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Our schools have been designed to take care of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna consisting of 9 departments and 30 faculties with a staff strength of 5000 young smart teachers and advicer.



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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Chandra J AI-Based Feature Extraction Approaches for Dual Modalities of Autism Spectrum Disorder Neuroimages Journal of Computer Science / 20 / 11 / - 1495-1503

2 Helen K Joy Machine Learning and Deep Learning Analysis of Vehicle Carbon Footprint International Journal of Environmental Impacts / 7 / 2 / 287 - 292 2398-2659

3 Logeshwaran J Design and Optimization of a MXene-Based Terahertz Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor for Malaria Detection Plasmonics / / / - 1557-1963

4 Logeshwaran J The feasibility analysis of load based resource optimization algorithm for cooperative communication in 5G wireless ad-hoc networks Alexandria Engineering Journal / 104 / / 529 - 550 2090-2670

5 Logeshwaran J Multi-Model Traffic Forecasting in Smart Cities using Graph Neural Networks and Transformer-based Multi-Source Visual Fusion for Intelligent Transportation Management International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / 22 / 2 / - 1868-8659

6 Logeshwaran J Enhancing mobility management in 5G networks using deep residual LSTM model Applied Soft Computing / 112103 / / - 1872-9681

7 Mohana Priya T Efficient multipath model based cross layer routing techniques for Gauss Markov movable node management in MANET AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 1 / - 1551-7616

8 Mohana Priya T Mitigating post-harvest losses through IoT-based machine learning algorithms in smart farming AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 1 / - 1551-7616

9 Mohana Priya T AI-enabled risk identification and traffic prediction in vehicular Ad hoc Networks AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 2 / - 1551-7616

10 Nisha Varghese Domain-Specific Token Recognition Using Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers And Scibert ICTACT JOURNAL ON MICROELECTRONICS / 10 / 2 / 1817 - 1821 2395-1680

11 Rajesh Kanna R Performance Evaluation of Predicting IoT Malicious Nodes Using Machine Learning Classification Algorithms International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering / 10 / 3 / 341 - 349 2149-9144

12 Rajesh Kanna R Efficient multipath model based cross layer routing techniques for Gauss Markov movable node management in MANET AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 1 / - 1551-7616

13 Rajesh Kanna R Mitigating post-harvest losses through IoT-based machine learning algorithms in smart farming AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 1 / - 1551-7616

14 Rajesh Kanna R Classification of fibroid using novel fully connected CNN with back propagation classifier (NFCCNNBP) AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 1 / - 1551-7616

15 Rajesh Kanna R AI-enabled risk identification and traffic prediction in vehicular Ad hoc Networks AIP Conference Proceedings / 3161 / 2 / - 1551-7616

16 Resmi K R Machine Learning-Based Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder across Age Groups Engineering Proceedings / 62 / / - 2673-4591

17 Sridevi R Machine Learning and Deep Learning Analysis of Vehicle Carbon Footprint International Journal of Environmental Impacts / 7 / 2 / 287 - 292 2398-2659

18 Anita H B Entropy Based Segmentation Model for Kidney Stone and Cyst using Ultrasound Image International Journal of Computing / 21 / 4 / 450 - 455 2312-5381

19 Arokia Paul Rajan R Introspection on the Research Avenues of Robotic Process Automation as a Service (RPAaaS) Mapana - Journal of Sciences / 22 / 2 / 169 - 199 0975-3303

20 Ashok Immanuel V Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks' Distributed Channel and Resource Allocation Performance Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science / 10 / / 98 - 106 2409-2665

21 Ashok Immanuel V An novel cutting edge ANN machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

22 Avichal Sharma Gender Equality as an Element of Indian Socioeconomic Development: Census Scanning Scholars Journals of Economics, business and management / / / - 2348-5302

23 Avichal Sharma An Extensive Reflection on the First 5 Years of the Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (2018-2022) Journal of Data Science, Informetrics, and Citation Studies / / / - 2583-5440

24 Avichal Sharma The Digital Educational Divide: Public V/S Private Schools W.R.T Primary Education in Chhattisgarh JIM QUEST: Journal of Management and Technology / / / - 0975-6280

25 Beaulah Soundarabai P A constrained multi-period portfolio optimization model based on quantum-inspired optimization Multimedia Tools and Applications / - / - / 1 - 28 1573-7721

26 Bhuvana Jayabalan An optimized MCHVD approach to curtail handover failures in wireless networks International journal of information technology / / / 1989 - 1995 2511-2112

27 Bhuvana Jayabalan An empirical IoT and cloud-based customizable healthcare surveillance system International Journal of Information Technology / / / - 2511-2112

28 Bhuvana Jayabalan Utilizing Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Technologies For Network Security Proceedings on Engineering Sciences / 6 / 1 / 311 - 320 2683-4111

29 Cecil Donald A Advancements in optical steganography for secure medical data transmission in telehealth systems Optical and Quantum Electronics / 55 / / - 1572-817X

30 Cecil Donald A Lane Detection using Kalman Filtering Procedia Computer Science / 230 / / 598 - 607 1877-0509

31 Chandra J A Novel Artificial Intelligence System for the Prediction of Interstitial Lung Diseases SN Computer Science / 5 / 143 / - 2662-995X

32 Chandra J Sentence Classification Using Attention Model for E-Commerce Product Review Journal of Computer Science / 20 / 5 / - 1552-6607

33 Cynthia T CampusNest : A Student Accommodation Locator Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 5 / 505 - 511 2349-5162

34 Deepa V Jose Dynamic Offloading Technique for Latency-Sensitive Internet of Things Applications using Fog Computing International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication / 11 / 6 / 103 - 112 2321-8169

35 Deepa V Jose Text summarization using residual-based temporal attention convolutional neural network International Journal of Information Technology / 15 / 7 / 101 - 119 2511-2112

36 Deepa V Jose Tangent Search Long Short Term Memory with Aadaptive Reinforcement Transient Learning based Extractive and Abstractive Document Summarization International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science / 15 / 6 / 56 - 72 2075-017X

37 Deepa V Jose Hybrid homomorphic-asymmetric lightweight cryptosystem for securing smart devices: A review Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies / / / - 2161-3915

38 Deepa V Jose AS-CL IDS: anomaly and signature-based CNN-LSTM intrusion detection system for Internet of Things International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration / 10 / 109 / 1622 - 1639 2394-7454

39 Fabiola Hazel Pohrmen Blockchain-based key management system in Named Data Networking: A survey Journal of Network and Computer Applications / / / - 1084-8045

40 Gobi R Expert Interview of Security Research with Dr. Yuhong Liu Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology / / / - 2306-0212

41 Gobi R Machine Learning-Enabled NIR Spectroscopy. Part 3: Hyperparameter by Design (HyD) Based ANN-MLP Optimization, Model Generalizability, and Model Transferability AAPS PharmSciTech / 24 / 8 / - 1530-9932

42 Helen K Joy Deep Learning Based Video Compression Techniques with Future Research Issues wireless personal communication / / / - 0929-6212

43 Helen K Joy Deep Convolutional Neural Network Driven Interpolation Filter for High Efficiency Video Coding Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems / 11 / 7 / 1989 - 1995 2369-0739

44 Kavitha R Soil classification using active contour model for efficient texture feature extraction International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) / 15 / 7 / 3791 - 3805 2511-2104, 2511-2112

45 Kavitha R Assessing the Role of Financial Literacy in Personal Financial Management Journal of Business Management and Information Systems / 11 / 1 / 9 - 20 2394-3130

46 Kavitha R Evaluating the impact of Government Programs on Menstrual Equity and Accessibility in Karnataka Community Practitioner / 21 / 5 / - 1462-2815

47 Kirubanand V B Extraction of Handwritten Text using Word Beam Search Algorithm and Language Modeling International journal of Membrane / 10 / 2 / 2786 - 2795 2410-1869

48 Kirubanand V B A review on recent scheduling algorithms in the cloud environment. AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

49 Kirubanand V B A Walkthrough into Cloud Security Turkish Journal of computer and Mathematics Edcuation / 11 / 2 / 768 - 711 1309-4653

50 Kirubanand V B Farming Equipment Rental Portal FarmFlow Journal of Applied Science and Computations / XI / IV / 23 - 26 1076-5131

51 Kirubanand V B Sustainable E-commerce Platforms with Integrated Recycling and Improved Sustainability Initiatives on Consumer Behavior and Environmental Sustainability Journal of Applied Science and Computations / XI / IV / 16 - 22 1076-5131

52 Kirubanand V B Optimizing QoS and Energy using ESSA for Budget-constrained Workflows in the Cloud international journal of intelligent systems and application in engineering / 12 / 21s(2024) / 3491 - 3498 2147-6799

53 Kirubanand V B Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks' Distributed Channel and Resource Allocation Performance Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science / 10 / / 98 - 106 2409-2665

54 Kirubanand V B An novel cutting edge ANN machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

55 Lekha J Secure medical sensor monitoring framework using novel optimal encryption algorithm driven by Internet of Things Measurement: Sensors / 30 / December / 1 - 8 2665-9174

56 Lekha J A Novel Cluster Head Selection Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering (FC) and Modified Grey Wolf Optimization (MGWO) Indian Journal of Natural Sciences / 15 / 83 / 71138 - 71151 0019-5022

57 Lekha J Economic Growth and Monetary Policy Nexus: An Empirical Evidence from India International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences / 20 / 36 / - 2347-4777

58 Lian Mathew Maximal matching cover pebbling number for variants of hypercube Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics / 42 / 4 / 931 - 956 0717-6279

59 Lian Mathew On the secure vertex cover pebbling number Asian European Journal of Mathematics / / 10 / 2350182-1 - 2350182-16 1793-5571

60 Lian Mathew NDC Pebbling Number for Some Class of Graphs Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing / 119 / / 121 - 128 0835-3026

61 Libin Chacko Samuel Some New Results on δ(k) -Coloring of Graphs Journal of Interconnection Networks / 23 / 3 / 2250010-1 - 2250010-15 0219-2659

62 Libin Chacko Samuel On Equitable Near Proper Coloring of Graphs Communications in Combinatorics and Optimizatio / 9 / 1 / 131 - 143 2538-2128

63 Manjunatha Hiremath Acute Leukemia Subtype Recognition in Blood Smear Images with Machine Learning International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems (IJECES) / 15 / 7 / 563 - 570 1847-6996

64 Mohana Priya T Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks' Distributed Channel and Resource Allocation Performance Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science / 10 / / 98 - 106 2409-2665

65 Mohana Priya T An novel cutting edge ANN machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

66 Nizar Banu P K A survey of blockchain: concepts, applications and challenges International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics / 17 / 2 / 152 - 165 1752-5063

67 Peter Augustin D A Novel Artificial Intelligence System for the Prediction of Interstitial Lung Diseases SN Computer Science / 5 / 143 / - 2662-995X

68 Poornima N V Anonymization based deep privacy preserving convolutional autoencoder learning technique for high dimensional data clustering in big data cloud ETLTC-ICETM2023 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: ICT Integration in Technical Education & Enter / / / - 1551-7616

69 Prabu P Evaluating the Pertinence of Pose Estimation model for Sign Language Translation International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications / 02 / 1 / 2341 - 1009 1757-5885

70 Prabu P Integrated Approach of Brain Disorder Analysis by Using Deep Learning Based on DNA Sequence. Computer Systems Science and Engineering / 46 / 1 / 2447 - 2460 0267-6192

71 Prabu P Highly secured authentication and fast handover scheme for mobility management in 5G vehicular networks computers and electrical engineering / 116 / / - 0045-7906

72 Prabu P An efficient deep learning based stress monitoring model through wearable devices for health care applications optical and quantum electronics / 2 / / - 1997-2024

73 Prabu P IOT based prediction of rainfall forecast in coastal regions using deep reinforcement model Measurement: Sensors / 29 / / - 2665-9174

74 Prabu P A Lightweight Multi-Chaos-based Image Encryption Scheme for IoT Networks IEEE Access / 1 / / 1 - 38 2169-3536

75 Prabu P A Cardiac Deep Learning Model (CDLM) to Predict and Identify the Risk Factor of Congenital Heart Disease Diagnostics / 13 / / - 2075-4418

76 Prabu P A Novel Machine Learning-Based Prediction Method for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease Using ECG Signal Processing Technologies / 12 / 1 / - 2227-7080

77 Prabu P Comprehensive evaluation and performance analysis of machine learning in heart disease prediction Scientific Reports / 14 / / - 2045-2322

78 Rajesh Kanna R Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks' Distributed Channel and Resource Allocation Performance Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science / 10 / / 98 - 106 2409-2665

79 Rajesh Kanna R An novel cutting edge ANN machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

80 Ramamurthy B Gender determination from periocular images using deep learning based EfficientNet architecture International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering / 2 / 1 / 59 - 70 2956-7068

81 Ramamurthy B Development And Evaluation Of Pneumfc Net: A Novel Automated Lightweight Fully Convolutional Neural Network Model For Pneumonia Detection Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 102 / 3 / 1037 - 1048 1992-8645

82 Ramamurthy B Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix based Fully Convolutional Neural Network Model for Pneumonia Detection International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems / 15 / 4 / 369 - 376 1847-7003

83 Resmi K R Advancements and Challenges in Autonomous Vehicle Road Line Detection: A Comprehensive Review International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 11 / / 610 - 615 2348-1269

84 Resmi K R Innovation meets Healthcare: MedVision International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies / 4 / 3 / 296 - 298 2583-049X

85 Rohini V Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks' Distributed Channel and Resource Allocation Performance Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science / 10 / / 98 - 106 2409-2665

86 Rohini V An novel cutting edge ANN machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

87 Sagaya Aurelia P AI Technologies for Livestock Health Monitoring and Diagnosis International Journal Of Arts & Education Research / 12 / 3 / 223 - 228 2278-9677

88 Sagaya Aurelia P AI-based online proctoring: a review of the state-of-the-art techniques and open challenges Multimedia Tools and Applications / / / - 1380-7501

89 Sandeep J Adaptive Traffic Control System For Urban Roads: Clearance Of Emergency Vehicles Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 8 / 548 - 554 2349-5162

90 Sandeep J Advancements in Predictive Modeling for RideShare Systems with Optimal Features Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 5 / 606 - 612 2349-5162

91 Savithri M Design and Simulation of Efficient Dynamic Data Forwarding Protocol towards Route Optimization in VANET Infrastructure International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology / 10 / 2 / 3885 - 3891 2410-1869

92 Senthilnathan T An optimized back propagation neural network for automated evaluation of health condition using sensor data Measurement: Sensors / 29 / / 1 - 7 2665-9174

93 Senthilnathan T A Novel Back-Propagation Neural Network for Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems for Wireless Communications IETE Journal of Research / / / - 0974-780X

94 Senthilnathan T Development of smart energy monitoring using NB-IOT and cloud Measurement: Sensors / 29 / / - 2665-9174

95 Senthilnathan T Improved Random Forest Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks' Distributed Channel and Resource Allocation Performance Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science / 10 / / 98 - 106 2409-2665

96 Senthilnathan T An novel cutting edge ANN machine learning algorithm for sepsis early prediction and diagnosis AIP Conference Proceedings / 2909 / 1 / - 1551-7616

97 Shahid Bashir Revisiting the Twin Deficit Hypothesis in presence of exchange rate nonlinearities: evidence from India using nonlinear ARDL model Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences / / / - 1026-4116

98 Smera C Adaptive Traffic Control System For Urban Roads: Clearance Of Emergency Vehicles Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 8 / 548 - 554 2349-5162

99 Smera C Advancements in Predictive Modeling for RideShare Systems with Optimal Features Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 5 / 606 - 612 2349-5162

100 Sreeja C S Adaptive Traffic Control System For Urban Roads: Clearance Of Emergency Vehicles Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 8 / 548 - 554 2349-5162

101 Sreeja C S Advancements in Predictive Modeling for RideShare Systems with Optimal Features Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 11 / 5 / 606 - 612 2349-5162

102 Sridevi R Multi-Valued Neutrosophic Convolutional LSTM for Intrusion Detection International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 16 / 5 / 364 - 375 2185-3118

103 Sudhakar T Neighborhood rough set-based route selection for mobile ad hoc networks International Journal of Communication Systems / / / - 1099-1131

104 Suresh K Lane Detection using Kalman Filtering Procedia Computer Science / 230 / / 598 - 607 1877-0509

105 Thirunavukkarasu V Cloud Intrusion Detection Using Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope / 5 / 2 / 723 - 731 2582-631X

106 Thirunavukkarasu V Robust Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory-Based Class Imbalance Handling in Dyslexia Prediction at its Early Stage SN Computer Science / 4 / 605 / - 2662-995X

107 Tiny S Palathara Economic Growth and Monetary Policy Nexus: An Empirical Evidence from India International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences / 20 / 36 / - 2347-4777

108 Vijay Arputharaj J An IoT-Based Computational Intelligence Model to Perform Gene Analytics in Paternity Testing and Comparison for Health 4.0 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 101 / 14 / 5781 - 5796 1992-8645

109 Vijay Arputharaj J Full Swing Logic Based Full Adder for Low Power Applications Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engi / 537 / / 19 - 36 1867-8211

110 Vijay Arputharaj J Assessment of Some Basic Empirical Path Loss Model for Vhf and Uhf in Kano City Nigerian Environment International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications - IJANA / / / 4971 - 4978 0975-0290

111 Vijay Arputharaj J Prediction of ground water quality in western regions of Tamilnadu using LSTM network Groundwater for Sustainable Development / 25 / / - 2352-801X

112 Vijay Arputharaj J Development of Hybrid Genetic Discretization Genomic model using Correlation-based Clustering Technique Elementary Education Online / / / 2123 - 2130 1305-3515

113 Vijayalakshmi S Foetal brain extraction using mathematically modelled local foetal minima International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology / 42 / 3 / 225 - 243 1752-6426

114 Vijayalakshmi S Stacked LSTM and Kernel-PCA-based Ensemble Learning for Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications / 14 / 09 / 39 - 48 2156-5570

115 Vineetha K R An Enhanced Automation Analysis for Structural Algorithm in Agro-Industries Using IoT ? Engineering Proceedings / 59 / 1 / 1 - 7 2673-4591

116 Vineetha K R Classification of adaptive back propagation neural network along with fuzzy logic in chronic kidney disease e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy / 7 / / 1 - 9 2772-6711

117 Vineetha K R An Innovative Web-Based Solution EcoTRADE for Sustainable Sales and Purchase Operations with Inventory Management JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONS / 11 / 4 / 1 - 5 1076-5131

118 Vineetha K R Technology-Driven Animal Shelter Management: The Pawsitively Rescued International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology / 15 / 4 / 523 - 529 2250-1959

119 Vineetha K R Interactive Learning Progress Tracker for Students with Special Needs International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) / 9 / 12 / 209 - 212 2454-9150

120 Vineetha K R An Emerging Sustainable Approach to Indian E-Commerce by Using German Pfand System- Closed-Loop Packaging and Delivery Optimization International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), / 12 / 4 / 401 - 405 2455-6211

121 Amala Johnson Analysis and Forecasting of Area Under Cultivation of Rice in India: Univariate Time Series Approach SN Computer Science / / / - 2661-8907

122 Amrutha K LiST: A Lightweight Framework for Continuous Indian Sign Language Translation Information / 14 / 2 / - 2078-2489

123 Amrutha K Effortless and beneficial processing of natural languages using transformers Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / / / - 0972-0529

124 Amrutha K Evaluating the Pertinence of Pose Estimation model for Sign Language Translation International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications / 22 / 12 / - 1757-5885

125 Anita H B Identification of Interstitial Lung diseases using Deep Learning International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 10 / 6 / 6283 - 6291 2088-8708

126 Anita H B Volatility Clustering in Nifty Energy Index Using GARCH Model Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks / 131 / / 667 - 681 2367-4512

127 Anita H B Classification on Alzheimer?s Disease MRI Images with VGG-16 and VGG-19 Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (IOT with Smart Systems: Proceedings of ICTIS 2022) / 312 / / 199 - 207 2190-3018

128 Anita H B A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Identifying Interstitial Lung Diseases from HRCT Images SN Computer Science / 4 / 2 / - 2661-8907

129 Avichal Sharma Humans Replaced by AI in HR Practices- A Perspective Scanner International Journal of Advanced Research / / / - 2320-5407

130 Beaulah Soundarabai P An Optimal Benchmarking Technique to Improve Quality of Experience in 4G Indian Public Telecom Sector for Better Network Penetration and Fair Service Pricing TELEMATIQUE / 22 / 1 / 465 - 476 1856-4194

131 Cecil Donald A IoT Based Smart Agriculture To Avoid Post Harvest Losses Using Machine Learning Algorithms Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / 4s / 1130 - 1138 2368-7487

132 Chandra J Nanoparticles and convergence of artificial intelligence for targeted drug delivery for cancer therapy: Current progress and challenges Frontiers in Medical Technology / / / - 2673-3129

133 Debabrata Samanta Design and Implementation of Machine Learning-Based Hybrid Model for Face Recognition System Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies / 324 / / 59 - 68 2190-3026

134 Deepa V Jose Deep learning algorithms for intrusion detection systems in internet of things using CIC-IDS 2017 dataset International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 4 / 1 / 1134 - 1141 2088-8708

135 Gobi R Machine Learning-Enabled NIR Spectroscopy. Part 2: Workflow for Selecting a Subset of Samples from Publicly Accessible Data Springer AAPS PharmSciTech / / / 24 - 34 1530-9932

136 Helen K Joy Deep CNN Based Video Compression With Lung Ultrasound Sample Journal of Applied Science and Engineering / / / - 2708-9975

137 Helen K Joy Design and Implementation of Deep Depth Decision Algorithm for Complexity Reduction in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) / / / - 2156-5570, 2158-107X

138 Helen K Joy Deep learning-based switchable network for in-loop filtering in high efficiency video coding International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE / 13 / 4 / 4640 - 4648 2088-8708, 2722-2578

139 Helen K Joy Decision Algorithm For Intra Prediction In High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University / 57 / 5 / 180 - 193 0258-2724

140 Helen K Joy Modelling of Depth Prediction Algorithm for Intra Prediction Complexity Reduction Acadlore Trans. Mach. Learn. / 1 / 2 / 81 - 89 2957-9570

141 Kavitha R Smart Home Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 20253 - 20260 1938-6737

142 Kirubanand V B Simulation model of Zigbee network to analyze routing protocols for the sustainable healthcare environment Neiroquantalogy / 20 / 8 / 1471 - 1479 1303-5150

143 Lekha J Design and Development of Multi-Sensor ADEP for Bore Wells Integrated with IoT Enabled Monitoring Framework Journal of Machine and Computing / 3 / 2 / 144 - 158 2788-7669

144 Lokanayaki K An AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Optimizing the Mechanical Performance of Natural Fiber-Based Green Composites Advances in Materials Science and Engineering / / / - 1687-8434

145 Lokanayaki K A mini review on recent advancements in inclined solar still Energy Reports / / 8 / 641 - 645 2352-4847

146 Manasa N Kulkarni A survey on P4 challenges in software defined networks: P4 programming IEEE Access / 11 / / 54373 - 54387 2169-3536

147 Manjunatha Hiremath Advanced Computational Method to Extract Heart Artery Region International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology / 70 / 6 / 366 - 378 2231-5381

148 Manjunatha Hiremath Computational Method to Extract the Keyframe from Angiogram video Journal Of Algebraic Statistics / 13 / 3 / 3088 - 3097 1309-3452

