research(IJCSIT), / 3 / 1 / 123 - 129 2348-1196

61 Preethi N Machine Learning, Pedagogical Innovation, and Semantic Web Technologies International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies / 3 / 6 / - 2319-1953

62 Preethi N Performance Evaluation of IoT Result for Machine Learning Transactions on Engineering and Sciences / 2 / 11 / 1 - 4 2347-1964

63 Preethi N A Study of Web Search Engines and Search Process? International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Application - (IJARCSA) / 1 / 1 / 19 - 29 2321-872X

64 Preethi N Effective Case And Relation (CARE) Based Page Rank Algorithm in Semantic Space European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR) / 88 / 3 / 439 - 450 1450-216X

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 PALLAVI PANDEY,AVICHAL SHARMA Reference book Corporate Chronicles 978-93-6135-532-5 2024
2 MANJARI SHARMA,SHARAD GUPTA Reference book WealthWise: Lessons from India's Warren Buffett 2024
3 MANJARI SHARMA,SHARAD GUPTA Reference book Innovative Pedagogy A Beginner's Guide to Modern Teaching Strategies Innovative Pedagogy A Beginner's Guide to Modern Teaching Strategies 9798894150505 2024
4 PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE,KARPAGAM C ,SUNEETA SATPATHY, PHD ,SACHI NANDAN MOHANTY, PHD ,SIRISHA POTLURI, PHD Text book Reconnoitring the Landscape of Edge Intelligence in Healthcare Edge intelligence to smart management and control of epidemic 9781774914366 2024
5 MANJARI SHARMA,SUCHITA PAL,MEESHA SINGH,AHMED ALQATAN, KHALED, MOUNIRA, KAMELEDDINE Reference book Impact of digitalization on reporting, tax avoidance, accounting and green finance Navigating the digital transformation landscape: Implications for accounting 9798369316788 2024
6 PREETHI N ,LIJO THOMAS,ABITH.K. SUNIL,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC) Exploring the Influence of Service Learning on the Socio-Educational Commitment and Self- Efficacy of Graduate Educators in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Domain 979-8-3503-4985-6 2024
7 PREETHI N ,MADDU MORRIES MATHEW,SHAHID BASHIR,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC) Sentiment Analysis of Online Hotel Reviews Employing Bidirectional GRU with Attention Mechanism 979-8-3503-4985-6 2024
8 PREETHI N ,NEMMALURI PURNA SUREKHA,SHAHID BASHIR,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC) Prediction of Hazardous Asteroids Using Machine Learning 979-8-3503-4985-6 2024
9 BIRARI ABHIJEET CHANDRAKANT,PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE,JOAQUIM FILIPE ET AL Conference Proceedings Applied Machine Learning and Data Analytics Optimizing Portfolio for Highly Funded Industries Within Budget Constraints for the Period of 2023-2024 978-3-031-55486-5 2024
11 ABY ALEX WILLIAM,PREETHI N ,JINTA THOMAS,BRYAN CHRISTIANSEN,ANGELA M. EVEN Text book Prioritizing Skills Development for Student Employability Interventions to Help Students Find a Deeper Purpose During Their Academic Journey 9798369335710 2024
12 MANJARI SHARMA,S. GIRI,KYLA LATRICE TENNIN, SAMRAT RAY Reference book Cases on economic crisis impact on multinational corporations Multinational Banks and the Ripple effects of Global Economic Crises 9798369315446 2024
13 PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE, 9781032170930,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,LIJA JACOB, P DURGADEVI, BALAMURU Reference book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing Machine Learning in Cyber Threats Intelligent System 9781032170930 2024
14 PREETHI N ,F. AROCKIA REXI Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing An Analysis of Sentiment Using Aspect-Based Perspective 978-981-19-2349-4 2023
15 PUSHAN DEB, SUNNY KUMAR AND DR PREETHI N Conference Proceedings Grenze International Journal of Engineering & Technology (GIJET), 2023 Encoder-Decoder Approach toward Vehicle Detection 2023
16 BIRARI ABHIJEET CHANDRAKANT,ALEKHA CHANDRA PANDA,AMITABH PATNAIK,AVINASH PAWAR Conference Proceedings Digital Economy Post COVID-19 Era Adoption of Fintech Towards Asset and Wealth Management: Understanding the Recent Scenario in India 978-981-99-0196-8 2023
17 PRITTY JAIN,ANSHUL SAXENA,JAYANT MAHAJAN,DR. VIKAS PRATAP SINGH Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Fourth Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence User Sentiment Analysis of Blockchain-Enabled Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading 978-981-99-3715-8 2023
18 PALLAVI PANDEY,AVICHAL SHARMA,DR KAVITA DAHIYA Case Report Sustainable Management: Challenges and Opportunity The Sustainability of Ed-tech start-ups in India: A Study of post- COVID-19 Era 978-93-91044-20-6 2023
19 PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE,AABHAS VIJ Conference Proceedings IEEE Xplore A Reliable Method of Predicting Water Quality Using Supervised Machine Learning Model 2023
20 PALLAVI PANDEY,AVICHAL SHARMA Case Report The Spectrum of Sustainability: Industries, Ideas & Innovation Volume-2 978-93-5570-762-8 2023
21 PALLAVI PANDEY,AVICHAL SHARMA Case Report The Polyperspectivity Chronicle: Spotlighting the commercial potential of IPRs 978-1-80433-966-4 2023
22 PALLAVI PANDEY (20507) Text book Unuttered 978-93-5774-9558 2023
24 PREETHI N ,W. JAISINGH,S. MURALI,SARIKA JAIN NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOL, SVEN GR Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Classification of Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinomas Using Histopathological Images Based on Deep Learning Techniques 978-981-19-9089-2 2023
25 PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Reference book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry IoT and Sustainability Energy Systems: Risk and Opportunity 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
26 PREETHI N ,JAISINGH, W. ,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Text book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry IoT Infrastructure to Energize Electromobility 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
27 PREETHI N ,W. JAISINGH,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Reference book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry IOT Contribution in Construct of Green Energy 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
