1 |
Conference |
Presenter |
Global Synergy 2025: Converging Horizons for Sustainable Future in Law, Humanities, Management, Science and Engineering |
Enhancing International Trade through Harmonisation and Regulatory Food Standards under the SPS Agreement |
01/03/2025 |
The Kerala law Academy |
International |
2 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approach to Climate Change Education |
Changing Food Safety Standards
in the Era of Climate Change under the SPS Agreement |
27/02/2025 |
Government Law College, Ernakulam and Leiden University The Netherlands |
International |
3 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Law and Social Transformation |
Climate Change, Displacement and Sustainability |
28/09/2024 |
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University |
International |
4 |
Conference |
Presenter |
Project ICSSR National Conference |
Poverty and Social Security among Unorganised Workers in Bangalore's Garment Industry |
20/09/2024 |
Christ University |
National |
5 |
Conference |
Moderator/Chair |
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics |
25/07/2024 |
Christ Academy Institute of Law |
International |
6 |
Conference |
Presenter |
Policy Conflux 2024 |
Human Security Approach towards the Impact of Climate Change on Indian Rural Women |
06/03/2024 |
Christ University |
International |
7 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Sustainable Finance and Accountancy |
Green Finance: A Strategy for Environmental Development |
19/02/2024 |
Christ University |
International |
8 |
Conference |
Moderator/Chair |
XIV National Conference on Enhancing Judicial Administration: Application of Procedural Law and Ensuring Access to Justice in India |
22/01/2024 |
Christ University |
National |
9 |
Symposium |
Participant |
International Colloquium on Intellectual Property and sustainable Development |
09/11/2023 |
School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
International |
10 |
Conference |
Presenter |
5th International Conference on Innovative Strategies and Advancements in Academics and Research: Navigating Global Scenarios |
Role of Personal Data in FinTech Industries: Issues and Challenges |
28/10/2023 |
Shaia P. G. College |
International |
11 |
Conference |
Panelist |
16th Edition of the Model United Nations Conference |
21/09/2023 |
Christ University |
National |
12 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Law and Social-Transformation |
Interplay Between Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights in the Contemporary Scenario |
09/09/2023 |
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University |
Institutional |
13 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Law and Social-Transformation |
Use of Artificial Intelligence and its Implications on Data Privacy |
09/09/2023 |
Alliance School of Law, Alliance University |
International |
14 |
Conference |
Presenter |
Media Meet 2023 (On Seventeen Sustainable Goals) |
The use of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: A challenge to sustainable development |
07/09/2023 |
Christ University |
International |
15 |
Panelist |
3rd Christ Academy Institute of Law National Moot Court Competition, 2023 |
05/08/2023 |
Christ Academy Institute of Law |
National |
16 |
Seminar |
Presenter |
National Seminar On ?Intellectual Property Rights And Human Capital Development? |
Farmers' Rights To Plant Varieties Vis-A-Vis Protection Of Plant
Varieties And Farmers' Rights Act, 2001: A Critical Analysis
10/07/2023 |
Chanakya National Law University |
National |
17 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Self-Reliance in Trade and Development: Redefining the Contours of Law and Policy |
Labour Welfare and it?s Regulation in a Self-Reliant India |
20/01/2023 |
National Law School of Law India University |
International |
18 |
Conference |
Presenter |
d International Conference on Regulation of Emerging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in a Globalized Legal Regime: Challenges & Opportunities |
A Study on Legal Framework of
Cryptocurrency in India |
03/12/2022 |
School of Law, G D Goenka University |
International |
19 |
Conference |
Co-presenter |
International Legal Conference on Advanced Technologies, Security and Society |
22/11/2022 |
UPES School of Law |
International |
20 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Artificial intelligence and Law |
Liability vis-a-vis Responsibility: A Case of Autonomous Weapon System |
11/11/2022 |
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab |
International |
21 |
Conference |
Presenter |
Developing New India |
Farmer's Suicide in India: A Human Rights Perspective |
29/10/2022 |
Indian Mental health and Research Centre and Shia PG College |
International |
22 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Dimension to Access to Justice in the Contemporary World |
Rights Of Indigenous People's Access To Justice In India: Issues and Challenges |
23/07/2022 |
Department of Law, Bankura University, West Bengal |
International |
23 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on International Humanitarian Law and Future Warfare |
Legality or Legitimacy - A Theoretical Understanding of Autonomous Weapon System |
28/04/2022 |
ILS Law College, Pune |
International |
24 |
Conference |
Co-presenter |
National Conference On Social Work Education And Practice: Contemporary Issues, Challenges & Way Forward |
19/04/2022 |
Christ University |
National |
25 |
Symposium |
Co-presenter |
Global Symposium on Labour and Employment Laws |
25/03/2022 |
National Law Institute University, Bhopal in collaboration with National Law University, Delhi |
International |
26 |
Conference |
Moderator/Chair |
Contemporary Legal Issues and Reflections Amidst the Pandemic |
22/01/2021 |
Christ University |
National |
27 |
Conference |
Moderator/Chair |
Contemporary Legal Issues and Reflections Amidst the Pandemic |
22/01/2021 |
Christ University |
National |
28 |
Seminar |
Presenter |
International Seminar on South Asia in Transition |
Democratic Transformation in South Asia: A Dream or Reality |