149 Mohana Priya T Privacy Protection in Vehicular Networks Based on Blockchain and Edge Intelligence Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / 1 S / 4078 - 4083 2368-7487

150 Mohana Priya T IoT Based Smart Agriculture To Avoid Post Harvest Losses Using Machine Learning Algorithms Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / 4s / 1130 - 1138 2368-7487

151 Mudaser Ahad Bhat Trade Integration and Export Aspiration: Evidence from India?s Trade in Goods with BRICS Countries Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies / 2 / 26 / 490 - 514 2029-4581

152 Nisha Varghese A Comprehensive Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension: Models, Benchmarked Datasets, Evaluation Metrics, and Trends Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies / 2 / / 1 - 15 2367-4512

153 Nisha Varghese Impact of Game Addiction to Emotional, Physical Distress and Academic Performance on College Students: Prediction using Machine Learning and Ensemble Algorithms Indian Journal of Natural Sciences / 14 / 77 / 55068 - 55075 0976-0997

154 Nismon Rio R Robust Deep Learning Empowered Real Time Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles based Surveillance Applications Journal of Mobile Multimedia / 19 / 2 / 451 - 476 1550-4646

155 Nismon Rio R Implementation of multicloud strategies for healthcare organisations to avoid cloud sprawl International Journal of Cloud Computing / 11 / 5-6 / 529 - 536 2043-9989

156 Nizar Banu P K Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Dyslexia Detection ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 10021 - 10034 1938-5862

157 Nizar Banu P K Robust Feature Selection Using Rough Set-Based Ant-Lion Optimizer for Data Classification International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development / 14 / 1 / 1 - 21 1941-6253

158 Peter Augustin D Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of Three Focused Interventions SN Computer Science / 4 / 2 / - 2661-8907

159 Peter Augustin D A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Identifying Interstitial Lung Diseases from HRCT Images SN Computer Science / 4 / 2 / - 2661-8907

160 Peter Augustin D Automation Of Test Case Prioritization: A Systematic Literature Review And Current Trends Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 101 / 3 / 1381 - 1387 1817-3195, 1992-8645

161 Peter Augustin D Identification of Interstitial Lung diseases using Deep Learning International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 10 / 6 / 6283 - 6291 2088-8708

162 Poornima N V Optimized Feed Forward Neural Network For Classification Of Diabetes In Big Data Environment Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University / 23 / 11 / 225 - 236 0972-7175

163 Prabu P A Sampling-Based Stack Framework for Imbalanced Learning in Churn Prediction IEEE Access / 10 / / 68017 - 68028 2169-3536

164 Prabu P Deep fake detection using cascaded deep sparse auto-encoder for effective feature selection peerJ Computer Science / 8 / / e1040 - e1040 2376-5992

165 Prabu P A Sampling-Based Stack Framework for Imbalanced Learning in Churn Prediction IEEE Access / 10 / 2 / 68017 - 68028 2169-3536

166 Prabu P OpenStackDP: a scalable network security framework for SDN-based OpenStack cloud infrastructure Journal of Cloud Computing / 12 / 26 / 1 - 42 2192-113X

167 Prabu P A Representation-Based Query Strategy to Derive Qualitative Features for Improved Churn Prediction IEEE Access / 11 / / 1213 - 1223 2169-3536

168 Prabu P Predicting customer churn: A systematic literature review Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / 25 / 7 / 1965 - 1985 0972-0529

169 Prabu P Effortless and beneficial processing of natural languages using transformers Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / 25 / 7 / 1987 - 2005 0972-0529

170 Prabu P Blockchain-enabled K-harmonic framework for industrial IoT-based systems Scientific Reports / 13 / / 1 - 13 2045-2322

171 Prabu P Design and Implementation of Machine Learning-Based Hybrid Model for Face Recognition System Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies / 324 / / 59 - 68 2190-3026

172 Prabu P Evaluating the Pertinence of Pose Estimation model for Sign Language Translation International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications / 22 / 12 / - 1757-5885

173 Prabu P A Hybrid AES with a Chaotic Map-Based Biometric Authentication Framework for IoT and Industry 4.0 Systems / 11 / 28 / 1 - 20 2079-8954

174 Prabu P LiST: A Lightweight Framework for Continuous Indian Sign Language Translation Information / 14 / 2 / - 2078-2489

175 Prabu P LiST: A Lightweight Framework for Continuous Indian Sign Language Translation Information / 14 / 2 / - 2078-2489

176 Prabu P Effortless and beneficial processing of natural languages using transformers Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / / / - 0972-0529

177 Rajesh Kanna R Effective Urban Ranking Routing Protocol To Improve Data Transmission For Enhanced Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results / 14 / 3 / 2718 - 2732 0976-9234, 2229-7723

178 Rajesh Kanna R A Novel Blockchain-Based Fault-Tolerant Authentication Technique for Secure and QoS Aware Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Using Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / / 190 - 203 2368-7487

179 Rajesh Kanna R Risk identification and traffic prediction based on AI Technologies in VANET Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / / / 4084 - 4089 2368-7487

180 Rajesh Kanna R IoT Based Smart Agriculture To Avoid Post Harvest Losses Using Machine Learning Algorithms Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / 4s / 1130 - 1138 2368-7487

181 Rajesh Kanna R A Blockchain Based Secure Communication in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network International Journal of Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Education / 2 / 4 / - 2833-4531

182 Ramamurthy B Detection and Classification of Thoracic Diseases in Medical Images Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Systematic Review ECS TRANSACTIONS / 107 / 1 / 307 - 315 1938-5862

183 Ramamurthy B Identification of the Quality of Tea Leaves by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Review ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 2053 - 2061 1938-5862

184 Ramamurthy B CBMIR:Content Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Hybrid Texture Feature Extraction Method 2022 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustain / 21845526 / 2022 / 1 - 7 Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-1120-2

185 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Cold Standby Computer System with Up-gradation Priority and Failure of Service Facility Reliability: Theory and Applications / 17 / 4 / 132 - 142 1932-2321

186 Resmi K R A Survey on Deep Learning Concepts and Techniques International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) / 2 / 3 / 20 - 27 2581-9429

187 Resmi K R Person Identification by Models Trained Using Left and Right Ear Images Independently Advances in Computer Science Research / / / 281 - 288 2352-538X

188 Resmi K R Ear Detection in Unconstrained Environment using Faster R-CNN International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) / 14 / 1 / 2989 - 2995 1308-5581

189 Resmi K R A Study about AI and ML: Exploring the Advancement of Generative AI Models International Journal Of Scientific Development And Research / 8 / 3 / 2455 - 2631 2455-2631

190 Resmi K R Ear Recognition Using Rank Level Fusion of Classifiers Outputs Online and Biomedical Engineering / 19 / 3 / 127 - 141 2626-8493

191 Rohini V Disease Detection in Apple Tree Leaves Using CNN Algorithms Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / 4 / 1097 - 1101 2368-7487

192 Sagaya Aurelia P Machine Learning Based Time Series Analysis for COVID-19 Cases in India 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) / 2022 / / 1932 - 1937 2575-7288

193 Sandeep J Simulation model of Zigbee network to analyze routing protocols for the sustainable healthcare environment Neiroquantalogy / 20 / 8 / 1471 - 1479 1303-5150

194 Savithri M Enhancement of QoS in Internet of Things Wearable Devices Dependent on 5G Technology Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing / 2023 / / - 1530-8677

195 Savithri M Automatic Attendance Monitoring in IoT Using Face Recognition Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 10 / 5 / - 2349-5162

196 Senthilnathan T A Hybrid AES with a Chaotic Map-Based Biometric Authentication Framework for IoT and Industry 4.0 Systems / 11 / 28 / 1 - 20 2079-8954

197 Shahid Bashir Is Twin Deficit Hypothesis a Myth or Reality in India? Evidence Using Symmetric ARDL Model with Structural Breaks IASSI Quarterly / 42 / 1 / 58 - 80 0970-9061

198 Shoney Sebastian Review of an Efficient Software Metric Parameters for Component-Based Software Engineering International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security / 22 / 11 / 778 - 784 1738-7906

199 Suresh K IoT Based Smart Agriculture To Avoid Post Harvest Losses Using Machine Learning Algorithms Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences / 10 / 4s / 1130 - 1138 2368-7487

200 Tomin Joseph Supreme Court Dialogue Classification Using Supervised Machine Learning Models International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering(IJECE) / 13 / 2 / 2350 - 2355 2088-8708

201 Vijay Arputharaj J Iot-Based Computational Intelligence Tool For Paternity Testing And Parental Comparison Using Correlation-Based Clustering And Svm Classification Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 101 / 7 / 2726 - 2741 1992-8645

202 Vijay Arputharaj J Comparisons of Filter, Wrapper and Embedded-Based Feature Selection Techniques for Consistency of Software Metrics Analysis SLU Journal of Science and Technology (SLUJST) / / / - 2736-0903

203 Vijayalakshmi S A Precise Computational Method for Hippocampus Segmentation from MRI of Brain to Assist Physicians in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications / 21(3) / 2250020 (2022) / 2250020 - 2250020 1469-0268, 1757-5885

204 Vineetha K R Cloud Security and Homomorphic Encryption techniques For Identity Management in Cloud Computing International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) / 13 / 2 / - 2250-3005

205 Vineetha K R Digital Data Storage on DNA International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA). / 13 / 04 / 133 - 139 2248-9622

206 Vineetha K R An Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine Technique Used For Website Quality Evaluation Journal Of Applied Science And Computations / 10 / 3 / 31 - 39 1076-5131

207 Vineetha K R Skinput Bio-Acoustic Sensing Technology: A New Era of Interaction with Electronic Devices International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) / 11 / IV / 810 - 814 2321-9653

208 Vineetha K R Design And Implementation of Secure Qr Payment Based on Visual Cryptography International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / 5 / 2 / 1 - 10 2582-2160

209 Vineetha K R Empirical Evaluation and Prediction of Crop Yield Process Using Machine Learning Methodology International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) / 8 / 11 / 76 - 80 2454-9150

210 Vineetha K R Deep Learning for Computer Vision: Convolutional Neural Networks INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY / 7 / 4 / 98 - 105 2456-6683

211 Vineetha K R Outbreak Detection And Prevention Technique Of Sql Injection Attacking Using Machine Learning Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 10 / 3 / 292 - 298 2349-5162

212 Vineetha K R The Emergence of Decentralized Business Models: Blockchain Interruption and Decentralized Finance / 10 / 6 / 2165 - 2171 2321-9653

213 Akhil M Nair Analysis of Market Behavior Using Popular Digital Design Technical Indicators and Neural Network Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 209 / / 445 - 458 2367-3370, 2367-3389

214 Akhil M Nair Content Based Scientific Article Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Technique Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 204 / / 965 - 977 2367-3370

215 Akhil M Nair A Citation Recommendation System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies / / / 423 - 433 2367-4512

216 Akhil M Nair Document Classification for Recommender Systems Using Graph Convolutional Networks Data Science and Security. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 290 / / 403 - 410 2367-3370, 2367-3389

217 Akhil M Nair Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transaction Using ANN and SVM Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing. UBICNET 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Co / 383 / / 187 - 197 2367-3370, 2367-3389

218 Akhil M Nair A Pragmatic Study on Movie Recommender Systems Using Hybrid Collaborative Filtering IoT and Analytics for Sensor Networks / 244 / / 489 - 494 2367-3389, 2367-3370

219 Alwin Joseph Consumer Acceptance towards AI-enabled Chatbots; case of Travel and Tourism Industries Journal of Positive School Psychology / 6 / 3 / 3880 - 3889 2717-7564

220 Anita H B Analysis of Kidney Ultrasound Images Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques: A Review Pervasive Computing and Social Networking / 317 / / 183 - 199 2367-3370

221 Anita H B Categorization of artwork images based on painters using CNN Journal of Physics: Conference Series / 1818 / / 1 - 9 1742-6596

222 Anita H B Grading of Apples Using Multiple Features Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 356 / / 191 - 200 2367-3389

223 Anita H B Grading of Red Chilli, Cardamom and Coriander Using Image Processing Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 356 / / 425 - 433 2367-3389

224 Anita H B Classification of North and South Indian Handwritten Scripts using Gabor Wavelet Features Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 15 / 16 / 712 - 717 0974-5645

225 Ashok Immanuel V Suitability of self-organizing service composition approach for smart healthcare ecosystem: A study SHS Web of Conferences / 139 / / - 2261-2424

226 Cecil Donald A Cloud security based attack detection using transductive learning integrated with Hidden Markov Model Pattern Recognition Letters / 157 / / 16 - 26 0167-8655

227 Cecil Donald A AROSTEV: A Unified Framework to Enhance Secure Routing in IoT Environment Lecture Notes in Networks Systems, Springer Nature / 399 / / 251 - 261 2367-3389

228 Cecil Donald A AROSTEV: A Unified Framework to Enhance Secure Routing in IoT Environment Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370

229 Chandra J A Systematic Review on Features Extraction Techniques for Aspect Based Text Classification using Artificial Intelligence ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 2507 - 2514 1938-5862

230 Chandra J A Systematic Review on Prognosis of Autism Using Machine Learning Techniques ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 11623 - 11632 1938-5862

231 Chandra J Multimodal Classification on PET/CT Image Fusion for Lung Cancer: A Comprehensive Survey ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - 1938-5862

232 Chandra J Machine Learning Approaches for Efficient Analysis of Neuroimaging Techniques SHS Web of Conferences / 139 / / - 2261-2424

233 Chandra J Preprocessing Pipelines for EEG SHS Web of Conferences / 139 / / - 2261-2424

234 Debabrata Samanta Cipher Block Chaining Support Vector Machine for Secured Decentralized Cloud Enabled Intelligent IoT Architecture IEEE Access / 9 / / 98013 - 98025 2169-3536

235 Debabrata Samanta A novel approach for Linguistic steganography evaluation based on artificial neural networks IEEE Access / 9 / / - 2169-3536

236 Debabrata Samanta Trends in Terahertz Biomedical Applications Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / / / - 1876-1100

237 Debabrata Samanta Elementary Methods for Generating Three-Dimensional Coordinate Estimation and Image Reconstruction from Series of Two-Dimensional Images. Mathematical Problems in Engineering / / / - 1024-123X

238 Debabrata Samanta A Novel Approach for Web Mining Taxonomy for High-Performance Computing Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 291 / / 425 - 432 2367-3370

239 Debabrata Samanta Security Aspects for Mutation Testing in Mobile Applications Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 291 / / 17 - 27 2367-3370

240 Debabrata Samanta Classification Framework for Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 291 / / 29 - 36 2367-3370

241 Debabrata Samanta Predictive Analysis of the Recovery Rate from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 291 / / 309 - 320 2367-3370

242 Debabrata Samanta A Real-Time Approach with Deep Learning for Pandemic Management EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing / / / 113 - 139 2522-8595

243 Debabrata Samanta Social Media and Steganography: Use, Risks and Current Status IEEE Access / / / 2169 - 3536 2169-3536

244 Debabrata Samanta Efficient Neighbour Feedback Based Trusted Multi Authenticated Node Routing Model for Secure Data Transmission Sustainability / 13 / / - 2071-1050

245 Debabrata Samanta Insights into Artificial Neural Network techniques, and its Application in Steganography Journal of Physics: Conference Series / / / - 1742-6588

246 Debabrata Samanta Adaptive Fault-Tolerant System and Optimal Power Allocation for Smart Vehicles in Smart Cities Using Controller Area Network Security and Communication Networks / 2021 / / - 1939-0114

247 Debabrata Samanta Approach for Collision Minimization and Enhancement of Power Allocation in WSNs. Journal of Sensors / 2021 / / - 1687-725X

248 Debabrata Samanta Juice Jacking: Security Issues and Improvements in USB Technology Sustainability / 14 / 2 / - 2071-1050

249 Debabrata Samanta Software Systems Security Vulnerabilities Management by Exploring the Capabilities of Language Models Using NLP Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience / 2021 / / - 1687-5265

250 Debabrata Samanta Data Security-Based Routing in MANETs Using Key Management Mechanism Applied Sciences / 12 / 3 / - 2076-3417

251 Debabrata Samanta A Multi-Modal Approach to Digital Document Stream Segmentation for Title Insurance Domain IEEE Access / 4 / / - 2169-3536

252 Debabrata Samanta Mathematical Foundations Based Statistical Modeling of Software Source Code for Software System Evolution Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering / 19 / 4 / 3701 - 3719 1547-1063

253 Debabrata Samanta Cardinal Digital Image Data Fortification Expending Steganography International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 2 / 5S2 / - 2277-3878

254 Debabrata Samanta Machine Learning Technology-Based Heart Disease Detection Models Journal of Healthcare Engineering / / / - 2040-2295

255 Debabrata Samanta Rendering View of Kitchen Design Using Autodesk 3Ds Max Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / / / - 1876-1100

256 Debabrata Samanta Controlling Node Failure Localization in Data Networks Using Probing Mechanisms Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / / / - 1876-1100

257 Debabrata Samanta Effective View of Swimming Pool Using Autodesk 3ds Max: 3D Modelling and Rendering Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / / / - 1876-1100

258 Debabrata Samanta Mining and Interpretation of Critical Aspects of Infant Health Status Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Feature Selection Approaches IEEE Access / / / 32622 - 32638 2169-3536

259 Debabrata Samanta IIRM: Intelligent Information Retrieval Model for Structured Documents by One-Shot Training Using Computer Vision Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering / / / - Springer Nature

260 Debabrata Samanta IoT-Based Response Time Analysis of Messages for Smart Autonomous Collision Avoidance System Using Controller Area Network Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing / / / - 1530-8669

261 Debabrata Samanta Deep Learning Inspired Nonlinear Classification Methodology for Handwritten Digits Recognition Using DSR Encoder Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering / / / - 2193-567X

262 Debabrata Samanta Sixth-Generation (6G) Mobile Cloud Security and Privacy Risks for AI System Using High-Performance Computing Implementation Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing / / / - 1530-8669

263 Gobi R Deep Learning Enabled Object Detection and Tracking Model for Big Data Environment Computers, Materials and Continua / 73 / 2, 2022 / 2541 - 2554 1546-2218, 1546-2226

264 Gunavathi R An Early Disease Prediction Model for Diabetes Patients with Machine Learning Approach Design Engineering (Toronto) / 2021 / 6 / 3357 - 0011-9342

265 Hubert Shanthan AROSTEV: A Unified Framework to Enhance Secure Routing in IoT Environment Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370

266 Jitendra Kaushik Inventory model for deteriorating items with ramp type demand under permissible delay in payment International Journal of Procurement Management / 14 / 5 / 578 - 595 1753-8440, 1753-8432

267 Jitendra Kaushik Two echelon inventory models with the market price, advertisement, and discount sensitive demand in the non-co-operative environment Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology / / / - 0125-3395

268 Jitendra Kaushik Development of Inventory Models for Deteriorating Items Considering Uniform, Price and Time-Dependent Demand - A review Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences / / / - 0974-6803

269 Jitendra Kaushik Inventory Model for Perishable items for Ramp type demand with an assumption of Preservative technology and Weibull deterioration International Journal of Procurement Management / / / - 1753-8440

270 Joy Paulose NLP-based personal learning assistant for school education. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering / 11 / 5 / - 2088 8708

271 Joy Paulose Foreword Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / 24 / 8 / - 0972-0529

272 Joy Paulose Sentiment Analysis on COVID-19 Related Social Distancing Across the Globe Using Twitter Data ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - 1938-5862, 1938-6737

273 Joy Paulose On Combinatorial Handoff Strategies for Spectrum Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Review Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies / 2022 / 248 / 727 - 741 2190-3018, 2190-3026

274 Kirubanand V B A novel approach to increase product sale in flipkart by identification of sentiments in product reviews GIS Science Journal / 8 / 11 / 290 - 296 1869-9391

275 Kirubanand V B GST on Salaried class people in Sarawak Malaysia Journal of positive school Phycology / 6 / 2 / 313 - 322 2717-7564

276 Kirubanand V B Improving Security in Internet of Things using DNA Cryptosystems Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils / 8 / 5 / 4583 - 4587 2148-9637

277 Kirubanand V B The Process Of Converting Natural Language To Sqlquery Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils / 8 / 4 / 11651 - 11661 2148-9637

278 Kirubanand V B Dynamic ways of using DAS with reduced call drops and hands-off International Journal of Health Sciences / / / - 2550-6978, 2550-696X

279 Kirubanand V B Stress Analysis based on Atmospheric, Physical, and Personal Stressors to Improve Deployment of Military Personnel NeuroQuantology / 20 / 5(2022) / 2206 - 2023 1303-5150

280 Libin Chacko Samuel Upper domatic number of regular graphs Discrete Mathematics Letters / 8 / / 16 - 21 2664-2557

281 Libin Chacko Samuel Transitivity of trees Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications / / / - 1793-8309

282 Manasa N Kulkarni What are the research challenges that Academic Researchers face, and how do they overcome them? Academia / / / - NA

283 Naived George Eapen Elementary Methods for Generating Three-Dimensional Coordinate Estimation and Image Reconstruction from Series of Two-Dimensional Images. Mathematical Problems in Engineering / / / - 1024-123X

284 Naived George Eapen Security Aspects for Mutation Testing in Mobile Applications Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 291 / / 17 - 27 2367-3370

285 Nisha Varghese Semantic Similarity Extraction on Corpora Using Natural Language Processing Techniques and Text Analytics Algorithms Algorithms for Intelligent Systems / / / 163 - 176 2524-7565

286 Nismon Rio R Systematic Maintenance Of Block Chain Enabled Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring Scheme Using Internet Of Things Design Engineering / / 7 / 192 - 203 0011-9342

287 Nismon Rio R ILeHCSA: an internet of things enabled smart home automation scheme with speech enabled controlling options using machine learning strategy International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration / 8 / 85 / 1695 - 1704 2394-5443

288 Nismon Rio R Security Aspects for Mutation Testing in Mobile Applications Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 291 / / 17 - 27 2367-3370

289 Prabu M Industrial-IoT-hardware security-improvement using plan load optimization method in cloud International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management / / / - 0976-4348

290 Prabu M Powerful basic frequency extraction from monophonic signs utilizing versatile sub-band separating International Journal of Speech Technology / / / - 1572-8110

291 Prabu M Correction to: Industrial-iot-hardware security-improvement using plan load optimization method in cloud International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management / / / - 0976-4348

292 Prabu P Secure biometric authentication with de-duplication on distributed cloud storage peerJ computer science / 7 / / e569 - e569 2376-5992

293 Prabu P Cross-Layer Hidden Markov Analysis for Intrusion Detection / 70 / 2 / - 1546-2226

294 Prabu P Deep Learning Based Modeling of Groundwater Storage Change Computers, Materials & Continua / 70 / 3 / 4599 - 4617 1546-2226

295 Prabu P Improved Dragonfly Optimizer for Intrusion Detection Using Deep Clustering CNN-PSO Classifier Computers, Materials & Continua / 70 / 3 / 5949 - 5965 1546-2226

296 Prabu P An empirical analysis of ICT tools with gamification for the Indian school education system International Journal of Enterprise Network Management / 12 / 3 / 258 - 274 1748-1260

297 Prabu P Kernel Granulometric Texture Analysis and Light RES-ASPP-UNET Classification for Covid-19 Detection Computers, Materials & Continua / 71 / 1 / 651 - 666 1546-2226

298 Prabu P Covid-19 CT Lung Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm Computers, Materials & Continua / 71 / 1 / 1133 - 1152 1546-2226