28 PREETHI N ,IEEE Conference Proceedings IEEE Explorer A Pre-trained YOLO-v5 model and an Image Subtraction Approach for Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection 2023
29 DAVID JOSEPH,BIRARI ABHIJEET CHANDRAKANT Text book 20 Practical Ways to Generate Extra Income: A step-by-step guide to make side hustle while keeping your full-time gig 20 Practical Ways to Generate Extra Income: A step-by-step guide to make side hustle while keeping your full-time gig 979-8889758365 2023
30 BIRARI ABHIJEET CHANDRAKANT,DAVID JOSEPH Reference book 20 Practical Ways to Generate Extra Income 979-8889758365 2023
31 PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE Text book Introduction to Principles of Data Science 6206142507 2023
32 PREETHI N ,M. KEERTISH KUMAR,VINIT KUMAR GUNJAN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications Formula One Race Analysis Using Machine Learning 978-981-19-6088-8 2023
33 PREETHI N ,AROCKIYA JERSON,VINIT KUMAR GUNJAN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications An Analysis of Levenshtein Distance Using Dynamic Programming Method 978-981-19-6088-8 2023
34 MAHESHKUMAR T,MANJARI SHARMA,SUBRATA CHATTOPADHYAY, SUNDEEP SINGH SONDHI Text book Sustainable Marketing and Customer Value Integration of Sustainability in Business through Finance 9781003173311 2022
35 MANJARI SHARMA,SUBRATA CHATTOPADHYAY, SUNDEEP SINGH SONDHI, ARUNA,MAHESH KUMAR T Text book Sustainable Marketing and Customer Value Integration of sustainability in business through finance 9781003173311 2022
36 PALLAVI PANDEY,AVICHAL SHARMA,DR. KAVITA DAHIYA Reference book The Spectrum of Sustainability: Education, Enterprise & Economy 978-93-5570-517-4 2022
37 PREETHI N ,JOSSY P GEORGE, S CHANDRASEKAR,AABHAS VIJ Conference Proceedings Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies Quantum Information Processing for Legal Applications through Bloch Sphere of Law 978-1-6654-5361-5 2022
38 PREETHI N ,DIPAK PATIL Conference Proceedings Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks A Comparison of Similarity Measures in an Online Book Recommendation System 978-981-19-1843-8 2022
39 PREETHI N ,ARAVIND VASUDEVAN Conference Proceedings International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligent Information Systems Analysis of MRI Images to Discover Brain Tumor Detection Using CNN and VGG-16 978-981-19-2540-5 2022
40 PREETHI N ,SARATH MECHERY,BRIJESH IYER, ,TOM CRICK, ,SHENG-LUNG PENG Conference Proceedings Applied Computational Technologies An Intelligent Recommendation System Using Market Segmentation 978-981-19-2719-5 2022
41 DAVID JOSEPH,GEETANJALI PURSWANI,GIRISH S,GUPTA, A., TEWARY, T.,GOPALAKRISHNAN, B.N. (EDS) Reference book Sustainability in the Gig Economy Impact of COVID-19 on Gig Workers with Special Reference to Food Delivery Executives 978-981-16-8406-7 2022
42 PREETHI N ,SIRISHA POTLURI, , SUNEETA SATPATHY, ,SACHI NANDAN MOHANTY ,TRIPTI SWARNKAR, SRIKANTA PATNAIK, PABITRA MITRA, Conference Proceedings Ambient Intelligence in Health Care A Systematic Review of AI Privileges to Combat Widen Threat of Flavivirus 978-981-19-6067-3 2022
43 PREETHI N ,JOSHUA THOMAS,IEEE Conference Proceedings IEEE Xplore logo - Link to home Customer Segmentation in the Field of Marketing 2022
44 PREETHI N ,W. JAISINGH Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Analysis of Fine Needle Aspiration Images by Using Hybrid Feature Selection and Various Machine Learning Classifiers 978-981-19-2210-7 2022
45 PREETHI N ,AABHAS VIJ,INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Conference Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications Approaches Towards A Recommendation Engine for Life Insurance Products 978-073814637-9 2021
46 PREETHI N ,JAICO JOSE Conference Proceedings 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications, ICMNWC 2021 An Automated Deep Learning Model for Detecting Sarcastic Comments 978-073814637-9 2021
47 PREETHI N ,AABHAS VIJ Conference Proceedings 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC) Approaches Towards A Recommendation Engine For Life Insurance Products 978-1-6654-3883-4 2021
48 BIRARI ABHIJEET CHANDRAKANT (20399) Reference book Millenial's Guide to Financial Freedom : Your guide to live a financially free life in your 30?s Millenial's Guide to Financial Freedom 1638329524 2021
49 PREETHI N ,W.JAI SINGH,DR.SHEKHAR R,DR.W.JAI SINGH,DR.JAGANNATH JADHAV Text book IOT,AI AND MACHINE LEARNING An Analysis Of Machine Learning And Deep Learning For Cyber Security 978-81-950423-5-7 2021
50 PREETHI N ,DR. W.JAI SINGH,DR.R.K.KAVITHA,DR.SHEKHAR R ,DR.W.JAI SINGH,JAGANNATH JADHAV Text book IOT,AI AND MACHINE LEARNING Iterative Threshold With Morphological Polyline Smoothing Algorithm For Segmentation Of Pectoral Muscle In Digitized Mammogram 978-81-950423-5-7 2021
51 PREETHI N ,ZAHIDA MARIYAM,SACHI NANDAN MOHANTY Text book Emotion and Information Processing Blended Learning and Its Impact on Cognition and Emotion 978-3-030-48848-2 2020
52 PREETHI NANJUNDAN Text book Fundamentals of Deep Learning Fundamentals of Deep Learning ), ISBN-13:978-613-9-44-837-1, ISBN-10: 6139448379 2019
53 PREETHI N Text book Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms ISBN-13:978-3-659-89022-2, ISBN-10:3659890227, EA 2016
54 PREETHI N Text book Case And Relation (CARE) Based Page Rank Algorithm In Semantic Space Case And Relation (CARE) Based Page Rank Algorithm In Semantic Space ISBN-13:978-3-659-34114-4, ISBN-10:3659341142, EAN 2015
55 PREETHI NANJUNDAN Text book Future Computing A Novel Page Rank Scheme for Search Engine with Relation based Keywords and Concepts ISBN: 978-81-8487-271-2 E-ISBN: E 978-81-848 2014
56 PREETHI N ,JAI SINGH W,JOSSY P GEORGE,SUNEETA SATPATHY, PHD ,SACHI NANDAN MOHANTY, PHD ,SIRISHA POTLURI, PHD Text book Reconnoitering the Landscape of Edge Intelligence in Healthcare Edge computing for smart disease prediction treatment therapy 9781774914366 2004
57 PREETHI N ,JAICO JOSE,IEEE BANGALORE SECTION Conference Proceedings IEEE Xplore An Automated Deep Learning Model for Detecting Sarcastic Comments 978-1-6654-3883-4 2001
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Why Starting Your Own Business is a Path Worth Exploring