13/02/2020 |
Christ University |
International |
29 |
Conference |
Moderator/Chair |
10th National Conference on "Traversing the Contours of Development in Indian Constitutionalism" |
23/01/2020 |
Christ University |
National |
30 |
Conference |
Presenter |
Annual Themed Conference on Transformative Constitutionalism |
Sedition, Liberal Values and the Constitution of India |
20/07/2019 |
National Law School of India University, Bengaluru and Ford Foundation |
National |
31 |
Conference |
Presenter |
International Conference on Climate Change: Exploring the Multidisciplinary Contours |
Human Rights of Climate Refugees: A Critical Analysis |
09/03/2019 |
National Law University and Judicial Academy, Guwahati (Assam) |
International |
32 |
Symposium |
Presenter |
National Workshop on 'Access and Benefit Sharing and Conservation of Biological Diversity' |
Intellectual Property over Genetic Resources : A Critical Study |
28/09/2018 |
Christ University |
National |
33 |
Seminar |
Moderator/Chair |
National Seminar on ?Intellectual Property Rights: Emerging Issues and Challenges? |
23/09/2018 |
Chanakya National Law University, Patna |
National |
34 |
Seminar |
Presenter |
National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights: Emerging Issues and Challenges |
Development and Working of Design Legislation in India |
23/09/2018 |
Chanakya National Law University, Patna |
National |
35 |
Conference |
Presenter |
National Conference on ?New Challenges to Indian Democracy in 21st Century: Perspectives and Strategies? |
Globalisation, Democracy and Economic Development |
27/07/2018 |
Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad |
National |
36 |
Seminar |
Presenter |
UGC National Seminar on ?Women and Technology? |
Access to Technology vis-a-vis Gender Justice |
31/03/2018 |
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam |
National |
37 |
Conference |
Presenter |
National Conference on Citizenship, Refugees and Human Rights in the Contemporary World |
Refugees, Nation-State and Citizenship |
20/01/2018 |
Tamil Nadu National Law School |
National |
38 |
Seminar |
Presenter |
UGC Sponsored National Seminar |
Human Rights of Women to Social Security |
20/01/2018 |
P. G. Dept. of Legal Studies & Research, Acharya Nagarjuna University |
National |
39 |
Conference |
Presenter |
National Confrence |
Judicial Conduct and Constitutional Democracy: A Critical Study with reference to India |
11/09/2017 |
Christ University |
National |
40 |
Seminar |
Presenter |
UGC Sponsored Seminar on Environmental Protection and Law: Retrospect and Prospect |
International Environmental Regimes and Governance |
25/03/2017 |
P. G. Dept of Legal Studies, Nagarjuna University |
National |
41 |
Presenter |
National Seminar on ?Consumer Protection and Law: Issues and Challenges? |
Consumer Welfare under Competition Law in a Globalised World |
22/10/2016 |
Faculty of Law, IFHE, Hyderabad in coll with NLSU |
National |
42 |
Presenter |
Two day National Seminar on Corporate Spectrum: Legal Facies |
Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions: Issues and Challenges |
10/04/2015 |
Faculty of Law, Icfai Foundation for Higher Edn,Hy |
National |
43 |
Presenter |
International Conference on ?Free Trade ? Opportunities and Challenges? |
WTO and International Competition Policy |
12/06/2014 |
AMS Arts & Science College for Women, Osmania Univ |
International |
44 |
Presenter |
National Seminar on ?Need of Reservations in Higher Judiciary of India? |
Reservation in Higher Judiciary: No Panacea to bring about Social Justice |
10/05/2014 |
P. G. College of Law (Center For Social Justice), |
National |
45 |
Presenter |
National Seminar on Legal Protection of Consumers in A Global Economy ? Recent Approaches and the Way Forward |
?Food Safety and Consumer Protection? |
29/03/2014 |
Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
National |
46 |
Presenter |
National Seminar on ?Human Rights Education ? New Challenges? |
?Human Rights Commitment of India: An Analysis in the Perspective of Death and Custodial Torture? |
08/03/2014 |
University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyd |
National |
47 |
Presenter |
National Conference on ?The Changing Role of The Media In India: Constitutional Perspectives? |
?Fourth Estate in Indian Democracy? |
28/02/2014 |
School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore |
National |
48 |
Participant |
National Workshop on ?Use of Right to Information for Implementation of Welfare Legislations in Panchayat? |
23/02/2013 |
P. G. Department of Law, Sambalpur University (Odi |
National |
49 |
Presenter |
National Seminar on ?Terrorism ? Issues and Challenges? |
International Terrorism: A Threat to World Order and Human Rights |
17/03/2012 |
L. R. Law College (University College of Law), Sam |
National |
50 |
Presenter |
National Seminar on ?Crime Against Women: A Human Right Perspective? |
Prostitution: A Crime or Denial of Selfhood |
21/01/2012 |
L. R. Law College (University College of Law), Sam |
National |
51 |
Participant |
State Level Seminar on ?Corruption in Public Office ? A Curse on Society? |
25/03/2007 |
G. M. Law College, Puri (Odisha) |
Regional |
52 |
Participant |
International Conference on ?Private International Law? |
02/12/2006 |
The Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi |
International |
53 |
Participant |
National Conference on ?Formulation of a Model Act for the Universities in India? |
11/11/2006 |
Madhusudan Law College, Cuttack (Odisha) |
Regional |
54 |
Participant |
State Level Seminar cum Workshop on ?The Protection of Rights of Child? |
30/11/2002 |
Madhusudan Law College, Cuttack (Odisha) in collab |
Regional |
55 |
Participant |
State Level Seminar cum Workshop on ?Building of Network between The Law Colleges of Orissa for the Protection of Child? |
27/07/2002 |
Madhusudan Law College, Cuttack (Odisha) in Collab |
Regional |
56 |
Participant |
National Seminar on ?The need For a Review of the Constitution of India? |
28/04/2001 |
P. G. Department of Law and Political Science |
National |