299 Prabu P Brain Image Classification Using Time Frequency Extraction with Histogram Intensity Similarity Computer Systems Science and Engineering / 41 / 2 / 445 - 460 0267-6192

300 Prabu P Machine Learning Technique to Detect Radiations in the Brain Computer Systems Science and Engineering / 42 / 1 / 149 - 163 0267-6192

301 Prabu P Corpus based sentimenal movie review analysis using auto encoder convolutional neural network Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / 24 / 8 / 2323 - 2339 0972-0529

302 Prabu P Deep Belief Neural Network for 5G Diabetes Monitoring in Big Data on Edge IoT Mobile Networks and Applications / 3 / 1 / 1 - 12 1572-8153

303 Prabu P Smart Edge Computing for 5 g/6 g Satellite IOT for Reducing Inter Transmission Delay Mobile Networks and Applications / 2 / 4 / 1 - 10 1572-8153

304 Prabu P Performance evaluation of artificial neural networks in sustainable modelling biodiesel synthesis Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments / 52 / Part A / 1 - 16 2213-1388

305 Prabu P Effective Tensor Based PCA Machine Learning Techniques for Glaucoma Detection and ASPP ? EffUnet Classification Lecture Notes in Computer Science / 13079 / / 181 - 192 1611-3349

306 Rajani Kumari Early Diagnosis of COVID-19 Patients Using Deep Learning-based Deep Forest Model Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence  / / / - 1362-3079

307 Rajani Kumari Multi-class SVM based network intrusion detection with attribute selection using infinite feature selection technique Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / 24 / 8 / 2137 - 2153 0972-0529

308 Ramamurthy B Corpus based sentimenal movie review analysis using auto encoder convolutional neural network Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography / 24 / 8 / 2323 - 2339 0972-0529

309 Rohini V Improving Security in Internet of Things using DNA Cryptosystems Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils / 8 / 5 / 4583 - 4587 2148-9637

310 Rohini V The Process Of Converting Natural Language To Sqlquery Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils / 8 / 4 / 11651 - 11661 2148-9637

311 Rohini V Sentiment Analysis on COVID-19 Related Social Distancing Across the Globe Using Twitter Data ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - 1938-5862, 1938-6737

312 Rohini V Dynamic ways of using DAS with reduced call drops and hands-off International Journal of Health Sciences / / / - 2550-6978, 2550-696X

313 Rohini V NLP-based personal learning assistant for school education. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering / 11 / 5 / - 2088 8708

314 Rohini V A novel approach to increase product sale in flipkart by identification of sentiments in product reviews GIS Science Journal / 8 / 11 / 290 - 296 1869-9391

315 Sagaya Aurelia P Developing a website for a bank's Machine LearningBased Loan Prediction System International Journal of Mechanical Engineering / 7 / 3 / 475 - 483 0974-5823

316 Sagaya Aurelia P Impact of Prolonged Screen Time on the Mental Health of Students during COVID-19 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370, 2367-3389

317 Sandeep J A Review on Synchronization and Localization of Devices in WSN Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / 2022 / 840 / 585 - 602 1876-1100; 1876-1119

318 Sandeep J On Combinatorial Handoff Strategies for Spectrum Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Review Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies / 2022 / 248 / 727 - 741 2190-3018, 2190-3026

319 Sandeep J Stress Analysis based on Atmospheric, Physical, and Personal Stressors to Improve Deployment of Military Personnel NeuroQuantology / 20 / 5(2022) / 2206 - 2023 1303-5150

320 Shoney Sebastian Secured and Provisioned Access Authentication using Subscribed user Identity in Federated Clouds International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) / 12 / 11 / 178 - 187 2158-107X, 2156-5570

321 Smitha Vinod Financial well-being A Generation Z perspective using a Structural Equation Modeling approach? Investment Management and Financial Innovations" / 19 / 1 / 32 - 50 1810-4967, 1812-9358

322 Vaishnavi Balaji Analysis of Land Surface Temperature based on NDVI in Basavana Bagewadi Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 4 / 995 - 1000 0304-5250

323 Vijay Arputharaj J Hybrid Genetic Discretization Model With Parental Comparison Using Correlation Clustering For Distributed Dna Databases Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 100 / 5 / 1390 - 1403 1992-8645

324 Vijay Arputharaj J Evaluation on Threats to Privacy In Personal Relationships International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications - IJANA / 12 / 4 / 5089 - 5094 0975-0290

325 Vijay Arputharaj J The Role Of Artificial Intelligence And Data Mining In Knowledge Management Technologies International Journal of Business Review And Entrepreneurship / / / 57 - 72 1115-9146

326 Vijayalakshmi S Foetal brain extraction using mathematically modelled local foetal minima International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology / / / - 1752-6426

327 Vijayalakshmi S Detection and Classification of Colorectal Polyp Using Deep Learning BioMed Research International / 2022 / / - 2314-6141

328 Vijayalakshmi S Alleviating Data Storage Challenge Through Virtualization Of Blockchain Embedded With Internet Of Things / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) / 13 / / 312 - 323 0976-5166

329 Vineetha K R Cloud Computing Based Image Data Model Optimization Approach International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) / 8 / 2 / 152 - 159 2454-9150

330 Vineetha K R An Emperical Evaluation of Institutional Data Relevance Using Educational Data Mining International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods / 10 / 5 / 1201 - 1210 2455-6211

331 Vineetha K R EFFECTUAL ILLNESS ANALYSIS USING HURISTIC CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGIES IN DATAMINING International Journal of Novel Research and Development / 7 / 5 / 1426 - 1430 2456-4184

332 Vineetha K R Empirical Estimation Of Classification Models For Prediction Of Diabetic Related Diseases Using Bigdata On The Cloud And Hadoop International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) / 10 / 5 / 372 - 380 2320-2882

333 Vineetha K R An Adaptive Smartphone Anomaly Detection Model Based On Data Mining And Classifcation Technique INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR.ORG) / 9 / 2 / 850 - 861 2348-1269,

334 Akhil M Nair Similarity Analysis for Citation Recommendation System using Binary Encoded Data 2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE) / / / - 0012-7582

335 Anita H B Identification of Interstitial Lung diseases using Deep Learning International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 10 / 6 / 6283 - 6291 2088-8708

336 Arokia Paul Rajan R Cyber Bullying- A Threat To Children And Their Psycho-Social Ambience Psychology and Education / 57 / 9 / 1106 - 1109 0033-3077

337 Beaulah Soundarabai P Malaroid: A static-based malware detection in android using machine learning Proteus Journal / 11 / 8 / 57 - 64 0889-6348

338 Chandra J Experimental Evaluation on image Segmentation for Heart Images International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology / - / - / 269 - 280 1757-2665

339 Chandra J Random forest application on cognitive level classification of E-learning content International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 10 / 4 / 4372 - 4380 2088-8708

340 Chandra J An Integrated Segmentation Techniques for Myocardial Ischemia Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis / 3 / 3 / 530 - 540 1054-6618

341 Chandra J Stress Classification of Medical Practitioners Using Machine Learning Techniques Solid State Technology / 6 / 4 / 7098 - 7104 0038-111X

342 Chandra J The Role of Machine Learning in Cancer Genome Analysis for Precision Medicine Elementary Education Online / 20 / 5 / 1109 - 117 1305-3515

343 Chandra J Study of hierarchical learning and properties of convolution layer using sign language recognition model Elementary Education Online / 20 / 5 / 1118 - 1127 1305-3515

344 Debabrata Samanta A clinical study of hepatitis B Journal of Critical Reviews / 6 / 5 / 81 - 84 2394-5125

345 Debabrata Samanta Hybrid Approach to Document Anomaly Detection: An Application to Facilitate RPA in Title Insurance International Journal of Automation and Computing / / / - 1476-8186

346 Debabrata Samanta The realist approach for evaluation of computational intelligence in software engineering Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering / / / - 1614-5054

347 Debabrata Samanta PEVRM: Probabilistic Evolution Based Version Recommendation Model for Mobile Applications IEEE Access / 9 / / 20819 - 20827 2169-3536

348 Debabrata Samanta Green Computing practice in ICT Based Method: Innovation in Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) / / / - 1548-1093, 1548-1107

349 Debabrata Samanta A novel approach for semantic web application in online education based on steganography International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) / 17 / 4 / - 1548-1093, 1548-1107

350 Debabrata Samanta IoT-based smart alert system for drowsy driver detection Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing / 2021 / / 1 - 13 1530-8669

351 Debabrata Samanta Reducing Approximation Error with Rapid Convergence Rate for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) Mathematics and Statistics / / 2332-2144 / - 2332-2071

352 Debabrata Samanta Design and Development of Terahertz Medical Screening Devices Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering / / / - 1876-1100, 1876-1119

353 Debabrata Samanta Tunable Graphene Nanopatch Antenna Design for On-Chip Integrated Terahertz Detector Arrays with Potential Application in Cancer Imaging Nanomedicine / 16 / 2 / - 1743-5889

354 Debabrata Samanta A Deep Learning Model for Information Loss Prevention From Multi-Page Digital Documents IEEE Access / 9 / / 80451 - 80465 2169-3536

355 Debabrata Samanta DAWM: Cost-Aware Asset Claim Analysis Approach on Big Data Analytic Computation Model for Cloud Data Centre Security and Communication Networks / / / - 1939-0114

356 Debabrata Samanta A New Combinational Technique in Image Steganography International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) / 15 / 3 / - 1930-1650

357 Gobi R Opinion Mining On Tweets By Using Machine Learning Classification Model Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 19 / 1239 - 1246 2394-5125

358 Gobi R Decentralized Relocation And Transmission Range Adjustment For Coverage Hole Recovery In Wsn Using Game Theory Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 19 / 1387 - 1392 2394-5125

359 Gobi R A multi-scale and rotation-invariant phase pattern (MRIPP) and a stack of restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) with preprocessing for facial expression classification Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing / / / - 868-5145, 1868-5137

360 Gobi R Blockchain enabled energy efficient red deer algorithm based clustering protocol for Pervasive Wireless Sensor Networks Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems / 28 / / - 2210-5379, 2210-5387

361 Gobi R Smartphone based indoor localization and tracking model using bat algorithm and Kalman filter Multimedia Tools and Applications / / / - 1573-7721

362 Helen K Joy A Comprehensive Review of Traditional Video Processing Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) / 5 / 6 / 274 - 279 2415-6698

363 Jayanta Biswas An efficient hybrid digital architecture for space vector PWM method for multilevel VSI Journal of Power electronics / 2020 / 07 / - 1598-2092

364 Jayanta Biswas Advanced hybrid SVPWM techniques for two level VSI International Journal of Electronics / 2 / / 1 - 27 0020-7217

365 Jayanta Biswas Design space exploration of optimized hybrid SVPWM techniques based on spatial region for three level VSI Journal of Electrical Engineering / / / 1 - 23 2093-7423

366 Jayanta Biswas A Voltage Balancing Scheme for Modular Multilevel Converter Based on Charge Variation in Each Cycle IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics / 2 / 2 / 173 - 183 2687-9735

367 Jayanta Biswas An Optimized Hybrid PWM Strategy for Five level NPC VSI With Unequal DC-Links in a PV System IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS / / / - 2687-9735

368 Jayanta Biswas Efficient Resource Management For The Remote Systems In The Cloud Ecosystem GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL / 7 / 12 / 309 - 312 1869-9391

369 Jitendra Kaushik The Preservative Technology in the Inventory Model for the Deteriorating Items with Weibull Deterioration Rate Lecture Notes in Network System / / / - 2367-3370

370 Joy Paulose Implementing and Experimenting with Open MUL Scalability in Software Defined Network Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies / 11 / 1 / 1 - 12 2395-5317

371 Joy Paulose Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 4 / 55 - 72 1947-959X

372 Joy Paulose Novel Model to Inculcate Proactive Behaviour in Programmable Switches for Flood Light controlled Software Defined Network Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science / 747 / DEC 17, 2020 / 1 - 19 1344-9443

373 Kirubanand V B An Enhanced Biometric Attendance Monitoring System Using Queuing Petri Nets in Private Cloud Computing with Playfair Cipher Journal of advanced research dynamic control / 12 / 5-special issue / 459 - 468 1943-023X

374 Kirubanand V B Handwritten Text Recognition using Deep Learning and Word Beam Search Turkish journal of computer and mathematics edcuation / 12 / 2 (2021) / 2905 - 2911 1309-4653

375 Kirubanand V B Real-time Conversion of American Sign Language to textusing Deep learning Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology / 50 / 4 / 1 - 8 1671-4512


377 Kirubanand V B Malware Detection Using Stacking Algorithm Transteller / 11 / 1 / 91 - 94 2249-6831

378 Kirubanand V B Environment based Precision Agriculture Psychology and Education / 58 / 2 / 6157 - 6164 0033-3077

379 Libin Chacko Samuel The upper domatic number of powers of graphs Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization / 6 / 1 / 53 - 65 2538-2128

380 Libin Thomas Implementing and Experimenting with Open MUL Scalability in Software Defined Network Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies / 11 / 1 / 1 - 12 2395-5317

381 Libin Thomas Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 4 / 55 - 72 1947-959X

382 Libin Thomas Novel Model to Inculcate Proactive Behaviour in Programmable Switches for Flood Light controlled Software Defined Network Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science / 747 / DEC 17, 2020 / 1 - 19 1344-9443

383 Manjunatha Hiremath Image Processing Techniques for Acute Leukemia Detection International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER) / 8 / 10 / 7320 - 7327 2347-3983

384 Manjunatha Hiremath Image Processing Techniques for Acute Leukaemia Detection til et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(10), October 2020, 7 / 8 / 10 / 7320 - 7327 2347-3983

385 Mohana Priya T Machine Learning Algorithm for Development of Enhanced Support Vector Machine Technique to Predict Stress Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering / 20 / 2 / 62 - 72 0975-4172

386 Nisha Varghese Word Vector Representations: Sparse Versus Dense Vectors Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature / 12 / 1 / 360 - 367 2349-8420

387 Nismon Rio R PSA-MP: Path Selection Algorithm for MANET depends on Mobility Prediction to Enhance Link Stability Journal of Physics:Conference Series / 1712 / NA / 1 - 12 1742-6596

388 Nismon Rio R Big Data Analytics Parameters, Domains and Techniques in a Nutshell Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology / 25 / 6 / 1922 - 1927 1583-6258

389 Nizar Banu P K Fuzzy based Manu's fire segmentation algorithm International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics / 8 / 3 / 221 - 238 1758-8723

390 Peter Augustin D Identification of Interstitial Lung diseases using Deep Learning International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 10 / 6 / 6283 - 6291 2088-8708

391 Prabu M Design and Evaluation of Wi-Fi Offloading Mechanism in Heterogeneous Networks International Journal of e-Collaboration / 17 / 1 / 60 - 70 1548-3673

392 Prabu P Energy Efficient Data Collection in Sparse Sensor Networks using Multiple Mobile Data Patrons Computers and Electrical Engineering / / / - 0045-7906

393 Prabu P Secured and flexible user authentication protocol for wireless sensor network International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems / 8 / 4 / 253 - 265 2049-6427

394 Rajesh Kanna R Machine Learning Algorithm for Development of Enhanced Support Vector Machine Technique to Predict Stress Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering / 20 / 2 / 62 - 72 0975-4172

395 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Computer System with Software Redundancy and Failure of Service Facility International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 4 / 7279 - 7288 2207-6360

396 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Computer System with Hardware Redundancy and Priority to Software Up-gradation subject to Failure of Service Facility during Repair International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering / 7 / 1 / 10 - 167 2456-2378

397 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Computer System with Unit Wise Redundancy in Cold Standby and Failure of Service Facility International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences / 16 / 2 / 797 - 806 0976-3392

398 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Unit Wise Redundant Computer System with Priority to Hardware Repair and Failure of Service Facility during Software Up-gradation International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering / 7 / 3 / 342 - 349 2350-0174

399 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Computer System with Unit Wise Cold Standby Redundancy and Priority to Hardware Repair Subject to Failure of Service Facility International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering / 28 / 2 / 2150013 - 1793-6446

400 Resmi K R An Empirical Study And Evaluation On Automatic Ear Detection International Journal of Computing / 19 / 4 / 575 - 582 1727-6209

401 Rohini V Prediction of Leaves Using Convolutional Neural Network International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems / 9 / 5 / 35 - 38 2328-7683

402 Rohini V Environment based Precision Agriculture Psychology and Education / 58 / 2 / 6157 - 6164 0033-3077

403 Rohini V A novel framework for synthesizing nested queries in SQL from business requirements language Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education / 12 / 2 / 2680 - 2691 1309-4653

404 Sagaya Aurelia P Amelioration of machine learning and Artificial intelligence in medical Management (a case study on the pandemic of covid-19 cases in asia) Information Technology in Industry / 9 / 1 / 106 - 117 2204-0595, 2203-1731

405 Sagaya Aurelia P Integrated of block-chain and IoT for data storage and management Materials Today: Proceedings / / / - 2214-7853

406 Sagaya Aurelia P Nautical Communication Relying on Mobile Ad-hoc Network via Augmented Reality Devices materialstoday:proceedings / / / - 2214-7853

407 Sagaya Aurelia P Global reverberation and prediction for HRM amid and after COVID-19: A technological viewpoint Materials today:proceeding / / / - 2214-7853

408 Sagaya Aurelia P Educational Transformation Through OBE Computer Architecture- AN ANAMNESIS Journal of Critical Review / 7 / 15 / 984 - 996 2394-5125

409 Sagaya Aurelia P Diagnosis of skin pigmentation disorders using image processing State of Art and future scope Jouranl of Critical Reviews / 7 / 15 / 952 - 969 2394-5125

410 Sandeep J Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 4 / 55 - 72 1947-959X

411 Savithri M Applications of IoT in Agriculture International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Techno / / / - 2456:3307

412 Senthilnathan T Secured and flexible user authentication protocol for wireless sensor network International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems / 8 / 4 / 253 - 265 2049-6427

413 Sreeja C S PCR and Bio-signature for Data Confidentiality and Integrity in Mobile Cloud Computing Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences / 33 / 4 / 426 - 435 1319-1578

414 Vaidhehi V Perturbation of Sensitive Student Information for Analyzing Student Performance GIS Science Journal / 8 / 4 / 752 - 756 1869-9391

415 Vandana Vijay Bhagat Application of Hydroponic Farming Using Leafy Green Machines for Sustainable Oriented Agriculture by Applying Deep Learning Methods MACHINES FOR SUSTAINABLE ORIENTED AGRICULTURE BY APPLYING DEEP LEARNING METHODS Plant Archives / 20 / / - 0972-5210

416 Vijay Arputharaj J Incentive-Scheduling Algorithms to Provide Green Computational Data Center SN Computer Science / / / - 2662-995X

417 Anita H B Classification of architectural designs using Deep Learning International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) / 9 / 3 / 2471 - 2474 2249-8958

418 Arokia Paul Rajan R Evaluation of web applications based on UX parameters International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / 4 / 2564 - 2570 2088-8708

419 Arokia Paul Rajan R Application of Data Analytics Principles in Healthcare International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 8 / 2S11 / 3151 - 3155 2277-3878

420 Arokia Paul Rajan R Evaluation and Applying Feature Extraction Techniques for Face Detection and Recognition Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics / 7 / 4 / 742 - 749 2089-3272

421 Arokia Paul Rajan R A review on serverless architectures - function as a service (FaaS) in cloud computing TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control / 18 / 1 / 530 - 537 1693-6930

422 Arokia Paul Rajan R Efficient Horizontal Scaling of Databases using Data Sharding Technique International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 9 / 5 / 590 - 593 2278-3075

423 Arokia Paul Rajan R Snapshot based Disaster Recovery on Cloud International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology / 9 / 3 / 775 - 779 2249-8958

424 Beaulah Soundarabai P Essentials of IoT Based Remote Healthcare For Old Aged People Adalya Journal / 9 / 1 / 839 - 849 1301-2746

425 Beaulah Soundarabai P Electroencephalogram based Brain Computer Interface System Analysis International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 9 / 3S / 432 - 439 2278-3075

426 Cecil Donald A Priority Intensed Meta Task Scheduling Algorithm for Multi Cloud Environment (PIMTSA) Journal of Physics: Conference Series / / / - 1742-6588

427 Chandra J Machine Learning Based Text Document Classification for E-Learning International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 5 / 194 - 200 2277-3878

428 Chandra J Automated Segmentation and Classification of Nuclei in Histopathological Images International journal of biomedical engineering and technology / / / - 1752-6418

429 Chandra J Sentiment analysis on social media data using intelligent techniques International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology / 12 / 3 / 440 - 445 0974-3154

430 Debabrata Samanta Level of Green Computing based Management Practices for Digital Revolution and New India International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) / 8 / 3S / 133 - 136 2249-8958

431 Debabrata Samanta A novel free space communication system using nonlinear InGaAsP micro system resonators for enabling power-control toward smart cities Wireless Networks : The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information / 25 / 4 / 1 - 12 1022-0038, 1572-8196

432 Debabrata Samanta Balanced Constrained Partitioning of Distinct Objects International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 8 / 11S / 104 - 106 2278-3075

433 Debabrata Samanta Enhancement of Education with Wearable Computing Device CSI Communications / 43 / 10 / 18 - 20 0970-647X

434 Debabrata Samanta Malicious node detection using heterogeneous cluster based secure routing protocol (HCBS) in wireless adhoc sensor networks Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing / / / - 1868-5137

435 Debabrata Samanta A Hybridization Approach based Semantic Approach to the Software Engineering Test Engineering and Management / 83 / / 5441 - 5447 0193-4120

436 Debabrata Samanta Efficient Algorithm for People Management in an Elevator Test Engineering and Management / 83 / / 5456 - 5461 0193-4120

437 Debabrata Samanta Effective Classroom Activities on Accounting Using Double Entry System: The Productive Consequences Test Engineering and Management / 83 / / 5448 - 5455 0193-4120

438 Debabrata Samanta Malicious node detection using heterogeneous cluster based secure routing protocol (HCBS) in wireless adhoc sensor networks Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing / / / - 1868-5145

439 Debabrata Samanta Distributed Feedback Laser (DFB) for Signal Power Amplitude Level Improvement in Long Spectral Band Journal of Optical Communications / / / - 0173-4911

440 Debabrata Samanta An internet of health things-driven deep learning framework for detection and classification of skin cancer using transfer learning Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies / / / 1 - 11 2161-5748

441 Debabrata Samanta E-development and Sustainable Management Education for Effective Leadership & Sustainable Society International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD) / 14 / 3 / - 1947-8402

442 Debabrata Samanta Balanced Constrained Partitioning of Distinct Objects International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 8 / 11S / 104 - 106 2278-3075

443 Deepa V Jose An Overview of Security in Internet of Things Procedia Computer Science / 143 / / 744 - 748 1877-0509

444 Deepa V Jose Speech to text conversion and summarization for effective understanding and documentation International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / 5 / 3642 - 3648 2088-8708

445 Deepa V Jose Effective Fraud Detection in Healthcare Domain using Popular Classification Modeling Techniques International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 8 / 11 / 579 - 583 2278-3075

446 Deepa V Jose Impact of Distributed Denial of Service attack in Internet of Things Applications- An Overview International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 28 / 17 / 201 - 205 2207-6360

447 Deepa V Jose Comparative Analysis of Performance of Controllers in Software Defined Networks using Mininet International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) / 8 / 7 / 516 - 520 2278-0181

