Event Details
We are excited to announce the upcoming Student Welfare Office Investiture Ceremony, a momentous occasion that marks the official commencement of the academic year for our dedicated team of student leaders and office holders.
This ceremony is a celebration of the commitment and dedication displayed by our young leaders who have been chosen to lead various committees within the Student Welfare Office. It is a source of immense pride for both the students and the entire school community as we entrust these leaders with the crucial responsibility of fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Throughout the year, the Student Welfare Office upholds essential values and principles such as empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to support their peers. During the Investiture Ceremony, our torchbearers will receive their badges, symbolizing their roles and responsibilities in ensuring the well-being and success of their fellow students.
As they don their badges, these leaders pledge to serve their fellow students to the best of their abilities, ensuring that their academic journey is enriched with opportunities for growth, support, and camaraderie.
The Student Welfare Office Investiture Ceremony sets the tone for a year filled with initiatives,programs, and activities aimed at enhancing the overall well-being and academic success of ourstudents.
We invite all parents, students, and staff to join us as we celebrate and empower our studentleaders to create a nurturing and supportive environment for all.