Innovative Pedagogy
2 Focusing on the Right Things: Guiding the Next Generation

Innovative Pedagogy
3 ?Once Upon a Time in a Classroom: The Magic of Teaching Through Stories?

Innovative Pedagogy
4 The Privilege of Full-Time Learning: A Perspective from India?s Academic Halls

Innovative Pedagogy
5 Blending Boundaries: An Introduction to Blended Learning

Innovative Pedagogy
6 Gamification in Education: More Than Just Play

Innovative Pedagogy
7 Project-Based Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice

Innovative Pedagogy
8 Navigating the Dynamic Shifts in University Education: Insights from My Teaching Career Since 2008

Innovative Pedagogy
9 My Joy, My Energy: The Sources of My Strength

Innovative Pedagogy
10 Family Time and Learning During Winter Break: Embracing the Joy of Tenali Rama

Innovative Pedagogy
11 Embracing Change: The Imperative of Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education

Innovative Pedagogy
12 Innovative Pedagogy in Action: My Journey in Nurturing Future Leaders

Innovative Pedagogy
13 Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirits in the Classroom

Innovative Pedagogy
14 Innovative Pedagogy in Finance Education: A Retrospective and Future Outlook

Innovative Pedagogy
15 The World in a Night: Unleashing Potential Through ?Fun Night?

Innovative Pedagogy


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