448 Fabiola Hazel Pohrmen Blockchain-based security aspects in heterogeneous Internet-of-Things networks: A survey Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT) / / / - 2161-3915

449 Fabiola Hazel Pohrmen 6LE-SDN: An Edge-Based Software-Defined Network for Internet of Things IEEE Internet of Things Journal / / / - 2327-4662

450 Fabiola Hazel Pohrmen FT-SDN: A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Architecture for Software Defined Network Wireless Personal Communications / / / - 1572-834X

451 Gunavathi R Map reduce based deep hierarchical extreme learning machine with feature augmentation for accurate intrusion detection in big data environment International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 5 / 2207 - 6360 2005-4238

452 Gunavathi R ABC-PSO based routing for wireless sensor network using AODV protocol International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 9 / / 1438 - 2277-8616

453 Gunavathi R An enhanced model for diabetes prediction using improved firefly feature selection and hybrid random forest algorithm International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology / 9 / / 3765 - 3769 2249-8958

454 Gunavathi R Knowledgeable Handling of Impreciseness in Feature Subset Selection using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Mutual Information of Intrusion Detection System International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 8 / / 1539 - 1544 2278-3075

455 Gunavathi R A novel trust based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 8 / / 1152 - 1156 2277-8616

456 Gunavathi R Improving the lifetime of wireless sensor network through energy proficient AODV protocol International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) / 8 / / 3016 - 3020 2249-8958

457 Hubert Shanthan Priority Intensed Meta Task Scheduling Algorithm for Multi Cloud Environment (PIMTSA) Journal of Physics: Conference Series / / / - 1742-6588

458 Jayanta Biswas Simplified double switching SVPWM implementation for three-level VSI Journal of Engineering / 2019 / 11 / 8257 - 8269 2051-3305

459 Joy Paulose Opinion mining on newspaper headlines using SVM and NLP International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / 3 / 2152 - 2163 2088-8708

460 Joy Paulose Prediction of Answer Keywords using Char-RNN International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / 3 / 2164 - 2176 2088-8708

461 Joy Paulose A Signature‑Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Remote Health Monitoring SN Computer Science / 1 / 8 / 1 - 14 2661-8907

462 Joy Paulose Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 1 / 55 - 72 1947-959X, 1947-9603

463 Kavitha R A Review On Smart Home Sensors International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 14 / 15 / 46 - 50 0973-4562

464 Kirubanand V B Hybrid cryptography security in public cloud using twofish and ecc algorithm International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / / 2578 - 2584 2088-8708

465 Kirubanand V B Identification of a Standardized Automobile Bio-metric Security System based on Accuracy and Response time: Applicable for the Indian Automobile Market International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 8 / 9 / 450 - 453 2278-3075

466 Kirubanand V B Enhanced encryption technique for secure iot data transmission International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / 5 / 3732 - 3738 2088-8708

467 Kirubanand V B Comparing machine learning and ensemble learning in the field of football International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / 5 / 4321 - 4325 2088-8708

468 Kirubanand V B Wind Turbine Data Collection using IoT International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 2 / 3563 - 3566 2278-3075

469 Kirubanand V B Cloud Computing Security for public cloud using ciphers and queuing petrinets International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 9 / 3 / 3272 - 3274 2277-8616

470 Libin Thomas Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 1 / 55 - 72 1947-959X, 1947-9603

471 Manjunatha Hiremath Design and development of a method for detecting sleep roll-over counts using accelerometer ADXL335 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Vol 10 / No 1 / 477 - 485 2088-8708

472 Manjunatha Hiremath Identification and Recognition of Rotavirus-A Particles in Microscopic Images using Enhanced Hybrid Segmentation Methods International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 6 / 3316 - 3323 2277-3878

473 Manjunatha Hiremath A Computational Model For Prediction of Heart Disease Based on Logistic Regression With Gridsearchcv International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 9 / 3 / 3480 - 3485 2277-8616

474 Manjunatha Hiremath Computer Aided detection and recognition of malignant melanoma in dermoscopic images International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 9 / 3 / 6615 - 6620 2277-8616

475 Naived George Eapen Balanced Constrained Partitioning of Distinct Objects International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 8 / 11S / 104 - 106 2278-3075

476 Neha Singhal Efficient hybrid research for QoS-aware microservice composition International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 8 / 2 / 5251 - 52 - 5251 - 525 2277-3878

477 Nisha Varghese Lexical And Semantic Analysis Of Sacred Texts Using Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 8 / 12 / 3133 - 3140 2277-8616

478 Nisha Varghese Semantic similarity analysis on knowledge-based and prediction based models International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 6 / 477 - 481 2278-3075

479 Nisha Varghese Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Blood Cells and Prediction of Diseases International Journal of Computer Science Engineering / 9 / 1 / 66 - 75 2319-7323

480 Nismon Rio R Ebcqi: Enhanced Bcqi Downlink Scheduling Algorithm For Voip In Mobile Networks International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 8 / 12 / 1234 - 1238 2277-8616

481 Nizar Banu P K An Efficient Methodology for Resolving Uncertain Spatial References in Text Documents. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 11 / 1 - 17 1947-959X

482 Nizar Banu P K Analysis of Phishing Detection Using Logistic Regression and Random Forest Journal of Applied Information Science / 8 / 1&2 / 7 - 13 2321-6115

483 Nizar Banu P K Developing the assessment questions automatically to determine the cognitive level of the e-learner using NLP techniques International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 2 / 95 - 110 1947-959X

484 Peter Augustin D IoT based heart monitoring and alerting system with cloud computing and managing the traffic for an ambulance in India International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 9 / 6 / 5068 - 5074 2088-8708

485 Peter Augustin D Detection of a foreign body in the stomach of a human body through segmentation of CT images Adalya Journal / 9 / 1 / 796 - 804 1301-2746

486 Prabu M Canopy Removal On Satellite Images Using Classification And Contrast Enhancement International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / VI / Special Issue 3 / 14 - 26 2277-8616

487 Prabu P Empirical analysis of ensemble methods for the classification of robocalls in telecommunications International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 9 / / 3108 - 3114 2088-8708

488 Prabu P Detecting the magnitude of depression in Twitter users using sentiment analysis International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 99 / 4 / 3247 - 3255 2088-8708

489 Prabu P An Empirical Analysis of ICT tools with Gamification for Indian School Education System International Journal of Enterprise Network Management / / / - 1748-1260

490 Prabu P A Novel Task Assignment Policies using Enhanced Hyper-Heuristic Approach in Cloud International Journal of Cloud Computing / / / - 2043-9997

491 Ramamurthy B CBDIR: Content Based Dental Image Retrieval using Deep Learning Techniques International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology / 29 / 3 / 329 - 338 2005-4238, 2207-6360

492 Ramamurthy B An Intelligent Weather Monitoring System using Internet of Things International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 8 / 4 / 4531 - 4536 2277-3878

493 Ramamurthy B Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Eeg Signals And Multilayer Perceptron Learning Algorithm International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research / 9 / 3 / 494 - 497 2277-8616

494 Ramesh Kumar Stochastic Analysis of a Computer System with Unit-Wise Redundancy in Cold Standby and Failure of Service Facility International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences / 5 / 3 / 529 - 543 2455-7749

495 Resmi K R Automatic 2d ear detection: A survey International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 8 / 11 / 3643 - 3647 2277-8616

496 Rohini V Citizen Idenatity Management using Blockchain Architecture International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 9 / 1 / 1436 - 1438 2277-3878

497 Roseline Mary R Emotion Recognition Methods on Realtime Visuals:A Systematic Review Adalya Journal / 9 / 1 / 818 - 824 1301-2746

498 Sagaya Aurelia P Advanced Virtual Reality Technology in the Field of Education Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing / 5 / 3 / 6 - 8 2581-6969

499 Sagaya Aurelia P Mobile Based Smart Currency Detection System For Visually Impaired JOURNAL OF IMAGE PROCESSING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / 5 / 3 / - 2581-3803

500 Sagaya Aurelia P 3D Technology Trend Analysis for Tactical Map in Army Command Post Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing / 5 / 3 / 1 - 5 2581-6969

501 Sagaya Aurelia P Increasing the Use of Home Automation Technology Using IoT Application Journal of Android and IOS Applications and Testing / 4 / 2 / 18 - 24 NA

502 Sandeep J Dynamic route scheduler in vehicular ad hoc network for smart crowd control Personal and Ubiquitous Computing / - / - / 1 - 9

503 Sandeep J Ant Colony Based Mechanism for Increasing Life Time of Critical Nodes Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review / 12 / 5 / 25 - 30 1791-2377

504 Sandeep J Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology / 11 / 1 / 55 - 72 1947-959X, 1947-9603

505 Saravanakumar K Technologies and the prediction of spin bowlers in the game of cricket International Journal of Engineering and Technology / 7 / 7 / 6001 - 6006 2227-524X

506 Saravanakumar K Sentiment Analysis of Impact of Social Platforms on the Market Share of a Company International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 2 / 540 - 543 2277-3878

507 Saravanakumar K The usage of gold and the investment analysis based on gold rate in India International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 9 / 5 / 4296 - 4301 2088-8708

508 Senthilnathan T Light weight authentication protocol for WSN using ECC and hexagonal numbers Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / 15 / 1 / 443 - 450 2502-4752

509 Shoney Sebastian An Algorithm for IoT Based Vehicle Verification System Using RFID International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 9 / 5 / 3751 - 2758 2088-8708

510 Shoney Sebastian Taylor Series Method in TDOA Approach for Indoor Positioning System International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 9 / 5 / 3927 - 3933 2088-8708

511 Shoney Sebastian IoT Based Car Accident Detection and Notification Algorithm for General Road Accidents International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 9 / 5 / 4020 - 4026 2088-8708

512 Shoney Sebastian Indoor Location Tracking Using Time Of Arrival Estimation Method International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control / 10 / 2 / 290 - 297 2210-3279

513 Sridevi R Efficient Scheduling Mechanisms for Secured Cloud Data Environment International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 2S11 / 1019 - 1023 2277-3878

514 Sridevi R Progressing Biometric Security Concern with Blowfish Algorithm International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 8 / 9S2 / 166 - 171 2278-3075

515 Sridevi R Breast cancer classification using nature-inspired algorithm The International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / / / 1024 - 1027 2277-3878

516 Sudhakar T Route classification scheme based on covering rough set approach in mobile ad hoc network (CRS-MANET) International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems / / / - 2049-6427

517 Thirunavukkarasu V Image Restoration model using Total Variance Bilateral and Wavelet Denoising Filter International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 3 / 5888 - 5891 2277-3878

518 Thirunavukkarasu V Passive Copy-Move Tamper Detection Methods for Digital Images International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 3 / 5882 - 5887 2277-3878

519 Thirunavukkarasu V A Robust Blind Image Forensic-Detection Method Based on Fuzzy Technique International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 8 / 3 / 5926 - 5929 2277-3878

520 Vaidhehi V The Design of Hybrid Crop Recommendation System using Machine Learning Algorithms International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 9 / 2 / 4305 - 4311 2278-3075

521 Vaidhehi V Design of a context-aware recommender Systems for undergraduate program Recommendations Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 97 / 23 / 3583 - 3596 1992-8645, 1817-3195

522 Vaidhehi V Design and Implementation of Various Regression Models for Yield Prediction International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 9 / 5 / 1280 - 1284 2278-3075

523 Vandana Vijay Bhagat Object Based Storage Accompanying File System For Improved Data Persistent And Processing Capabilities International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / / / - 2277-8616

524 Vandana Vijay Bhagat Database Aware Memory Reconstruction for Object Oriented Programming Paradigm International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 8 / 10 / 1583 - 1588 2277-8616

525 Vijay Arputharaj J Basic Gene Discretization-Model using Correlation Clustering for Distributed DNA Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications / / / - 0975-0282

526 Vineetha K R An Efficient Ensemble Classification Technique for Predicting the Academic Performance of Students Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems / 11 / / 1660 - 1671 1943-023X

527 Vineetha K R An Effectual Ga Based Association Rule Generation and Fuzzy Svm Classification Algorithm for Predicting Students Performance International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) / Volume-8 Issue-6 / / 2915 - 2920 2249 ? 8958

528 Akhil M Nair Similarity Analysis of Court Judgements Using Association Rule Mining on Case Citation Data- A Case Study International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. / 11 / 3 / 373 - 0974-3154

529 Akhil M Nair Cashless campus - An interoperable electronic fare management standard for college campuses AIP Conference Proceedings / Volume 2080 / / - 0094-243X, 1551-7616

530 Anita H B Detection of Strangers Based on Dogs Sound International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / 8 / 6 / 111 - 114 2278-3075

531 Anita H B A Novel Automated Method for The Detection of Strangers at Home Using Parrot Sound International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 7 / 6 / 911 - 915 2277-3878

532 Anita H B Classification of Radiolucency in Dental X-Ray Image Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology / 12 / 5 / 2171 - 2174 0974-3618

533 Arokia Paul Rajan R Enhanced load aware weighted round robin algorithm in cloud International Journal of Engineering & Technology(UAE) / 7 / 4 / 5777 - 5782 2227-524X

534 Arokia Paul Rajan R Analysis of Students Preferences for Teachers Based on Performance Attributes in Higher Education TEM Journal / 8 / 2 / 630 - 635 2217-8309

535 Beaulah Soundarabai P A Comparison On Roof Computing, Fog Computing And Cloud Computing International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications / 11 / 9 / 70 - 75 2321-3469

536 Beaulah Soundarabai P Hybrid Route Choice Navigation Based on Road Anomaly Data Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences / 14 / 15 / 5176 - 5182 1816-949X

537 Bhargavi H Goswami Experimenting with ONOS Scalability on Software Defined Network Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, / 10 / 14 / 1820 - 1830 1943023X

538 Chandra J Prediction On Obese Adult Ladies Using Data mining Techniques International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering / 6 / 10 / 101 - 107 2347 - 2693

539 Chandra J Convolutional Neural Network for Brain Tumor Analysis Using MRI Images International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET / 11 / 1 / 67 - 77 0975-4024

540 Chandra J Oral Cancer Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology / 12 / 5 / 596 - 601 0974-3154

541 Chandra J Skin cancer classification using MAchine Learning for Dermosocopy Image International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(TM) / 8 / 7 / 1456 - 1462 2278-3075

542 Deepa V Jose An Overview of Security in IoT Procedia Computer Science / 143 / / 744 - 748 1877-0509

543 Deepa V Jose Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 8 / 1 / 749 - 753 2277-3878

544 Deepa V Jose A Method to Secure FIR System using Blockchain International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 8 / 1 / 626 - 629 2277-3878

545 Helen K Joy Novel Approach For Tele- Sonographic Image Quality Enhancement International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics / 119 / 14 / 115 - 119 1311-8080,1314-3395

546 Joy Paulose Prediction of Answer Keywords using Char-RNN International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 9 / 3 / 2164 - 2176 2088-8708

547 Joy Paulose Phishfort-Anti-Phishing Framework International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 3.4 / 42 - 46 2227-524X

548 Joy Paulose Multi key modified tiny encryption algorithm International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 2 / 559 - 563 2227-524X

549 Kavitha R Collision Avoidance Using Gazebo Simulator International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 7 / 6 / 826 - 832 2277-3878

550 Kirubanand V B Queuing Network using Job Scheduling using Transposition Cipher International journal of P2P network trends and technology / 8 / 4 / 6 - 10 2249-2615

551 Kirubanand V B Bio metric based attendance monitoring system using queuing petri net International Journal of Civil engineering and technology / 10 / 4 / 617 - 625 0976-6316

552 Kirubanand V B Smart Stick for blind people using IoT International journal of emerging science and engineering / 6 / 2 / 7 - 11 2319-6378

553 Kirubanand V B Signature Based Key Exchange for Securing Data and User From Web Data Stealing Attacks International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 8 / 6S5 / 532 - 539 2277-3878

554 Manjunatha Hiremath A Recent Study on MRI Brain Image Segmentation International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications (IJCEA, / 12 / 1 / 143 - 152 2321-3469

555 Manjunatha Hiremath Identification Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Fundus Images Using Image Processing Techniques International Journal Of Tomography And Simulation / VOLUME 32 / 1 / 46 - 55 2319-3336

556 Neha Singhal Efficient microservices discovery and selection based on QoS ontology a data mining approach Based on QoS Ontology a Data Mining Approach International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering / Volume 8 / Issue 7 / 1689 - 169 2278-3075

557 Nisha Varghese Privacy Preserving in Data Mining using Bi-party Data Releasing Method International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering / 7 / 10 / 72 - 78 2278-1021

558 Nizar Banu P K Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Technique for Authentication Dataset International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 4 / 2867 - 2873 2227-524X

559 Nizar Banu P K Comparative study of Text Mining Algorithms for extracting medical symptoms from unstructured text International Journal of Research in Advent Technology / / / 64 - 69 2321-9637

560 Nizar Banu P K Comparative study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Diseases Based on Symptoms International Journal of Research in Advent Technology / / / 59 - 64 2321-9637

561 Peter Augustin D Next generation of e-learning through the effective usage of cloud computing services International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 4 / 5233 - 5237 2227-524X

562 Peter Augustin D Smart Pollution Monitoring System International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 7 / 6 / 1131 - 1136 2277-3878

563 Peter Augustin D Predictive analytics in cryptocurrency using neural networks: A comparative study International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 7 / 6 / 425 - 429 2277-3878

564 Peter Augustin D Experimenting with Resilience and Scalability of Wifi Mininet on Small to Large SDN Networks International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 7 / 6S5 / 201 - 207 2277-3878

565 Peter Augustin D Credit Card Fraud Detection Using ANN International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) / 8 / 7 / 313 - 316 2278-3075

566 Prabu P Prevalence of hypertension and determination of its risk perceived in Korangrapady, Udupi District, Coastal Karnataka, India Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research / 11 / 6 / 517 - 521 0974-2441

567 Rajesh Kanna R An efficient web log file classification techniques to identify the fault data identification using multi-class support vector machine algorithm Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience / / 15 / 2831 - 2835 1546-1955

568 Ramamurthy B Mining the Web Data for Classifying and Predicting Users' Requests International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 8 / 4 / 2390 - 2398 2088-8708

569 Ramamurthy B Identification of Broken Characters in Degraded Documents International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 11 / 3 / 130 - 137 2185-310X, 2185-3118

570 Rohini V Real time conversion of sign language to speech and prediction of gestures using Artificial Neural Network Procedia Computer Science 2018 / 143 / / 587 - 594 1877-0509

571 Roseline Mary R Classification And Correlational Analysis On Lower Spine Parameters Using Data Mining Techniques International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering / 7 / 6 / 1450 - 1456 2277-3878

572 Sagaya Aurelia P Electromorph: A Collaborative,Experiental and project based electronic learning scheme International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering / 8 / X / 1063 - 1066 2249-7455

573 Sagaya Aurelia P An Emerging Secured Intelligence System: A Block Chain Technology Perceptive Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 3 / 366 - 371 2349-5162

574 Sagaya Aurelia P Blockchain Based Emanative Unassailable System: Use Cases And Repercussions International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) / 7 / 6S5 / 540 - 545 2277-3878

575 Sandeep J Secure Hash Based Architecture for Data Verification in Cloud Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / / 05-Special Issue / 1872 - 1879 1943-023X

576 Savithri M Energy-based efficient authenticated routing protocol for MANETs for DDOS attacks with minimised power consumption International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations / / / - 1470-9503

577 Senthilnathan T Mining the Web Data for Classifying and Predicting Users' Requests International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 8 / 4 / 2390 - 2398 2088-8708

578 Shoney Sebastian Framework to Analyze Customer?s Feedback in Smartphone Industry Using Opinion Mining International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) / 8 / 5 / 3317 - 3324 2088-8708

579 Shoney Sebastian An Algorithm To Detect An Object In A Confined Space By Using improved fingerprinting Approach Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 97 / 9 / 2526 - 2538 1992-8645

580 Smitha Vinod Implementation of Digital Signature Using Hybrid Cryptosystem International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7, No 3.4 / 4 / 34 - 37 2227-524X

581 Smitha Vinod A Comparison of Algorithms for Controller Replacement in Software Defined Networking International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7, No 3.4 / 4 / 1 - 5 2227-524X

582 Sreeja C S Secure Key Exchange Scheme: A DNA Computing based Approach to Resist MITM in DHKE International Journal of Information and Computer Security / / / - 1744-1765, 1744-1773

583 Sridevi R Security Issues and Attacks in Sensitive Data over Cloud Environment International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) / 6 / VIII / 370 - 374 2321-9653

584 Sudhakar T Intelligent path selection in wireless networks using Jaya optimization Procedia Computer Science / / / - 1877-0509

585 Vaidhehi V The Design of web based car recommendation system using Hybrid recommender algorithm International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE) / 7 / 3.4 / 192 - 196 2227-524X

586 Vaidhehi V A Systematic Review of Recommender Systems in Education International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 3.4 / 188 - 191 2227-524X

587 Vaidhehi V Classification of reviews on mobile phones using text mining techniques International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 3.4 / 163 - 166 2227-524X

588 Vaidhehi V An Automatic Identification of Lung Cancer from different types of Medical Images Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology / 12 / 5 / - 0974-3618, 0974-360X

589 Vineetha K R An Effectual Logitboost Based Artificial Bee Colony Classification Algorithm For Predicting Students Performance Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR / 6 / 5 / 561 - 572 ISSN-2349-5162

590 Vineetha K R A Detailed Survey On Edm And Its Tools JASC: JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONS / 5 / 12 / 38 - 47 1076-5131

591 Anita H B Text Extraction from Video Images International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 12 / 24 / 14750 - 14754 0973-4562 , 0973-9769

592 Anita H B Kannada Script Recognitions from Scanned Book Cover Images International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 12 / 24 / 15223 - 15227 0973-4562, 0973-9769

593 Arokia Paul Rajan R Service Request Scheduling based on Quantification Principle using Conjoint Analysis and Z-score in Cloud International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering / 8 / 2 / 0 - 0 2088-8708

594 Arokia Paul Rajan R Intrusion detection and avoidance of black and grey hole attacks using AODV protocol based MANET International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 1.2 / 110 - 116 2227-524X

595 Bhargavi H Goswami Enhancement of LAN Infrastructure Performance for Data Center in Presence of Network Security Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing / 521 / - / - 2194-5357

596 Bhargavi H Goswami Augmented reality for history education International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 2.6 / 121 - 125 2227-524X

597 Chandra J Experimental Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Healthcare Analysis International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications / 11 / 9 / 60 - 69 2321-3469

598 Chandra J Cardiovascular Ailment Prediction Using Data Mining Algorithm Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 7 / 16-special issue / 1478 - 1492 1943-023X

599 Chandra J Anomalies Detection in Down Syndrome Using Machine Learning Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 18 / 18 / 1698 - 1714 1943-023X

600 Chandra J IOT Based Green House Monitoring System Journal of Computer Science / 0 / 0 / 0 - 0 1552-6607

601 Cynthia T Semantic Based Answering Technique for Image Query in Mobile Cloud Computing International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering / 4 / 4 / 557 - 562 2454-4248

602 Deepa V Jose A Cluster based Routing Technique to Enhance the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Computer Applications / 167 / 3 / 35 - 39 0975-8887

603 Deepa V Jose Software Upgradation Model Based on Agile Methodology Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 10 / 2 / 352 - 358 0974-6471

604 Deepa V Jose Energy Efficient Routing Strategy for Automated Irrigation International Journal of Ap plied Engineering Research / 13 / 1 / 233 - 237 0973-4562

605 Deepa V Jose An Augmented Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology / 8 / 12 / 651 - 661 0976-6308, 0976-6316

606 Gunavathi R A novel sentimental analysis using optimized Relevance Vector Machine Classifier International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 7 / 164 - 166 2227524X

607 Joy Paulose AFAPRA: Adaptive Flash Aware Page Replacement Algorithm International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 13 / 05 / 3128 - 3138 0973-4562

608 Joy Paulose An Improved Algorithm for Drowsiness Detection for Non-Intrusive Driving International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 13 / 02 / 1219 - 1226 0973-4562

609 Joy Paulose An Approach To Finding Customer-Value And Devising Marketing Strategies By Using Data-Mining Techniques International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology / 9 / 3 / 539 - 550 0976-6359, 0976-6340

610 Joy Paulose Facebook post analysis for a celebrity page International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology / 9 / 3 / 739 - 746 0976-6340, 0976-6359

611 Joy Paulose Securing IoT networks using an onion router based approach International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) / 9 / 3 / 987 - 990 0976-6359, 0976-6340

612 Joy Paulose Augmented reality for history education International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 2.6 / 121 - 125 2227-524X

613 Kavitha R A Review on Internet of Things International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications / XII / II / 240 - 247 2321-3469

614 Kirubanand V B Novel Hybrid Finger Print System for Bank Locking System International journal of computer trends and technology / 53 / 0.14445/22312803/IJC / 1 - 5 2231-2803

615 Kirubanand V B Hand Written Numeral Digit Recognition Network- Supporting Identification and Segmentation International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research / 2 / 11 / 39 - 42 2455-4847

616 Kirubanand V B Calculator using brain computer interface International journal of civil engineering and technology / 9 / - / 436 - 446 0976-6308

617 Kirubanand V B Data encryption and decrption using graph plotting International journal of civil engineering and technology / 9 / 2 / 36 - 46 0976-6308

618 Kirubanand V B Data encryption in public cloud using multiphase encryption model International journal of engineering and technology / 7 / 1 / 223 - 227 2227-524X

619 Kirubanand V B A Lightweight hybrid encryption technique to secure IoT data transmission International journal of engineering and technology / 7 / 2 / 236 - 240 2227-524X

620 Kirubanand V B Secured and Trustable Routing Framework for Users in Wireless Sensor Network Environment Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and control systems / - / 01-Special Issue / 388 - 397 1943-023X

621 Manjunatha Hiremath Current Trends on Face Recognition Methods in Face Biometrics International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications (IJCEA, / 12 / 1 / 153 - 165 2321-3469

622 Manjunatha Hiremath Comprehensive study on Image-based computer aided Detection of skin melanoma Cancer - a survey International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) / 6 / 11 / 1776 - 1781 2278-1323

623 Manjunatha Hiremath A Hybrid Algorithm For Face Recognition Using PCA, LDA, AND ANN International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) / Volume 9 / Issue 3 / 85 - 93 0976 - 6359

624 Manjunatha Hiremath Segmentation And Identification Of MRI Brain Segment In Digital Image International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) / 9 / 3 / 174 - 183 0976 - 6359

625 Manjunatha Hiremath Automatic Face Tracking And Attendance System Using Machine Learning Techniques International Journal Of Tomography & Simulation / 31 / 3 / 0 - 8 2319-3336

626 Manjunatha Hiremath Anomalies Detection in Down Syndrome Using Machine Learning Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 18 / 18 / 1698 - 1714 1943-023X

627 Manoj Kumar Mishra A hybrid scheme of image compression employing wavelets and 2D-PCA International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics / 7 / 5 / 522 - 537 1752-9131

628 Nismon Rio R PSA-HD: Path Selection Algorithm based on Hamming Distance to Enhance the Link Stability in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 11 / 1 / 259 - 266 2185-3118

629 Nizar Banu P K Lung Tuberculosis Detection Using X-Ray Image International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 12 / 24 / 15196 - 15201 0973-4562

630 Nizar Banu P K Comparison of TDD and Pair Programming For Improving Software Quality International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology / 9 / 1 / 944 - 952 0976-6308

631 Nizar Banu P K Prediction of Software Defects Using Object-Oriented Metrics International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology / 9 / 1 / 889 - 899 0976-6308

632 Nizar Banu P K Brain Tumor Segmentation and Detection Using MRI Images International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology / 9 / 5 / 514 - 523 0976-6359

633 Prabu P Students' Performance Prediction Using Deep Neural Network International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 13 / 2 / 1171 - 1176 0973-4562

634 Prabu P An Empirical Analysis of Android Permission System Based on User Activities Journal of Computer Science / - / - / - 1549-3636

635 Prabu P An enhancing reversible data hiding for secured data using shuffle block key encryption and histogram bit shifting in cloud environment Cluster computing / - / - / 1 - 9 1386-7857

636 Prabu P An Investigation on android background services for controlling the unauthorized accesses using android LOG system International Journal of Engineering & Technology / 7 / 2.6 / 301 - 305 2227-524X

637 Prabu P An enhancing reversible data hiding for secured data using Shuffle block key encryption and histogram bit shifting in cloud environment Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications / not assigned / not assigned / 1 - 9 1386-7857

638 Praveen Kumar P U Identification of Ambulance in Traffic Videos Using Image Processing Techniques Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / special issue / 3 / 213 - 224 1943-023X

639 Praveen Kumar P U Origami Foldaway Support for Beginners using Image Processing International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 2.21 / 217 - 221 2227-524X

640 Praveen Kumar P U Hybrid Scheme Image Compression using DWT and SVD Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / / 3 / 225 - 233 1943-023X

641 Praveen Kumar P U Performance comparison and evaluation of various segmentation methods International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 2 / 663 - 666 2227-524X

642 Ramamurthy B Skin Cancer Detection and Stage prediction using Image Processing Techniques International Journal of Engineering & Technology / 7 / 1 / 204 - 209 2227-524X

643 Ramamurthy B An Efficient Approach towards Clustering using K-Means Algorithm International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology / 9 / 2 / 705 - 714 0976-6308, 0976-6316

644 Ramamurthy B Prevalence And Predictors Of Diabetes Among Adults In Rural Dharwad, India: A Cross-Sectional Study Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research / 11 / 5 / 94 - 99 2455-3891

645 Ramamurthy B Data Analysis In Road Accidents Using Ann And Decision Tree International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology / 9 / 4 / 214 - 221 0976-6308, 0976-6316

646 Ramamurthy B Suicidal Behavior Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology / 9 / 4 / 293 - 301 0976-6340, 0976-6359

647 Ramamurthy B Lung Cancer Detection using Image Processing Techniques Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology / 11 / 5 / 1 - 5 0974-3618, 0974-360X

648 Rohini V A Backpropogation Neural Network For The Prediction Of Earthquake In Japan International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications / XI / IX / 54 - 59 2321-3469

649 Rohini V A Survey On The Method For Emotion Recognition Based On Behavior Analysis International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications / XI / IX / 47 - 53 2321-3469

650 Roseline Mary R Real Time Noise Filtering for Low cost IMU Sensors Asian Journal of Information Technology / 16 / 6 / 536 - 543 1993-5994

651 Saravanakumar K Breast Cancer Detection using Image processing Techniques Oriental journal of computer science and technology / 10 / - / 391 - 399 0974-6471

652 Saravanakumar K Breast Cancer Risk Evaluation By Firefly Optimization Algorithm International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 4 / 8 / 214 - 219 2394-3386

653 Saravanan K N Prediction of students' performance in university level using KNN classification algorithm International journal for research in technological studies / 5 / 6 / 43 - 46 2348-1439

654 Saravanan K N Hybrid based image enhancement method using white balance, visibility amplification and histogram equalization International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET) / 9 / 2 / 91 - 98 0976-6375

655 Saravanan K N An improved approach for grayscale image enhancement based on k-means clustering and averaging of filters International journal for research in applied science and engineering technology / 6 / 2 / 2120 - 2125 2321-9653

656 Senthilnathan T An enhancing reversible data hiding for secured data using Shuffle block key encryption and histogram bit shifting in cloud environment Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications / not assigned / not assigned / 1 - 9 1386-7857

657 Senthilnathan T Analysis of Secure Cloud Storage Provisioning for Medical Image Management System International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET) / 9 / 3 / 162 - 173 0976-6359

658 Senthilnathan T Effectiveness of the NIZKP Protocol for Authentication in IoT Environment International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 / 2.6 / 231 - 235 2227-524X

659 Senthilnathan T An enhancing reversible data hiding for secured data using shuffle block key encryption and histogram bit shifting in cloud environment Cluster computing / - / - / 1 - 9 1386-7857

660 Shoney Sebastian A Load Balancing Algorithm for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Using Bees algorithm and Queuing Theory International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing / 8 / 3 / 324 - 334 0975-8070

661 Shoney Sebastian Identification of Ideal Digital Signature Algorithm for Optimising Bitcoin Transactions Home Journals Asian Journal of Information Technology Archive Volume 16 Issue 9, 2017 Asian Journal of Information Technology (2017 Volume 16) Number of issues per year: 12 ISSN : 1682-3915 (Print) ISSN : 1993-5994 (Online) CURRENT ISSUE | ARCHIVE | EDITORS | GUIDE TO AUTHORS | SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT ARCHIVE>> Volume 16 Issue 9, 2017 A Low Offset Low Power Dynamic Comparator for High-Speed Applications in 65 nm Technology Arumugam Sathishkumar and Siddhan Saravanan Analyzing and Improving the Performance of Decision Database with Enhanced Momentous Data Types M. Muthukumar, P. Senthil Pandian and K. Karthikeyan Effectiveness of Knowledge Management in the Academic Era: A Case Study Mohammad Falahat and Murali Raman Proposed Multi-Level Security Depended on Steganography and Modified Cryptography Fadhil Salman Abed Identification of Ideal Digital Signature Algorithm for Optimising Bitcoin Transactions Asian Journal of Information Technology / 16 / 9 / 722 - 726 1682-3915

662 Smitha Vinod Implementation of OpenIdconnect and OAuth 2.0 to create SSO for educational institutes International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7 No 2.6 / 6 / 153 - 157 2227-524X

663 Smitha Vinod Session Hijacking and Prevention Technique International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7, No 2.6 / 6 / 193 - 198 2227-524X

664 Smitha Vinod Crime analysis in India using data mining techniques International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) / 7, No 2.6 / 6 / 253 - 258 2227-524X

665 Sridevi R Information Security through Compression and Cryptography Techniques International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications / 6 / 4 / 222 - 230 2321-8363

666 Sridevi R A Survey on Cryptographic Cloud Storage Techniques International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology / 6 / 7 / 602 - 605 2277-9655

667 Sridevi R Checking User Authentication by Biometric One Time Password Generation using Elliptic Curve Cryptography International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET) / 8 / 6 / 213 - 218 2229-3345

668 Sumitra Binu Static Analysis Tool for Identification of Permission Misuse by Android Applications International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 12 / 24 / 15169 - 15178 0973-4562

669 Sumitra Binu Vehicle Rout Optimisation Using Artificial Bees Colony Algorithm and Cuckoo Search Algorithm International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER). / 13 / 2 / 953 - 959 0973-4562

670 Thirunavukkarasu V Exposing Digital Image Restoration Techniques CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems / 10 / 4 / 80 - 83 0974-9721

671 Vaidhehi V Enhanced Elective Subject Selection for ICSE school students using machine learning algorithms Indian journal of science and technology / 10 / 21 / 1 - 6 0974-6846, 0974-5645

672 Vaidhehi V Classification of Human Organ Using Image Processing Oriental Journal of science and technology / 10 / 2 / 333 - 337 0974-6471

673 Vaidhehi V influcingthe page rank using Link Analysis in SEO International Journal of Applied Engineeing Research / 12 / 24 / 15122 - 15128 0973-4562

674 Vaidhehi V Prediction of Diabetes in Pregnant women using Machine Learning Algorithm International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Techno / 3 / 1 / 1702 - 1708 2456-3307

675 Vaidhehi V An Efficient Modelling of Terrorist Groups in India using Machine Learning Algorithms Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 11 / 15 / 1 - 10 0974-6846, 0974-5645

676 Vandana Vijay Bhagat IMPACT OF DATA STORAGE TRENDS ON QUERY EXECUTION International Journal of Research in Computer Applications and Robotics IJRCAR / 6 / 2 / - 2320-7345

677 Vineetha K R Probability Based Student Performance Prediction Using Naïve Bayesian Algorithm American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics / 1 / 22 / 82 - 86 2328-3580

678 Anita H B Rice Grain Classification using Fourier Transform and Morphological Features Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 10 / 14 / 0 - 0 0974-6846

679 Anita H B Automatic Classification of South Indian Regional Fruits using Image Processing Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 10 / 14 / 0 - 0 0974-6846

680 Anita H B A Novel Automated Method for Coconut Grading based on Audioception Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Tech nology / 95 / 10 / 0 - 0 1817-3195, 1992-8645

681 Anita H B Leaf classification using image processing: A review International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) / 5 / 3 / 28 - 32 2320-5407

682 Ashok Immanuel V Web Service Composition: A Survey on the Various Methods used for Web Service Composition. International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science / 8 / 3 / 665 - 670 0976-5697

683 Ashok Immanuel V A Survey on Context Awareness Security in Healthcare International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science / 8 / 3 / 219 - 222 0976-5697

684 Ashok Immanuel V Ambulance Tracking System Using Restful Api Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 10 / 1 / 213 - 218 0974-6471

685 Beaulah Soundarabai P Android based Home Security System Using Bluetooth CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering / / / -

686 Beaulah Soundarabai P Impact of Topic Modelling Methods and Text Classification Techniques in Text Mining: A Survey International Journal of Management and Applied Science / 4 / 3 / 72 - 77 2393-2835

687 Beaulah Soundarabai P A Comparative Study of 3D Endoscopic Tele-operation Techniques Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology / 10 / 4 / 645 - 656 0973-6107

688 Beaulah Soundarabai P Optimized Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Modified PBR CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering / 9 / 3 / 45 - 50 0974-9616

689 Beaulah Soundarabai P Comparative Study on Active and Passive Replication International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) / 4 / 21 / 1 - 4 2278-0181

690 Chandra J An efficient Feature Extraction Algorithm for Multi - Font Numeral Recognition system in Images Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences / 10 / 18 / 8 - 16 1991-8178

691 Chandra J Diagnosis of Erythemato-Squamous Disease using Data Mining Techniques Australlian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences / 11 / 5 / 45 - 51 1991-8178

692 Chandra J Arduino and Flight Controller based Drone for Hauling Objects International Journal of Research in IT,Management and Engineering / 7 / 4 / 28 - 31 2249-1619

693 Chandra J Classification of Down Syndrome in Brain MRI Images Based on Machine Learning Techniques-A Review International Journal of Trent in Research and Development. / - / Special Issue / 40 - 43 2394-9333

694 Chandra J Detection of Tuberculosis using convolutional neural network with transfer learning Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems / 9 / 14 / 2532 - 2542 1943-023X

695 Chandra J Classification of Down syndrome in Brain MRI Images Based on Machine Learning Techniques -A Review International Journal Of Trend In Research And Development / EIT-17 / 1 / 40 - 43 2394-9333

696 Cynthia T A Refined Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Technique to Improve Accuracy Of Agriculture Data In Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) International Journal Of Control Theory And Applications / 9 / 27 / 543 - 550 0974-5572

697 Deepa V Jose Text Cryptography Techniques Using Initial Vector and with/without keys AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES / 10 / 18 / 181 - 187 1991-8178

698 Deepa V Jose Comparative Analysis of Clustering Techniques for Various Models of Node Deployment Strategies Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 10 / 1 / 232 - 237 0974-6471

699 Deepa V Jose Enhanced Content Based Double Encryption Algorithm Using Symmetric Key Cryptography Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 10 / 2 / 345 - 351 0974-6471, 2320-8481

700 Gobi R A web based intelligent orchestration tool for smart city International Journal of Control Theory and Applications / 9 / 26 / 109 - 113 0974-5572

701 Joy Paulose Survey study on the methods of bird vocalization classification IEEE xplore / 1 / 16 / 1 - 8 IEEE xplore

702 Joy Paulose A concise and effectual method for neutral pitch identification in stuttered speech International Journal on Disability and Human Development / 16 / 1 / 1 - 6 2191-1231

703 Karthik K Understanding Document Semantics from Summaries: A Case Study on Hindi Texts ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing / 16 / 1 / 1 - 20

704 Kavitha R A Study on Cloud and Fog Computing Security Issues and Solutions International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE / 4 / 3 / 17 - 22 2349-2163

705 Kavitha R Virtual Reality Treatments for Specific Phobias: A Review Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 9 / 3 / - 0974-6471

706 Kavitha R Human Activity Recognition from Sensor data using Random Forest Algorithm International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science / 8 / 3 / 334 - 337 0976-5697

707 Kavitha R A Study on Smart Home Network Architecture and Technologies International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science / 8 / 3 / 74 - 78 0976-5697

708 Kavitha R Human Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensors International Journal of Engineering and Technology / 9 / 2 / 1171 - 1179 2319-8613

709 Kirubanand V B Hybrid Server With Zigbee Technology Using Job Scheduling And Queuing Petrinet international Research Journal of Engineering and Technology / 3 / 8 / 123 - 130 2395-0056

710 Kirubanand V B Cloud computing with mobile-fi technology using transposition and substitution cipher in job scheduling Data mining and knowledge engineering / 9 / 4 / 13 - 18 0974-9683

711 Kirubanand V B Hybrid Server With Zigbee Technology Using Job Scheduling And Queuing Petrinet International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology / 3 / 8 / 123 - 130 2395-0056

712 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Based On Symbolic Fda Using Svm Classifier With Similarity And Dissimilarity Distance Measure International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence / 31 / 4 / 1756006 - 1756028 0218-0014

713 Manjunatha Hiremath Classification of Down syndrome in Brain MRI Images Based on Machine Learning Techniques -A Review International Journal Of Trend In Research And Development / EIT-17 / 1 / 40 - 43 2394-9333

714 Nachamai M Detection of faces from video files with different file formats IEEE xplore / 1 / 10 / 1 - 6 IEEE xplore

715 Nachamai M Survey study on the methods of bird vocalization classification IEEE xplore / 1 / 16 / 1 - 8 IEEE xplore

716 Nachamai M A concise and effectual method for neutral pitch identification in stuttered speech International Journal on Disability and Human Development / 16 / 1 / 1 - 6 2191-1231

717 Nachamai M Methodical Investigation of filtering algorithms for human brain MRI International Journal of Control Theory and Applications / 9 / 21 / 51 - 57 09745572

718 Nachamai M Noise Removal and Filtering Techniques Used in Medical Images Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 10 / 1 / 1 - 8 0974-6471

719 Nizar Banu P K Fuzzy firefly clustering for tumour and cancer analysis International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control / 27 / 2 / 92 - 103 1746-6180

720 Peter Augustin D Performance Evaluation of Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Brain MRI Segmentation in Hadoop and Spark Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 9 / 48 / 1 - 7 0974-6846

721 Peter Augustin D Comparative Study of Clustering algorithms using R International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences / 7 / 2 / 14 - 20 2250-0588

722 Peter Augustin D CBIR:Image Indexing And Retrieval For Digital Images International Journal Of Research In It, Management And Engineering / 7 / 2 / 12 - 16 2249-1619

723 Peter Augustin D Study of Phishing Attacks and Preventions International Journal of Computer Applications / 163 / 2 / 5 - 8 0975-8887

724 Peter Augustin D Comparative Study of Marching Cubes Algorithms for the Conversion of 2D image to 3D International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research / 13 / 3 / 327 - 337 0973-1873

725 Peter Augustin D Efficient Brain Tumor Classification using PCA and SVM International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences / 7 / 3 / 14 - 20 2250-0588

726 Peter Augustin D Bad effects of urbanization and lifestyles, Population Health improvements using Analytics International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology / 4 / 3 / 1643 - 1647 2395-0056

727 Prabu P Hybrid Server With Zigbee Technology Using Job Scheduling And Queuing Petrinet International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology / 3 / 8 / 123 - 130 2395-0056

728 Rohini V Comparison of Genetic Algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimisation, Ant Colony Optimisation and Tabu Search based on University Course Scheduling System Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 9 / 21 / 1 - 5 0974-5645

729 Rohini V Prediction of Post-Surgical Survival of Lung Cancer Patients After Thoracic Surgery Using Data Mining Techniques International Journal Of Advanced Research (IJAR) / 4 / 2 / 68 - 72 2320-5407

730 Rohini V Performance Evaluation of Linux and Windows Operating System International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / 4 / 3 / 29 - 32 2349-2163

731 Rohini V Comparative Study on Controller Area Network (CAN) and Disc Braking System International Journal Network and Computer Engineering. / 8 / 1 / 1 - 6 0975-6485

732 Rohini V Comparative Study on Different Methodologies to Track an Object in Augmented Reality International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering / 7 / 3 / 7 - 13 2249-1619

733 Roseline Mary R Infant Monitoring Using Old Smart Phones IOSR Journal of Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR-JMCA) / 4 / 2 / 1 - 4 2394-0050, 2394-0042

734 Roseline Mary R Role of Integrating Research in the Curriculum to Predict Students Learning Analytics using Feature Selection Techniques International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering / 7 / 2 / 17 - 21 2249-1619

735 Roseline Mary R Job Failure Analysis in MainFrames Production Support International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention / 5 / 3 / 29 - 34 2321-4767, 2321-4767

736 Roseline Mary R A Text Mining Approach to Identify and Analyse Prominent issues from Public Complaints International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering / 6 / 3 / 54 - 59 2278-1021, 2319 5940

737 Saravanakumar K A Review On Inadequacies To overcome by Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in India International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development / 4 / 4 / 81 - 87 2348-4470

738 Saravanakumar K An Empirical Study on Socially Assistive Robot in Elderly Care International Journal of Advance Engineering Research and Technology / 5 / 4 / 330 - 335 2348-8190

739 Saravanakumar K Empirical study on Data Mining Algorithms related to Breast cancer International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering / 7 / 3 / 14 - 18 2249-1619

740 Saravanan K N An efficient Feature Extraction Algorithm for Multi-Font Numeral Recognition system in Images AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES / 10 / 19 / 8 - 16 1991-8178

741 Saravanan K N Recognition of South Indian Language Numerals Using Minimum Distance Classifier Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology / 14 / 4 / 161 - 169 2040-7459

742 Saravanan K N Prediction of Bike Sharing Demand Oriental Journal Of Computer Science & Technology / 10 / 1 / 219 - 226 0974-6471

743 Shoney Sebastian Data Security in Smartphones Using Bit-Locker Technology International Journal of Advanced Research / 5 / 3 / 1825 - 1832 2320-5407

744 Shoney Sebastian Block Chain Technology Centralised Ledger to Distributed Ledger BlockChain Technology Centralised Ledger to Distributed Ledger / 4 / 3 / 2823 - 2827 2395 -0056

745 Shoney Sebastian Privacy Preservation and Data Security on Internet Using Mutual SSL Oriental Journal of Computer Science & Technology / 10 / 1 / 249 - 254 0974-6471

746 Shoney Sebastian An Algorithm to synchronize the local database with cloud Database International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering / 4 / 4 / 22 - 27 2349-2163

747 Shoney Sebastian Improved Fair Scheduling Algorithm for Hadoop Clustering Oriental Journal of Computer Science & Technology / 10 / 1 / 194 - 200 0974-6471

748 Shoney Sebastian Comparative study of Job Schedulers in Hadoop Environment International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science / 8 / 3 / 123 - 127 0976-5697

749 Smitha Vinod An e-Examination for the Future Generation Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 10 / 13 / 1 - 6 0974-5645, 0974-6846

750 Smitha Vinod Carnatic Raga Recognition Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 10 / 13 / 1 - 5 0974-5645, 0974-6846

751 Sudhakar T Comparative Analysis of Indoor Mobility Scenarios Creation (IMSC) in mobile ad hoc networks Indian Journals of Science and Technology / / / - 0974-5645

752 Thirunavukkarasu V Passive Image Tamper Detection Technique Based on moment Invariants International Journal of Control Theory and Applications / 9 / 10 / 4705 - 4714 0974-5572

753 Thirunavukkarasu V Non-intrusive Forensic Detection Method Using DSWT with Reduced Feature Set for Copy-Move Image Tampering Wireless Personal Communications / 98 / 1 / 3039 - 3057 0929-6212

754 Vaidhehi V Hybrid Botnet Detection using Ensemble approach Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 95 / 8 / 1646 - 1654 1992-8645, 1817-3195

755 Vaidhehi V Design and Implementation of Hybrid Test Automation Framework for Web Based Application International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / 4 / 3 / 129 - 135 2349-2163

756 Vaidhehi V Search Engine Optimisation Techniques for E-Commerce In 2017 International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / 4 / 3 / 129 - 135 2349-2163

757 Vaidhehi V Email Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) / 9 / 2 / 335 - 340 2319-8613, 0975-4024

758 Vineetha K R Efficient Code Clone Analysis to Detect Vulnerability in Dynamic Web Applications International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering / 4 / 11 / 57 - 60 2347-2693

759 Anita H B Agrometeorology Assistance System International Journal of Advanced Research / 3 / 31 / 308 - 313 2320-5407

760 Ashok Immanuel V Automata based Web Service Composition for Context-Aware Post-Surgery Hospital Ward International Journal of Computer Applications / 123 / 14 / 34 - 38 0975-8887

761 Ashok Immanuel V Designing a Smart Post-Surgery Recovery ward through Service-Oriented Context-awareness International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications / 7 / 3 / 312 - 316 2229-6093

762 Beaulah Soundarabai P College Fest Management System Festathon International Journal of Trend in Research and Development / Special Issue / 1 / - 2394-9333

763 Beaulah Soundarabai P Reduction of Attrition Rate in a BPO Company Using Design of Experiments (DOE) International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology / 5 / 3 / 81 - 84 2277-3754

764 Beaulah Soundarabai P Sentimental Analysis Using Bayesian Theorem International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies / 6 / 6 / 5222 - 5225 0975-9646

765 Chandra J Correlation Based ADALINE Neural Network for Commodity Trading Journal of Computer Science Publications / 11 / 7 / 863 - 871 1552-6607

766 Chandra J Smart Streetlight Using IR Sensors IOSR Journal of Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR - JMCA) / 3 / 2 / 39 - 44 2394-0059

767 Chandra J An Integrated Approach to Predictive Analytics for Stock Indexes and Commodity Trading Using Computational Intelligence World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT) / 5 / 8 / 142 - 148 2221-0741

768 Cynthia T A Survey on Mobile Cloud Computing Applications, Opportunities and Issues Journal of Theoretical Physics and Cryptography(IJTPC) / 11 / / - 2322-3138

769 Deepa V Jose An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm using Novel Cluster Head Selection Strategies International Journal of Computer Applications / 1 / 1 / 4 - 6 0975-8887

770 Deepa V Jose An Improved Hybrid Energy Efficient Clustering Technique to Enhance the Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Computer Applications / 135 / 10 / 43 - 49 0975-8887

771 Deepa V Jose Network Layer Architecture for Deep Packet Inspection and Statistics for Web Analytics International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research / 3 / 2 / - 2347-5900

772 Deepa V Jose A novel scheme for energy enhancement in wireless sensor networks Proceedings of the IEEE / / / 104 - 109 0018-9219

773 Joy Paulose A Contemporary Implementation of Two-Class Fingerprint Indexing International Journal of Computer Applications / ICFIDM 2014 / 1 / 1 - 3 0975-8887

774 Joy Paulose Facial Recognition Approaches and Methods with Feature Extraction: A Comprehensive Review CIIT International Journal of Digital Image Processing / 7 / 7 / 197 - 204 0974-9586

775 Joy Paulose Evaluation of Face Recognition Methods for Low Quality Images from Multiple Facial Images in a Group Photograph Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences / 9 / 23 / 240 - 247 1991-8178

776 Joy Paulose Emotional Stress Recognition from Speech in Children with Stuttering International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 10 / 79 / 846 - 852 0973-4562

777 Karthik K Influence of Supplementary Information on the Semantic Structure of Documents Internal Joutnal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering / 4 / 7 / 219 - 225 2278 - 1021

778 Karthik K SlashiT An Android Application for Expense Management using Hash-maps International Journal of Computer Science Engineering / 5 / 2 / 78 - 81 2319-7323

779 Manjunatha Hiremath Segmentation Of Rotavirus-A Particles In Microscopic Images Based On Feature Fusion In Active Contour Model International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) / 4 / 3 / 158 - 163 2278-6856

780 Nachamai M An Integrated Approach to Predictive Analytics for Stock Indexes and Commodity Trading Using Computational Intelligence World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT) / 5 / 8 / 142 - 148 2221-0741

781 Nachamai M A Contemporary Implementation of Two-Class Fingerprint Indexing International Journal of Computer Applications / ICFIDM 2014 / 1 / 1 - 3 0975-8887

782 Nachamai M Facial Recognition Approaches and Methods with Feature Extraction: A Comprehensive Review CIIT International Journal of Digital Image Processing / 7 / 7 / 197 - 204 0974-9586

783 Nachamai M A Text to Image Story Teller for Specially Challenged Children - Natural Language Processing Approach International Journal of Computer Applications / ICFIDM 2014 / 1 / 19 - 23 0975-8887

784 Nachamai M Evaluation of Face Recognition Methods for Low Quality Images from Multiple Facial Images in a Group Photograph Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences / 9 / 23 / 240 - 247 1991-8178

785 Nachamai M Affect Computation in Children Speech Using a Mathematical Model in a Robotic Environment International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications / 6 / 5 / 716 - 720 2229-6093

786 Nachamai M Emotional Stress Recognition from Speech in Children with Stuttering International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 10 / 79 / 846 - 852 0973-4562

787 Nachamai M Sub-Type Discernment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children using a Cluster Partitioning Algorithm Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 9 / 10 / 1 - 5 0974-6846

788 Nismon Rio R ROAM: Routing Overhead Aware Mechanism to Reduce Number of Routing Entries in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks International Journal of Control Theory and Applications / 9 / 27 / 77 - 83 0974-5572

789 Nizar Banu P K Performance Analysis of Hard and Soft Clustering Approaches For Gene Expression Data International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis / 2 / 1 / 58 - 69 2334-4598

790 Nizar Banu P K Gene Clustering Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing / 6 / 4 / 14 - 38 1947-8283

791 Prabu P Impact of Pair Programming for Effective Software Development Process International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 10 / 8 / 18969 - 18986 0973-9769

792 Ramamurthy B CBMIR: Content Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Multilevel Hybrid Approach International Journal of Computers Communications & Control / 10 / 3 / 368 - 375 1841-9836

793 Rohini V Go City - A Survey Internatioanl Research Journal of Engineering and Technology / 2 / 8 / 833 - 836 2395-0056

794 Rohini V Analysis of Social Networking Platforms to Predict Stock Market Changes International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) / 33 / 1 / 40 - 42 2231-2803

795 Sandeep J Energy efficient neighbor coverage-based probabilistic rebroadcasting in MANET Journal of Engineering Research / 3 / 3 / 39 - 52 2307-1877

796 Sangeetha G Modelling of e-Governance Framework for Mining Knowledge from Massive Grievance Redressal Data International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS) / 6 / 1 / 367 - 374 2252-8814

797 Saravanakumar K Smart Helmet International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) / 5 / 3 / 660 - 663 2278-7798

798 Saravanan K N Recognition of Multi-lingual Handwritten Numerals Using Partial Derivatives Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology / 12 / 1 / 27 - 36 2040-7459

799 Saravanan N IOT Perspective and Future Impact Framework International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research / 3 / 10 / 39 - 41 ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P)

800 Saravanan N Survey on Analytics, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications / 6 / 6 / 1042 - 1046 ISSN:2229-6093

801 Shoney Sebastian Review on Risks and Risk Management in Cloud Platform International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research IJETSR / 2 / 8 / 84 - 87 2394-3386

802 Shoney Sebastian Security Issues and Measures for Cloud Users: A Survey Paper International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research IJETSR / 2 / 8 / 88 - 93 2394-3386

803 Shoney Sebastian A Survey Paper on Traffic Management in Cloud Computing International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research IJETSR / 2 / 8 / 94 - 97 2394-3386

804 Shoney Sebastian An Effective Selection Policy in Load Balancer to Enhance the Cloud Performance Elixir International Journal / 87 / 2015 / 35538 - 35541 2229-712X

805 Smitha Vinod SDN: Networking Paradigm for Future Journal of Computer Science / 09 / 09 / 187 - 193 0973-2926

806 Sridevi R Secure Transmission of Data in Cloud Environment Using Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Algorithm International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering / 3 / 8 / 7498 - 7503 2320-9801

807 Sridevi R A Secured Asymmetric Cryptosystem for Multi-Biometric Security International Journal of Trend in Research and Development / 2 / 5 / 45 - 49 394-9333

808 Thirunavukkarasu V A Novel Method to Detect Copy-move Tampering in Digital Images Indian Journal of Science and Technology, / 9 / 8 / 1 - 4 0974-5645

809 Vaidhehi V An enhanced approach to build Home Security System International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) / 4 / 8 / 2560 - 2562 2278-7798

810 Vaidhehi V An enhanced approach to steganography : obscurity International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / 2 / 9 / 7 - 13 2349-2163

811 Vaidhehi V Managing Big Data Using Hadoop Map Reduce in Telecom Domain International Journal of innovative Research in Advanced Engineering / 03 / 03 / 94 - 102 2349-2763

812 Vandana Vijay Bhagat Role of Relational algebra and query optimisation in different types of DBMS Internationa journal of computer science and mobile computing / 5 / / - 2320-088X

813 Ashok Immanuel V Framework for Automatic Examination Paper Generation System International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) / 6 / 1 / 128 - 130 0976-8491, 2229-4333

814 Ashok Immanuel V Service Composition Techniques for a Context- Aware Smart Hospital Ward Monitoring System International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies / 7 / 2 / 884 - 887 0975-9646

815 Ashok Immanuel V Framework for Automatic Examination Paper Generation System International Journal Of Computer Science and Technology / 6 / 1 / 128 - 130 0976-8491

816 Chandra J GA as a data optimization tool for predictive analytics International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering / 3 / 3 / 21 - 25 2278-3091

817 Chandra J USB based Dynamic Authentication Alert system for computers International Journal of Computer Applications -scholarly peer-reviewed research publishing journal / 107 / 6 / 17 - 20 0975-8887

818 Chandra J Predicting Cervical Carcinoma Stages Identification using SVM Classifier International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) / 22 / 3 / 122 - 125 2231-2803

819 Chandra J An Integrated Approach to Predictive Analytics for Stock Indexes and commodity Trading using computational Intelligence World of Computer Science and Information Technology / 5 / 8 / 142 - 148 2221-0741

820 Chandra J Predicting Cervical Carcinoma Stages Identification using SVM Classifier International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology / 22 / 3 / 122 - 125 2231-2803

821 Deepa V Jose A Novel Energy efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sink Mobility International Journal of Mobile and Wireless Networks / 6 / 6 / 15 - 25 0975-3834

822 Deepa V Jose Challenges and Issues in Android App Development- An Overview International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering / 5 / 1 / 811 - 814 2277-128X

823 Deepa V Jose Mobile Sink Assisted Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks The World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal / 5 / 2 / 16 - 22 2221-0741

824 Deepa V Jose Online Shopping Behavior:An Effective Approach International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering / 5 / 2 / 174 - 176 2277-128X

825 Deepa V Jose Challenges and Issues in Android App Development - An Overview International Journal of Advanced Research in computer Science and Software Engineering / 5 / 1 / 811 - 814 2277-128X

826 Deepa V Jose Online Shopping Behaviour : An Effective Approach Inetrnational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science And Software Engineering / 5 / 2 / 174 - 176 2277-128X

827 Karthik K Sensor based automatic control of railway gates International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) / 4 / 2 / 539 - 543 2278-1323

828 Karthik K Arduino Based Weather Monitoring System International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science / Volume 3 / Issue 2 / 452 - 458 2091 2730

829 Karthik K Propeller LED Message Display based on Persistence of Vision International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering / Volume 5 / Issue 3 / 210 - 213 2277 128

830 Karthik K Fingerprint Based Attendance System International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering / 4 / 3 / 621 - 623 2278 1021

831 Karthik K Capturing the Semantic Structure of Documents Using Summaries in Supplemented Latent Semantic Analysis WSEAS Transactions on Computers / 14 / / 314 - 323 2224 2880

832 Kavitha R Simulation and Analysis of an Energy efficient protocol Ad-LEACH for Smart Home Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER) / 4 / 5 / 336 - 339 2319-6890, 2347-5013

833 Kavitha R Design and Implementation of On-line Chatting Application using Android International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science / 03 / SI(01) / 229 - 233 2348-7550

834 Kavitha R Emerging Paradigms and Opportunities in Mobile Game Development International Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 6 / 1 / 156 - 158 0976-8491, 2229-4333

835 Kavitha R Emerging Paradigms and Opportunities in Mobile Game Development Internation Journal of Computer Science and Technology / 6 / 1 / 156 - 159 0976-8491

836 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Based On Radon Transform, Pca And Lda Using Knn And SVM International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP) / 6 / 7 / 36 - 43 2074-9082

837 Manjunatha Hiremath Identification And Classification Of Adenovirus Particles In Digital Microscopic Images Using Active Contours International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) / 6 / 6 / 53 - 57 2075-017X

838 Nachamai M Demarcating Happy Affect Identification in Faces Using a Mathematical Model International Journal of Modern Computer Science / 2 / 5 / 4 - 8 2320-7868

839 Nachamai M Detection and Delineation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Using a Mathematical Model Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences / 8 / 18 / 79 - 83 1991-8178

840 Nachamai M Age Based Cataloguing of Female Speakers using a Naive Bayes Classifier Current Developments in Artificial Intelligence / 5 / 1 / 11 - 15 0976-5832

841 Nachamai M Clustering of Brain MRI Image Using Datamining Algorithm International Journal of Computational Engineering and Networking / 3 / 4 / 37 - 40 2320-2106

842 Nachamai M Predicting Cervical Carcinoma Stages Identification using SVM Classifier International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology / 22 / 3 / 122 - 125 2231-2803

843 Nizar Banu P K Harmony Search PSO Clustering for Tumor and Cancer Gene Expression Dataset International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research / 5 / 3 / 1 - 21 1947-9263

844 Peter Augustin D Enhancing the Efficiency of Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Medical Image Processing with Hadoop International Journal of Computer Applications / 108 / 17 / 11 - 16 0975-8887

845 Rohini V Radio Frequency Identification For Student Attendance Tracking International Journal of Science Environment and Technology / Volume 4, number 2 / 2 / 468 - 472 2277-663x, 2278-3687

846 Rohini V Shopping application for E- Commerce nternational Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT) / 4 / 3 / 35 - 40 2319-7900

847 Roseline Mary R Digital Transactional tools and Their Optimum Use in Language Learning:An Interdisciplinary Approach IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 19 / 11 / 49 - 52 2279-0845

848 Roseline Mary R Comparative Performance Analysis of MySQL and SQL server Relational Database Management Systems in Windows Environment International Journal of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering / 4 / 3 / 160 - 164 2319-5940(Print), 2278-1021(online)

849 Roseline Mary R Digital Transactional Tools and Their Optimum Use in Language Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 19 / 11 / 49 - 52 2279-0837, 2279-0845

850 Sandeep J Efficient Packet Transmission and Energy Optimization in Military Operation Scenarios of MANET Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier / 47 / / 400 - 407 1877-0509

851 Sandeep J Energy efficient and reliable transaction of multimedia data in military environment International Journal of Applied Engineering Research / 9 / 20 / 4691 - 4696 0973-4562

852 Saravanan K N Selective Subset of Relative Density Feature Extraction Algorithm for Unconstrained Single Connected Handwritten Numeral Recognition Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences / 8 / 6 / 429 - 435 1991-8178

853 Saravanan K N Global Positioning System in Event Management International Journal of Innovation & Advancement in Computer Science / 4 / 3 / 98 - 102 2347-8617

854 Shoney Sebastian Comparative Study of Steganography Tools nternational Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science( IJIACS) / 4 / 2 / 45 - 53 2347-8616

855 Shoney Sebastian Reservation Based Parking System with Dynamic Slot Allocation IJSRP / 5 / 3 / 1 - 5 2250-3153

856 Shoney Sebastian Business-to-Business Integration using XML nternational Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research IJETSR / 2 / 3 / 16 - 22 2394-3386

857 Shoney Sebastian Global Positioning System in Event Management International Journal of Innovation & Advancement in Computer Science / 4 / 3 / 98 - 102 2347-8617

858 Shoney Sebastian An Approach to Design Andriod Based Voting System Using Rest API?s International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 2 / 3 / 10 - 15 2394-3386

859 Shoney Sebastian Apriori Algorithm and its Applications in The Retail Industry for Analyzing Customer Interests International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 2 / 3 / 46 - 51 2394-3386

860 Smitha Vinod Global Positioning System in Event Management International Journal of Innovation & Advancement in Computer Science / 4 / 3 / 98 - 102 2347-8617

861 Sridevi R Biometric Security based on Reversible Data Hiding with RZL Code and Elliptic Curve Cryptography American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics / 10 / 2 / 158 - 160 2328-3491

862 Sridevi R Secured Image Transfer Through Dna Cryptography Using Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithm International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology / 4 / 2 / 189 - 196 2319 - 5991

863 Sridevi R Performance Analysis of Biometric Image Encryption in Transformed Formats using Public Key Cryptography International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research / 6 / 2 / 1142 - 1145 2229-5518

864 Thirunavukkarasu V Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Techniques for Detecting Fake Images International Journal of Business Intelligents / 3 / 1 / 374 - 379 2278-2400

865 Thirunavukkarasu V Analysis of various Noise Models and Filtering Techniques used for Image Restoration International Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology (IJRCSIT) / 3 / 1 / 5 - 11 2319-5010

866 Thirunavukkarasu V Evolution of Blind Methods for Image Tamper Detection-A Review International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) / 9 / 21 / 5069 - 5076 0973-4562

867 Vaidhehi V The role of Dataset in training ANFIS system for course Advisor International Journal Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / / 6 / 249 - 253 2349-2163

868 Vaidhehi V Survey of Learning Analytics based on Purpose and Techniques for Improving Student Performance International Journal of Computer Applications / 3 / 10.5120/19502-1097 / 22 - 26 0975-8887

869 Vaidhehi V A Review of Routing Protocols for Airborne Networks International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / 2 / 3 / 5 - 9 2349-2163

870 Vaidhehi V Density Based Traffic Light Control System IRJIE / 2 / 3 / 37 - 41 2395-0560

871 Vaidhehi V Smart Switches For Automation IRJIE / 2 / 3 / 29 - 35 2365-0560

872 Vaidhehi V The Comparative Study of Speech Recognition Models -Hidden Markov and Dynamic Time Wrapping Model IRJIE / 1 / 3 / 22 - 28 2395-0560

873 Anita H B Handwritten Script Recognition at Line Level - A Multiple Feature-Based Approach International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) / 3 / 4 / 90 - 95 2277-3754

874 Anita H B Handwritten Script Recognition at Line Level - A Multiple Feature Based Approach International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) / 3 / 4 / 90 - 95 2277-3754

875 Beaulah Soundarabai P Big Data Analytics: An Approach using Hadoop Distributed File System International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), / 3 / 11 / 239 - 244 2277-3754

876 Chandra J IBA Graph Selector Algorithm for Big Data Visualization using Defense Data set International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research / 4 / 3 / 1 - 7 2229-5518

877 Chandra J A Multi-threaded Test Automation Framework for Testing Data-centric Applications using Data Processing Algorithms International Journal of Computer Applications -scholarly peer-reviewed research publishing journal / 114 / 7 / 21 - 25 0975-8887

878 Deepa V Jose A Novel Model for Speech to Text Conversion. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science / 3 / 1 / 39 - 41 2319-183X, 2319-1821

879 Deepa V Jose LEACH Enhancement to Improve the Lifetime of WSNs International Journal of Advanced Research / 5 / 4 / 1414 - 1417 2277-128X

880 Joy Paulose A Novel Approach to Distorted English Character Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network Elixir Online Journal / 58 / 6 / 14992 - 14996 2229-712X

881 Kavitha R HARC-Hierarchical Activity Recognition System using Clustering for Smart Home Elsevier Publication-2013 / / / 821 - 825 978-93-5107-102-0

882 Kirubanand V B Client Server Modelling in Job Scheduling with Queuing Petri Net and Bulk Service Model Using Novel Security Journal of Nano Science and Nano Technology / 2 / 1 / 693 - 698 2279-0381

883 Manjunatha Hiremath Depth And Intensity Gabor Features Based 3d Face Recognition Using Symbolic Lda And Adaboost International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP) / 6 / 1 / 32 - 39 2074-9082

884 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Using Radon Transform And Factorial Discriminant Analysis (FDA) International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering / 3 / 7 / 1059 - 1066 2277-128X

885 Manjunatha Hiremath Radon transform and symbolic pca based 3d face recognition using knn and SVM International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering / 3 / 7 / 1059 - 1066 2277-128X

886 Manjunatha Hiremath Radon transform and symbolic linear discriminant analysis based 3d face recognition using KNN AND SVM International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST) / 2 / 12 / 267 - 274 2320-2602

887 Nachamai M A Novel Approach to Distorted English Character Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network Elixir Online Journal / 58 / 6 / 14992 - 14996 2229-712X

888 Nachamai M An Incisive Framework for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Discernment Current Trends in Technology and Science / 3 / 2 / 65 - 68 2279-0535

889 Nachamai M A Precise Method for Gender Cataloguing using a Minimum Distance Classifier The International Journal of Engineering and Science / 3 / 2 / 1 - 4 2319-1805

890 Nizar Banu P K Feature selection using swarm-based relative reduct technique for fetal heart rate Neural Computing and Applications / 25 / / 793 - 806 1433-3058

891 Peter Augustin D Leveraging Big Data Analytics and Hadoop in Developing India's Healthcare Services International Journal of Computer Applications / 89 / 16 / 44 - 50 0975-8887

892 Sandeep J What Are the Software Engineering Problems? Are We With The Right Approach? Intenational Journal of Computer Application / 1 / / 45 - 0975-8887

893 Saravanakumar K Human Detection Robot using PIR Sensors International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) / 4 / 3 / 492 - 496 2278-7798

894 Saravanakumar K Evaluate the Multiple Breast Cancer Factors and Calculate the Risk by Software Tool Breast Cancer Risk Evaluator Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 8(s7) / 8 / 686 - 691 0974-5645

895 Saravanan K N Zone Based Relative Density Feature Extraction Algorithm For Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology / 64 / 1 / 123 - 130 1992-8645

896 Sridevi R A Novel Scheme for Remote Data Storage - Dual Encryption JRIT) is a scholarly, peer reviewed and monthly online Journal for research in the fields of Compute / 2 / 4 / 223 - 228 2001-5569

897 Sridevi R Biometric Cryptosystem for VoIP Security using RSA Key Generation International Journal of Software and Web Sciences (IJSWS) / 1 / 7 / 25 - 29 2279-0063

898 Sridevi R Selfish Carrier Monitoring in Wi-fi Using Distributed Sniffers International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS) / 2 / 7 / 237 - 241 2279-0047

899 Vaidhehi V A Framework to Design a Web based Neuro Fuzzy System for Course Advisor International Journal Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) / 1 / 2 / 186 - 190 2349-2163

900 Chandra J SVM Ensemble model for Investment Prediction Prediction International Journal of IT, Engg and Applied sciences Research / 1 / 2 / 19 - 23 2319-4413

901 Kavitha R Smart Home Systems Using Wireless Sensor Network - A Comparative Analysis International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET) / 3 / 3 / 94 - 103 0976-6367, 0976-6375

902 Manjunatha Hiremath Face Detection And Tracking In Video Sequence Using Fuzzy Geometric Face Model And Motion Estimation International Journal of Computer Applications / 58 / 15 / 12 - 16 0975 -8887

903 Manjunatha Hiremath Face Detection And Tracking In Video Sequence Using Fuzzy Geometric Face Model And Mean Shift International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering / 2 / 1 / 41 - 46 2278-3091

904 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Using Radon Transform And Symbolic Lda International Journal of Computer Applications / 67 / 4 / 1 - 4 0975-8887

905 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Based On Deformation Invariant Image Using Symbolic LDA International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering / 2 / 2 / 31 - 36 2278-3091

906 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Based On Depth And Intensity Gabor Features Using Symbolic Pca And Adaboost International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition / 6 / 5 / 1 - 12 2005-4254, 2207-970X

907 Manjunatha Hiremath Symbolic Factorial Discriminant Analysis For 3d Face Recognition International Journal of Computer Science and Engin eering / 2 / 1 / 6 - 12 2347-2693

908 Nachamai M Alphabet Recognition of American Sign Language: A Hand Gesture Recognition approach using SIFT algorithm International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications(IJAIA) / 4 / 1 / 105 - 115 0976-2191

909 Nizar Banu P K A Comparative Analysis of Rough Set Based Intelligent Techniques for Unsupervised Gene Selection International Journal of System Dynamics Applications / 2 / 4 / 1 - 14 2160-9772

910 Rohini V Web Mining Patterns Discovery and Analysis Using Custom-Built Apriori Algorithm International Journal of Engineering Inventions / 2 / 5 / 16 - 21 2278-7461, 2319-6491

911 Rohini V A Phased approach to solve the university course scheduling system International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER). / 3 / 4 / 258 - 261 2250-3005

912 Roseline Mary R Performance Analysis of Different Classifiers to Build - A Classification model and to improve the vigilance skills in Crime Detection using Data mining Techniques International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science / 3 / 7 / 314 - 317 0976-5697

913 Roseline Mary R An Efficient Framework for Online Dealer Management Portal using SAP ABAP Web Dynpro International Organisation of Scientific Research-Journal of Computer Engineering / 9 / 6 / 41 - 46 2278-0661

914 Sandeep J Does MANET Have Senses? ? An Intellectual Approach Proceedia of Engineering, Elsevier / 38 / / 1415 - 1431 1877-7058

915 Saravanakumar K Surveillance System Based On Raspberry Pi for Monitoring a Location Through A Mobile Device International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) / 2 / 3 / 103 - 108 2393-8870

916 Saravanan K N Pixel Size Reduction Loss-Less Image COMPRESSION ALGORITHM International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies / 5 / 1 / - 0975-9646

917 Sridevi R An Approach for Secure Data Storage in Cloud Environment International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering / 2 / 2 / 206 - 209 2010-3743

918 Chandra J A Neuro-fuzzy classifier for investors IFRSAs International Journal of Computing / 2 / 1 / 189 - 192 2230-9039

919 Chandra J A Neuro-fuzzy classifier for investors IFRSAs International Journal of Computing / 2 / 1 / 189 - 192 2230-9039

920 Deepa V Jose Service - Oriented Architecture-Risks and Remedies The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences / 3 / 7 / - 0973-9904

921 Kirubanand V B Novel Encryption Control Mechanism Algorithm for Wimax Network Elseveir-open access / 30 / / 28 - 35 1877-7058

922 Kirubanand V B Distributed Data Transaction of an Apache Web Server using Bulk Service Rule International Journal of Computer Application / 24 / 8 / 2974 - 3334 0975-8887

923 Manjunatha Hiremath Digital Microscopic Image Analysis Of Virus Particles Bioinfo Publications International Journal of Machine Intelligence / 3 / 4 / 180 - 184 0975-9166

924 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D FACE RECOGNITION USING RADON TRANSFORM AND PCA International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing / 2 / 2 / 123 - 128 0975-9166

925 Manjunatha Hiremath 3D Face Recognition Using Radon Transform And Symbolic PCA International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering / 1 / 4 / 2342 - 2349 2277-1956

926 Nachamai M A trailblazing modus operandi to face identification using a reckoning archetypal Principal component analysis Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering / 2 / 6 / 947 - 953 0976-5166

927 Nachamai M A Neuro-fuzzy classifier for investors IFRSAs International Journal of Computing / 2 / 1 / 189 - 192 2230-9039

928 Nachamai M Enacted software development process based on agile and agent methodologies International journal of Engineering Science and Technology / 3 / 11 / 8019 - 8029 0975-5462

929 Ramamurthy B CBMIR: Content Based Medical Image Retrieval System Using Texture and Intensity for Dental Images Lecture Notes in Computer Science / 305 / / 125 - 134 0302-9743, 1611-3349

930 Ramamurthy B Content Based Medical Image Retrieval with Texture Content Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and K-Means Clustering Algorithms Journal of Computer Science-Science Publications / 8 / 7 / 1070 - 1076 1549-3636

931 Smitha Vinod Service - Oriented Architecture-Risks and Remedies The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences / 3 / 7 / - 0973-9904

932 Anita H B Handwritten Script Recognition using DCT and Wavelet Features at Block Level International Journal of Computer Applications, Special Issue on RTIPPR (3) / 3 / Special issue / 158 - 163 0975-8887

933 Kirubanand V B Study of Performance Analysis in Wired and Wireless Network American Journal of Applied Sciences / 8 / 8 / 826 - 832 1546-9239

934 Nizar Banu P K Analysis of Click Stream Patterns using Soft Biclustering Approaches International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach / 4 / 1 / 53 - 66 1935-5718

935 Ramamurthy B CBMIR: Shape-Based Image Retrieval using Canny Edge Detection and K-Means Clustering Algorithms for Medical Images International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) / 3 / 2 / 1864 - 1871 0975-5462

936 Ramamurthy B Content based Image Retrieval for Medical Images using Canny Edge Detection Algorithm International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) / 17 / 6 / 32 - 37 0975-8887

937 Sandeep J An Evaluation of Two Position based Hybrid Routing Algorithms under Mobility Speed over MANET International Journal of Computer Applications / 16 / 8 / 50 - 54 0975-8887

938 Saravanakumar K Android controlled robot with image transfer International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) / 2 / 3 / 98 - 102 2393-8870

939 Kirubanand V B Performance Modeling in Client Server Network Comparison of Hub, Switch and Bluetooth Technology Using Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri Nets with the Security Of Steganography Int. J. Of Advanced Networking and Applications / 01 / 05 / 331 - 336 0975-0282

940 Manjunatha Hiremath Automated Identification And Classification Of Rotavirus-A Particle In Digital Microscopic Images International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) / 1 / 6 / 16 - 20 0975-8887

941 Kirubanand V B Performance Modeling of Client-Server with Wibree Application Using Queueing Petri Nets and Markov Algorithm ACM / / / 357 - 361 978-0-7695-3595-1

942 Saravanakumar K Cloud Computing and Impact of Cloud Security on Startups in India International Journal of Futuristic Technologies in Computer Science and Engineering IJFTCSE-2011 / 1 / 2 / - 2250-2998

943 Saravanan K N An equivalent Non-recursive algorithm for N-queens problem-LT method for N-queens problem-Generation of permutation from N-queens problem Computer Society of India, Coimbatore Chapter / 1 / 1 / 461 - 464 2277-7091



Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R (2171) Text book WowYes: Interesting Use Cases of Operating System with Implementation - Series 1 979-8343144635 2024
2 THOMAS K T,LIAN MATHEW,SANANDITA MAJI,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Communications (InC4) A Hybrid Approach for Predictive Maintenance Monitoring of Aircraft Engines 979-8-3503-8365-2 2024
3 SAVITHRI M,V SHOBANA,C MAHESWARI,N KUMAR,RADHA PALANISWAMY Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the National Seminar on Integration of Traditional Indian Knowledge System into Modern Higher Education: NEP Perspective (ICSSRIK2024) DIGITAL DHARMA: INTEGRATING TRADITIONAL INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS WITH ICT IN NEP-DRIVEN HIGHER EDUCATION 978-81-971000-5-5 2024
4 SAVITHRI M,A NIRMALA,K THENMOZHI,N KUMAR,RADHA PALANISWAMY Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the National Seminar on Integration of Traditional Indian Knowledge System into Modern Higher Education: NEP Perspective (ICSSRIK2024) ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN DISSEMINATING TIKS-BASED EDUCATION: A PERSPECTIVE FROM INDIA'S NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY (NEP) 2020 978-81-971000-5-5 2024
5 SUDHAKAR T,D. JEYABHARATHI,DR. DONNE KOMLA MUDDEY,ABHIRAMI J.S Text book Modern Database Management AI Innovations and Practical Challenges 978-81-979349-3-3 2024
6 THOMAS K T,LIAN MATHEW,MOUSHREETA DEBROY,IEEE Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024, 2024 Facial Expression Recognition with Transfer Learning: A Deep Dive 2024
7 RAJESH KANNA R,PANDARINATH POTLUR,SAJJA SUNEEL,B. CHANDRA,D. MUTHUKUMARAN,MAKARAND UPADHYAYA Conference Proceedings Image Processing and Capsule Networks ELCCFD: An Efficient and Enhanced Credit Card Fraud Detection using Enhanced Deep Learning Principle 979-835036717-1 2024
8 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T,SAVITHA T,SOLOMON THANGATHURAI Reference book Quantum Computing and Supply Chain Management: A New Era of Optimization Quantum approaches to sustainable resource management in supply chains 979-836934108-7 2024
9 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,ANSHUL SAXENA Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 An Examination of Methodological Approaches for Segmentating Fetal Brain MRI Images - Analysis 979-835038427-7 2024
10 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,NISHANT SHARMA,ANSHUL SAXENA Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 Flight Arrival Delay Prediction Using Deep Learning 979-835038427-7 2024
11 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,VHARSHA T,TINY S PALATHARA,ANSHUL SAXENA Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 Enhancing Banana Cultivation: Disease Identification through CNN and SVM Analysis for Optimal Plant Health 979-835038427-7 2024
12 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,PEDDAPURAM CHENDRA KANTH,TINY S PALATHARA,ANSHUL SAXENA Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 Machine Learning Model Enabled with Data Optimisation for Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease 979-835038427-7 2024
13 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,PALAK JAIN,AVICHAL SHARMA,ANSHUL SAXENA Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 Resource Curse - Impact of Renewable Natural Resources on Economic Growth in the U.S. using ARDL Approach 979-835038427-7 2024
15 SANDEEP J,FAISAL N VASAYA, SAGAYA AURELIA,OSSAMA EMBARAK Text book Industry 4.0 Key Technological Advances and Design Principles in Engineering, Education, Business, and Social Applications A comparative study of structureless data aggregation protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) 9781003343332 2024
16 DEEPA V JOSE,SAGAYA AURELIA P,OSSAMA EMBARAK Text book Industry 4.0 Key Technological Advances and Design Principles in Engineering, Education, Business, and Social Applications An insight into the consensus protocols and data security in IoT applications using blockchain 978-104004898-6 2024
17 SRIDEVI R,P ASHOKKUMAR,V SATHISH,ELENA RAILEAN Reference book Implementing Interactive Learning Strategies in Higher Education Empowering Minds: Cognitive Learning Strategies for Higher Education Success 9798369335598 2024
18 CECIL DONALD A,B. PRABHA,VIJAY KARTHIKEYAN DHANDAPANI,SRINIVASA RAO SURA,RAAD MUHAMMED SAYED,MUHSIN JWEEG,KALPANA HAZARIKA,BIDYUT MAHATO Conference Proceedings 2024 4th International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) The Optimization of Output of Wind Turbine with the Ongoing Grid System through BP Method Using ANN 979-8-3503-6016-5 2024
19 CECIL DONALD A,R. SREELAKSHMY,GNANAJEYARAMAN RAJARAM,PRAKASH PUTTA,SADEQ KHUDHUR THAJEEL,HIND HAMEED,DOAA TALIB ZAIDAN,KALPANA HAZARIKA,BIDYUT MAHATO Conference Proceedings 2024 4th International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) The Integration of HMS using IOMT and CE through ANFIS 979-8-3503-6016-5 2024
20 CECIL DONALD A,M.SAHAYA SHEELA,MANINTI VENKATESWARLU,PADMAJA KADIRI,MAZIN R. AL-HAMEED,HASSAN SAFI,OSAMA NAZIM SAADOUN,KALPANA HAZARIKA,BIDYUT MAHATO Conference Proceedings 2024 4th International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) The Development of ID System for Detecting Attacks in WSN through Ontology Method and its Strategy 979-8-3503-6016-5 2024
21 HELEN K JOY,HUBERT SHANTHAN,SUDHAKAR T,L. PADMA SURESH Conference Proceedings Proceeding of International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT) Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction with a Low-Cost Air Mouse and Sign Language Recognition System 979-8-3503-7281-6 2024
22 AMALA JOHNSON,ANNA THOMAS,MEBY JOSEPH MANOJ,PREETHI N Reference book Artificial intelligence in forecasting tools and techniques The Evolution of Forecasting Techniques: Traditional Versus Machine Learning Methods 9781032506159 2024
23 SANDEEP J,RACHANA N,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE) Advances in Crime Identification: A Machine Learning Perspective 979-8-3503-6684-6 2024
24 NISHA VARGHESE,HELEN K JOY,GOBI R,SRIDEVI R,CYNTHIA T,RAJESH KANNA R,JAVED G S Conference Proceedings IEEE CONECCT 2024 Proceedings A Novel Approach for Machine Reading Comprehension Using BERT-Based Large Language Models 2024
25 THOMAS K T,LIJA JACOB,SACHI MOHANTY, PREETHI NANJUNDAN, TEJASWINI KAR Text book Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting Tools and Techniques A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Machine Learning Forecasting Techniques 9781003399292 2024
26 AMALA JOHNSON,AASHIEK CHERIYAN,ALWIN JOSEPH,PREETHI N Reference book Artificial intelligence in forecasting tools and techniques Workforce Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence 978-104005150-4, 978-103250615-9 2024
27 HELEN K JOY,DEON ROSE THOMAS Conference Proceedings proceedings of International Conference on Electronics, Computing, Communication and Control Technology (ICECCC) ThermAI: Exploring Temperature Analysis Through Diverse Machine Learning Models 979-8-3503-7180-2 2024
28 LEKHA J,SANJEEV PANDEY,IEEE XPLORE Conference Proceedings 2024 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence For Internet of Things (AIIoT) Advancing Road Safety through Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Deep Learning Model 979-8-3503-7212-0 2024
29 NISMON RIO R,RAMKUMAR KRISHNAMOORTHY,S. NAGARAJ,CECIL DONALD A,SURESH K,CYNTHIA T,NA Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems A Quality of Service Study for Downlink Scheduling Algorithms in Mobile Networks 978-3-031-64847-2 2024
30 NISHA VARGHESE,GOBI R,HELEN K JOY,SRIDEVI R,CYNTHIA T,RAJESH KANNA R,IEEE Conference Proceedings Proceedings of CONECCT 2024 - 10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies A Novel Approach for Machine Reading Comprehension using BERT-based Large Language Models 979-835038592-2 2024
31 NIZAR BANU P K ,AFZAL SAYED MUNNA, HUSAM ALHARAHSHEH, ALESSANDRO FERRAZZA,ABRAHAM PIUS Text book Transforming Education for Personalized Learning Discovering the Micro-Clusters From a Group of DHH Learners: An Approach Using Machine Learning Techniques 9798369308684 2024
32 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R (2171) Text book Request Scheduling in Distributed System B0D3T4R72L 2024
33 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,MANAVI SHARMA,ELIAN JOSE,SHINE RAJU KAPPIL,VLADIK KREINOVICH,SONGSAK SRIBOONCHITTA,WORAPHON YAMAKA Conference Proceedings Machine Learning for Econometrics and Related Topics Portfolio Management Decision Support System Using Cryptocurrencies and Traditional Assets in Indian Context 978-3-031-43601-7 2024
34 NIZAR BANU P K ,AHMAD TAHER AZAR,N A KAMAL,CHAKIB Conference Proceedings Control, Automation and Diagnosis Unsupervised Learning for Understanding Diversity: Applying Feature Engineering and Cluster Analysis to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Data 979-8-3503-6102-5 2024
35 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,S.P.GAYATHRI,SHINE RAJU KAPPIL,AJEET KUMAR SAHOO,VLADIK KREINOVICH, SONGSAK SRIBOONCHITTA, WORAPHON Conference Proceedings Machine Learning for Econometrics and Related Topics Analysis and Prediction of Suitable Model for Coconut Production Estimates in South Indian States 978-3-031-43601-7 2024
36 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R,RAUSHAN KUMAR SINGH,DIPAK KUMAR KOLE Conference Proceedings COMSYS 2023 MARS: Manual and Automatic Robotic Sanitization on Social Milieu 978-981972610-3 2024
37 SOMNATH SINHA,ADITI PAUL,PARVEEN KUMAR Text book Handbook of Intelligent and Sustainable Manufacturing: Tools, Principles, and Strategies Overview of Cyber Security in Intelligent and Sustainable Manufacturing 978-104009695-6 2024
38 NEHA SINGHAL,ABHISHEK KUMAR, CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY, PUNJAB, IND,ANANTH KUMAR, IFET COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TAMIL N,RAJ, PETHURU,EDGE AI DIVISION, RELIANCE JIO PLATFO Reference book Industry automation: The technologies, platforms and use cases Industry Automation 978-877004038-9, 978-877004039-6 2024
39 RAJESH KANNA R,IITCEE Conference Proceedings Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE) Digital Watermarking Techniques for Secure Image Distribution 979-8-3503-0641-5 2024
40 RAMESH KUMAR,ALEX KHANG,KHUSHWANT SINGH,MOHIT YADAV,HAJIMAHMUD VUGAR ABDULLAYEV,EUGENIA L,GADIROVA ELMINA MUSRAT,ZORAN ?. AVRAMOVIC Reference book Revolutionizing Automated Waste Treatment Systems: IoT and Bioelectronics Minimizing the Waste Management Effort by Using Machine Learning Applications 9798369360170 2024
41 SURESH K,SUBRAMANI R,INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION, SECURIT Conference Proceedings 2023 International Conference on Communication, Security and Artificial Intelligence (ICCSAI) Leveraging Model Distillation as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks Based on Deep Learning Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-6996-0 Print on Demand( 2024
42 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T,MAHMOUD HAWAMDEH Text book Embracing Technological Advancements for Lifelong Learning Revolutionizing lifelong learning AI, virtual, and augmented reality in education 979-836931411-1 2024
43 RAJESH KANNA R,DEBARATHA SAMANTHA Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Machine learning insights into mental health risk factors associated with climate change: Impact on schoolchildren's cognitive abilities 979-836933273-3 2024
44 RAJESH KANNA R,DEBARATHA SAMANTHA Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Deep learning approaches to understanding psychological impacts on vulnerable populations 979-836933273-3 2024
45 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T,DEEPA V JOSE,DEBARATHA SAMANTHA Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Stormy minds and the long-term mental health impact of climate-linked natural disasters 979-836933273-3 2024
46 RAJESH KANNA R,DEBARATHA SAMANTHA Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Innovative strategies for urban construction optimization in the IoT era 979-836933273-3 2024
47 RAJESH KANNA R,DEBARATHA SAMANTHA Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Navigating the intersection of global climate change and mental health 979-836933273-3 2024
48 RAJESH KANNA R,DEBARATHA SAMANTHA Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health AI and IoT for universal health and well-being across generations 979-836933273-3 2024
49 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T,MOHAN R Text book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Navigating resource scarcity in a changing climate: AI-powered perspectives on mental health 979-836933273-3 2024
50 RAMESH KUMAR,KHUSHWANT SINGH,MOHIT YADAV,ALEX KHANG,HAJIMAHMUD VUGAR ABDULLAYEV,EUGENIA LITVINOVA, GADIROVA ELMINA MUSRAT,ZORAN ?. AVRAMOVIC Reference book Revolutionizing Automated Waste Treatment Systems: IoT and Bioelectronics IoT-Based Automated Dust Bins and Improved Waste Optimization Techniques for Smart City 9798369360170 2024
51 AVICHAL SHARMA,PALLAVI PANDEY Reference book Policy Perspective - Indian Insights into Macroeconomic Policies 978-93-6135-171-6 2024
52 NISHA VARGHESE Reference book Unveiling Language: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Language Processing ISBN: 978-93-5747-845-8 2024
53 DEEPA V JOSE (420) Text book Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, Identification, and Assessment Environmental sensors: Safeguarding the ecosystem by monitoring sanitary pad disposal 979-836931931-4, 979-836931930-7 2024
54 SRIDEVI R,SARANYA R,SNEHA M,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,HIROKI SAYAMA,DURGESH KUMAR MISHRA Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 922)) An Analysis of Manufacturing Machine Failures and Optimization Using Replacement Year Prediction 978-981-97-0975-5 2024
55 PRAMILA R M,DIVY JOSHI, AKASH TANK ,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA, HIROKI SAYAMA, JOSEPH VARGHESE KU Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security GLANCE?Guided Language Through Autoregression Establishing Natural and Classifier-Free Editing 978-981-97-0974-8 2024
56 RAJESH KANNA R,BABU P BUJJI,BISHT DEEPA,SHILPA K,ALZUBAIDI,SHARMA AJAY Conference Proceedings 4th IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2024 A Systematic Review of Various Advancements Implementation in the Field of Crop (Plant) Production 979-835036016-5 2024
57 GUNAVATHI R,V. SIVAKUMAR,B. SENTHIL KUMAR,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,API Conference Proceedings AIP Conference Proceedings Improved diabetes disease prediction IWFO model using machine learning algorithms ISSN:0094-243X 2024
58 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,V.SIVAKUMAR,SAVITA,MEENU SHUKLA,CHANDRASEKARAN NATARAJ,LAU CHEE YONG Conference Proceedings proceedings of 5th international conference on sustainable innovation in engineering and technology 2023 Multilayer classification based Alzheimer's disease detection 2024
59 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,V.SIVAKUMAR,C.NATARAJ,P.C.KANTH,CHANDRASEKARAN NATARAJ,LAU CHEE YONG Conference Proceedings Proceedings Of 5th International Conference On Sustainable Innovation In Engineering And Technology 2023 Prediction of heart disease using XGB classifier 2024
60 NISHA VARGHESE,ANUPAMA Reference book Futuristic Trends in Artificial Intelligence ED-IOT: Scope, Application And Challenges, Of The Internet Of Things In Effective Education 978-93-6252-830-8 2024
61 NISHA VARGHESE,ANUPAMA Reference book Futuristic Trends in Artificial Intelligence Scope Of Industrial Internet Ofthings In Manufacturing Industry: Challenges,Recent Trends And Applications 978-93-6252-830-8 2024
62 CECIL DONALD A,C. ROHITH BHAT,B PRABHA,SWATI SAH,HARSHAL PATIL,FIROS A,JYOTI R MUNAVALLI,REKHA P Conference Proceedings 2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS) SARIMA Techniques for Predictive Resource Provisioning in Cloud Environments 979-8-3503-9458-0 2024
63 CECIL DONALD A,I SUDHA,S NAVYA,G NITHYA,MANIVANNAN BALAMURUGAN,S SARAVANAN,JYOTI R MUNAVALLI,REKHA P,YASHAJYOTHI M SHIRUR Conference Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE) A Secure Data Encryption Mechanism in Cloud Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography 979-8-3503-0641-5 2024
64 SOMNATH SINHA,ADITI PAUL,NA Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things, IDCIoT 2024 A Novel Two-Step Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization Strategy for DoS Attack Detection in IoT 979-8-3503-2754-0 2024
65 SHONEY SEBASTIAN,OTHERS Conference Proceedings Enhancing Kubernetes Auto-Scaling: Leveraging Metrics for Improved Workload Performance Enhancing Kubernetes Auto-Scaling: Leveraging Metrics for Improved Workload Performance 979-835030816-7 2024
66 SHONEY SEBASTIAN,OTHER Conference Proceedings Circuit Breaker: A Resilience Mechanism for Cloud Native Architecture Circuit Breaker: A Resilience Mechanism for Cloud Native Architecture 979-835030816-7 2024
67 SHONEY SEBASTIAN,JOSEPH K IYPE,AURELIA S,J. C., IMMANUEL A Conference Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science Comparative Analysis of State-of-the-Art Face Recognition Models: FaceNet, ArcFace, and OpenFace Using Image Classification Metrics 978-303150992-6 2024
68 SAVITHRI M,LIJA JACOB,THOMAS K T,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Reference book Artificial intelligence for cyber defense and smart policing AI in Forensics: A Data Analytics Perspective 9781032170930 2024
69 SAVITHRI M (20553) Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Communication, IoT, Data Engineering and Security, IACIDS 2023, 23-25 November 2023, Lavasa, Pune, India Credit Based Enhanced Routing Protocol for Early Identification of DDoS Attacks in MANETs 978-1-63190-457-8 2024
70 VIJAY ARPUTHARAJ J,YAKUB, MAHMUD EL,HARUNA, AHMED ABBA,SENTHIL KUMAR A Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Review and Design of Integrated Dashboard Model for Performance Measurements 23673370 2024
71 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T Conference Proceedings Proceedings of National Conference on Data Science and Analytics (NCDA2024) Comprehensive Review on Manet Routing Protocols, Characteristics And Types Of Attacks 978-93-6126-170-1 2024
72 RESMI K R,BOSCO PAUL ALAPATT,NEETHA THOMAS,MAHESH JOSE,IEEE Conference Proceedings A Deep Learning Methodology CNN-ADAM for the Prediction of PCOS from Text Report A Deep Learning Methodology CNN-ADAM for the Prediction of PCOS from Text Report 979-8-3503-0500-5 2024
73 RAJESH KANNA R,C.ROHITH BHAT,P LAKSHMIRAMANA,R.FATIMA VINCY,P.RAJASEKAR,A.BALAJI Conference Proceedings International Conference on Data Science, Agents & Artificial Intelligence (ICDSAAI) Wood Type Identification via Neural Networks and Spectral Analysis: An Advanced Algorithmic Solution 979-8-3503-4891-0 2024
74 HELEN K JOY,MANJUNATH R KOUNTE Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024) Deep CNN based Interpolation Filter for High Efficiency Video Coding 979-8-3503-2753-3 2024
75 MOHANA PRIYA T,KRISHI AGARWAL , AYUSH SINGHANIA,DR. V. VIJAYA KUMAR, DR. V. DEEPA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of National Conference on Data Science and Analytics (NCDA2024 Efficient Fall Detection for Elderly using Yolo (You Only Look Once) 978-93-6126-170-1 2024
76 VIJAY ARPUTHARAJ J,JOANNA MARIAM VARKEY,RISHI VAGADIA,RAMESH KUMAR AYYASAMY,DR C KISHOR KUMAR REDDY,DR P R ANISHA,DR MARLIA MOHD HANAFIAH,PROF. SRINATH DOSS,DR KARI LIPPERT Reference book Intelligent Systems and Industrial Internet of Things for Sustainable Development Chapter-13: Leveraging Intelligent Systems and the AIoT/IIoT for Enhanced Waste Management and Recycling Efficiency 9781032642789 2024
77 NISHA VARGHESE,DR. S. MOHANAPRIYA Conference Proceedings Shaping Tomorrow's IT Landscape: Unveiling Innovation at ICITII-2K24 Electrospark: To Learn And Explore Electronics Experiments In A Virtual Drawing Space ISBN: 978-81-971458-4-1 2024
78 LEKHA J,D.SURYAPRABHA,S. SARASWATHI,NOEL MATHEW THOMAS,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,LIJA JACOB,SAVITHRI M Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Communication, IoT, Data Engineering and Security, IACIDS 2023 Lemon Quality Detection Using CNN 978-1-63190-457-8 2024
79 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,LIJA JACOB,SAVITHRI M,BALAMURUGAN B Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Communication, IoT, Data Engineering and Security, IACIDS 2023 978-1-63190-457-8 2024
80 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,P DURGADEVI,LIJA JACOB,BALAMURUGAN B,PARMA NAND Reference book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing 9781032170930 2024
81 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SHUBHAM RAITHATHA,PROF. DR. BEYALı ATAŞOV Conference Proceedings VIII. International Icontech Conference On Innovative Surveys In Positive Sciences Proceedings End To End Computer Network Working Model: Zomato Case Study 78-625-8254-39-6 2024
82 THOMAS K T,LIJA JACOB,SAVITHRI M,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,P DURGADEVI, BALAMURUGAN BALUSAMY, PARMA NAND Text book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing AI in Forensics A Data Analytics Perspective 9781003251781 2024
83 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,P. DURGADEVI,A.S. MOHAMMED SHARIFF,P.DURGADEVI,LIJA JACOB,B.BALAMURUGAN,PARMANAND Reference book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing Big Data for Intelligence and Security 9781032170930 2024
84 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SUSHMA TANWAR,P.DURGADEVI,GIRIJA,P DURGADEVI, LIJA JACOB, BALAMURUGAN BALUSAMY, PAR Reference book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing Computer-based Intelligence and Security 9781032170930 2024
85 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,P.DURGADEVI,LIJA JACOB,B.BALAMURUGAN,PARMA NAND Reference book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing 9781003251781 2024
86 LEKHA J,S.SARASWATHI,D. SURYAPRABHA,V S LOGESH,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,LIJA JACOB,SAVITHRI M,BALAMURUGAN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Communication, IoT, Data Engineering and Security, IACIDS 2023 Bell Pepper Leaf Disease Classification Using Support Vector Machine 978-1-63190-457-8 2024
87 LEKHA J,SARASWATHI S,SURYAPRABHA D,NOEL MATHEW THOMAS,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,LIJA JACOB,SAVITHRI M,BALAMURUGAN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Communication, IoT, Data Engineering and Security, IACIDS 2023 Tomato Leaf Disease Detection using Machine Learning Model 978-1-63190-457-8 2024
88 LIAN MATHEW,A LOURDUSAMY,I DHIVVIYANANDAM,PROF. SANJAY CHAUDHARY,PROF. SANJEEV KUMAR,DR. SHYAMLI GUPTA Conference Proceedings MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS Non split domination cover pebbling number for some class of middle graphs 978 1032588612 (pbk) 2024
89 GUNAVATHI R,ARUN REGHUNATHAN,SAUMMYA SINGH,AMALA JOHNSON,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2024 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies Advanced Approaches for Hate Speech Detection: A Machine and Deep Learning Investigation 979-835038427-7 2024
90 GUNAVATHI R,AQSA ADAB,MUSKAN JAIN,VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,ASHAQ HUSSAIN GANIE ,AMALA JOHNSON,IEEE Conference Proceedings nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 Food Recommendation System using Custom NER and Sentimental Analysis 979-835038427-7 2024
91 GUNAVATHI R,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITHRI M,THAMARAI SELVI,IEEE Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024 Word-of-Mouth Promotion: How to Attract Consistent Consumers as a Promoter for the B2C Model 979-835038427-7 2024
92 SAVITHRI M,KIZITO OMONA,MODEST KAYI O'DAMA Reference book Global Perspectives on Micro-Learning and Micro-Credentials in Higher Education Effectiveness of Gamification in Facilitating Microlearning for Gen Z 9798369303436 2024
93 LIJA JACOB,PRAGATHI,CHRIST Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering Arabica Coffee Bean Grading into Specialty and Commodity Type Based on Quality Using Visual Inspection 978-981-99-7136-7 2024
94 GOBI R,R. THAMARAI SELVI,N. ARULKUMAR,SAGAYA AURELIA P,CHANDRA J,ASHOK IMMANUEL V,JOSEPH MANI,VIJAYA PADMANABHA Conference Proceedings Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies EFMD-DCNN: Efficient Face Mask Detection Model in Street Camera Using Double CNN 978-3-031-50992-6 2024
95 GUNAVATHI R,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Text book Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defense and Smart Policing Cybercrime in Associated World 9781032170930 2024
96 RESMI K R,AMITHA JOSEPH,BINDU GEORGE,HARISH SHARMA,ANTORWEEP CHAKRAVORTY,SHAHID HUSSAIN,RAJANI KUMARI Conference Proceedings Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications Multimodal Face and Ear Recognition Using Feature Level and Score Level Fusion Approach 978-981-99-8476-3 2024
97 RAJESH KANNA R,AKSHAYA AGARWAL,RISHABH TRIPATHI Conference Proceedings Second International Conference on ?Recent Trends in Computer Science and Data Analytics? - 2024 ICRTCSDA'24 Classroom Vigilance: Automated Sleep Detection For Student Engagement Using Yolov8 978-93-91977-50-4 2024
98 RAJESH KANNA R,NAGULA SNEHA,THIYAAGARAJAN N,SAKTHI AISHWARYA S Conference Proceedings Second International Conference on ?Recent Trends in Computer Science and Data Analytics? - 2024 ICRTCSDA'24 IGuide: Vision Companion 978-93-91977-50-4 2024
99 RESMI K R,BINDU GEORGE, E. CHANDRA BLESSIE,VINIT KUMAR GUNJAN,AMIT KUMAR,JACEK M. ZURADA,SRI NIWAS SINGH Conference Proceedings Computational Intelligence in Machine Learning. ICCIML 2022 A Deep Learning Method for Autism Spectrum Disorder 978-981-99-7953-0 2024
100 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ARJUN ,ASSOC. PROF. DR. FAHRI OZSUNGUR Conference Proceedings 7th International Ubsder Scientific Research Congress Proceeding book Blending Realities: A Comprehensive Monograph On The Evolution, Impact, And Future Of Immersive Technologies 978-625-6997-25-7 2024
101 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ASSOC. PROF. DR. FAHRI OZSUNGUR Conference Proceedings 7th International Ubsder Scientific Research Congress Proceeding book Enhancing Audio Data Processing: A Comprehensive Exploration Of Preprocessing Techniques 978-625-6997-25-7 2024
102 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ADıTHYA PALAMıTTAM,ASSOC. PROF. DR. FAHRI OZSUNGUR Conference Proceedings 7th International Scientific Research Congress Proceeding book Wireless Ad Hoc Service: A Case Study On Apple Airdrop 978-625-6997-25-7 2024
103 GUNAVATHI R,B. SENTHIL KUMAR Text book Diabetes Prediction Using Feature Engineering Approach Diabetes Prediction Using Feature Engineering Approach 978-620-7-45870-7 2024
104 GUNAVATHI R,R. SHIDDHARTHY Text book Advanced Networking: VANET Advanced Networking: VANET 978-620-7-45895-0 2024
105 RAJESH KANNA R,NAGULA SNEHA,SAKTHI AISHWARYA ,THIYAAGARAJAN N,DR. F. MARY MAGDALENE JANE Conference Proceedings International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies An Overview On Iguide: Vision Companion 9788196630669 2024
106 RAJESH KANNA R,AARYAN RAGHUVANSHI,ABHINAV RATHI,SHAARANG PRABHUDESAI,DR. F. MARY MAGDALENE JANE Conference Proceedings International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies Multimodal Meeting Analysis: Integrating Pyannote And Faster- Whisper For Efficient Speaker Diarization And Automated Summarization 9788196630669 2024
107 RAJESH KANNA R,RONAK PRASAD,MOHIT MEHTA,MOUSUMI GIRI,DR. F. MARY MAGDALENE JANE Conference Proceedings International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies Avatartalk: Talking Avatars Video Creation Platform Using Generative Ai 9788196630669 2024
108 VIJAY ARPUTHARAJ J,D. DURGA PRASAD,B. V. V. SATYANARAYANA,ABDUL RAHAMAN SHAIK,K. INDIRAPRIYADARSINI,K. V. SUBBA RAMI REDDY,M. HEMALATHA Conference Proceedings Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems Full Swing Logic Based Full Adder for Low Power Applications 978-3-031-48888-7 2024
109 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R (2171) Conference Proceedings Book of Abstracts Cloudify your research thoughts! 9789381899014 2024
111 MOHANA PRIYA T,S. POORANA SENTHILKUMAR,B. SUBRAMANI,DR. R. SENTHIL KUMAR Conference Proceedings IOT Cyber Security: Challenges and solutions for Social and real life applications Measures Of Security Privacy Challenges And Issues In Internet Of Things (Iot) Service ISBN: 978-81-966306-3-8 2024
112 VIJAY ARPUTHARAJ J,SANJOY KUMAR PAL,REDDY, C. KISHOR KUMAR,ANISHA P.R,KHAN, SAMIYA,HANAFIAH, MARLIA MOHD,PAMULAPARTY, LAVANYA,MOHANA, R. MADANA Reference book Sustainability in Industry 5.0: Theory and Applications Transforming Industry 5.0: Real Time Monitoring and Decision Making with IIOT 978-100384516-4, 978-103258201-6 2024
113 RAJESH KANNA R,JOEL B KOSHY,NEIL MANOJ,ADVAITH RAJESH,DR HARI BHASKAR Conference Proceedings Two Day National Conference On Deep Learning & Computer Interaction For Sustainability Calor: Integrating Whisper Ai And Machine Learning For Real-Time Ai Therapy 978-93-94004-73-3 2024
114 VIJAY ARPUTHARAJ J,G PRASANNA KUMAR,P RAVI KUMAR,D VIJAY KUMAR,B V V SATYANARAYANA,PRUDHVI RAJ BUDUMURU Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems, ICACRS 2023 A Comprehensive Review on Image Restoration Methods due to Salt and Pepper Noise 979-835034023-5 2024
115 CHANDRA J,SAGAYA AURELIA P,ASHOK IMMANUEL V,JOSEPH MANI,VIJAYA PADMANABHA Conference Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science- Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies 978-3-031-50993-3 2024
117 SAVITHRI M,DR.K.THENMOZHI,M.SASHIKUMAR,DR. F. MARY MAGDALENE JANE,DR. B. ROSILINE JEETHA,DR. A. ADHISELVAM,DR. R. KOUSALYA,DR. M. RATHI,DR. V. PREAM SUDHA,DR. A. NIRMALA,DR. S. SARANYA,DR. V. SHOBANA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies A Coverage Optimization Algorithm For The Wireless Sensor Network With Random Deployment By Using An Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm 978-81-966306-6-9 2024
118 MOHANA PRIYA T,DR. R. SENTHIL KUMAR Conference Proceedings Iot Cyber Security: Challenges And Solutions For Social And Real Life Applications Measures of Security Privacy Challenges and Issues in Internet of Things (IoT) ServicE 978-81-966306-3-8 2024
119 KIRUBANAND V B Conference Proceedings ETLTC-ICETM2023 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: ICT Integration in Technical Education & Entertainment Technologies and Management A review on recent scheduling algorithms in the cloud environment 2023
120 CECIL DONALD A,SUBRAMANI R,SURESH K,VIJAYALAKSHMI C,V SUMA,PASCAL LORENZ,KHALED A. KAME Conference Proceedings Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Lane Detection using Kalman Filtering 2023
121 SURESH K,CECIL DONALD A,NISMON RIO R,SUBRAMANI R,SOMNATH SINHA,INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Conference Proceedings 2023 IEEE 3rd Mysore Sub Section International Conference, MysuruCon 2023 Prior Cardiovascular Disease Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms in Fog Computing 979-835034035-8 2023
122 NISMON RIO R,SURESH K,CECIL DONALD A,SUBRAMANI R,SOMNATH SINHA,INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Conference Proceedings 2023 IEEE 3rd Mysore Sub Section International Conference, MysuruCon 2023 Prior Cardiovascular Disease Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms in Fog Computing 979-835034035-8 2023
123 SAGAYA AURELIA P,MUKTHA,ASSOC. PROF. DR. MAHMUT DIRIK, ASSOC. PROF. DR. A Conference Proceedings 1st International Future Engineering Conference -IFEC2023- PROCEEDINGS BOOK A Case Study on Cisco Packet Tracer and GNS3 Simulators: A Practical Viewpoint 978-625-367-594-3 2023
124 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,KOTHANDARAMAN SRIDHARAN,BASTIN ROBINS Reference book Data-Driven Decision Making for Business Transformation - Maximising Success with an AI-Powered No-Code Platform Data-Driven Decision Making for Business Transformation - Maximising Success with an AI-Powered No-Code Platform 978-81-958707-6-9 2023
125 THOMAS K T,AKASH NASKAR,ROHAN HARCHANDANI,ARVIND DAGUR,KARAN SINGH,PAWAN SINGH MEHRA,DHIRENDRA KUMAR SHUKLA Reference book Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security Volume 1 Detection of toxic comments over the internet using deep learning methods 978-100384581-2 2023
126 VIJAY ARPUTHARAJ J,SANJOY KUMAR PAL Reference book Sustainability in Industry 5.0 Theory and Applications Transforming Industry 5.0: Real-Time Monitoring and Decision-Making with IIoT 9781032582016 2023
127 DEEPA V JOSE,JINSI JOSE,VINESH RAJ,SWEANA VAKKAYIL SEABAN,ABOUL ELLA HASSANIEN,OSCAR CASTILLO,SAMEER ANAND,AJAY JAISWAL Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Mobile Phone Prices 978-981-99-3010-4 2023
128 SANGEETHA G (4111) Reference book Risk Assessment Dynamics of Risk Management 9798891864849 2023
129 CHANDRA J,DEBOPRIYO ROY AND GEORGE FRAGULIS Conference Proceedings APL Bioengineering Special Topic: Drug/Gene Delivery and Theranostics Research Advancements in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Neuroimaging 978-0-7354-4750-9/$30.00 2023
130 CHANDRA J,DEBOPRIYO ROY AND GEORGEN FRAGULIS Conference Proceedings APL Bioengineering Special Topic: Drug/Gene Delivery and Theranostics A comprehensive study on detection of emotions using human body movements: Machine learning approach 978-0-7354-4750-9/$30.00 2023
131 CHANDRA J,AKSHAY SINKHAL,ALWIN JOSEPH Conference Proceedings APL Bioengineering Special Topic: Drug/Gene Delivery and Theranostics Spatio - Temporal analysis of temperature in Indian States 978-0-7354-4750-9/$30.00 2023
132 GOBI R,N. ARULKUMAR,AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R,ROHINI V,DEBOPRIYO ROY,GEORGE FARGULIS Conference Proceedings ETLTC-ICETM2023: ICT Integration in Technical Education & Entertainment Technologies and Management An interrogation of Android application-based privilege escalation attacks 2023
133 GUNAVATHI R,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Text book The Role of AI, IoT and Blockchain in mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 Case Study: Impact of Industry 4.0 and Its Imapct on Fighting COVID-19 978-981-5080-65-0 2023
134 NISHA VARGHESE,M PUNITHAVALLI, MUSKAN GARG,SANDEEP KUMAR,ABDUL KHADER JILANI SAUDAGAR Text book Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Question-answering versus machine reading comprehension Neural machine reading comprehension using transformer models 9781003244332 2023
135 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,NAVEEN CHILAMKURTI,SAVITA,RAJESH KUMAR DHANARAJ,BALAMURUGAN B Reference book The Role of AI, IoT, and Blockchain in Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 978-981-5080-66-7 2023
136 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,T.GENISH,NAVEEN CHILAMKUTI,SAVITA,RAJESH KUMAR D,BALAMURUGAN B Reference book The Role of AI, IoT, and Blockchain in Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 IoT innovation in COVID-19 crisis 978-981-5080-66-7 2023
137 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R,DR K POUNRAJ Conference Proceedings ICSCNA 2023 - Proceedings Resource Aware Weighted Least Connection Load Balancing Technique in Cloud Computing 979-835031398-7 2023
138 GUNAVATHI R,RAJESWARI S,HARI PRIYA N,BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS Text book The Role of AI, IoT, and Blockchain in Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 Case study: Impact of Industry 4.0 and its impact on fighting COVID-19 978-981508065-0, 978-981508066-7 2023
139 ROHINI V,JOY PAULOSE,PETHURU RAJ,BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D Text book Machine Intelligence - Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing A Novel Auto Encoder- Network-Based Ensemble Technique for Sentiment Analysis Using Tweets on COVID-19 Data 9781032201993 2023
140 PETER AUGUSTIN D,PETHURU RAJ,BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P Reference book Machine Intelligence: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing Machine Intelligence: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing 9781003424550 2023
141 DEEPA V JOSE,PETHURU RAJ,BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D Reference book Machine Intelligence: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing Edge/Fog Computing: An Overview and Insight into Research Directions 9781003424550 2023
142 PETER AUGUSTIN D,PETHURU RAJ,BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P Reference book Machine Intelligence: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing Reduce Overfitting and Improve Deep Learning Models? Performance in Medical Image Classification 9781003424550 2023
143 GOBI R,SANJAY A,PETHURU RAJ,BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D Reference book Machine Intelligence Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing A Machine Learning-Based Driving Assistance System for Lane and Drowsiness Monitoring 9781003424550 2023
144 NIZAR BANU P K ,YADUKRISHNA SREEKUMAR, PETHURU RAJ,BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D Reference book Machine Intelligence Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms 9781032201993 2023
145 NIZAR BANU P K ,PRASAD J C Conference Proceedings Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications A Comprehensive Study on E-learning Environments for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Learners 979-8-3503-9844-1 2023
146 SHAHID BASHIR,VIJAYALAKSHMI S Text book Artificial Intelligence and Transforming Digital Marketing Revisiting the Nexus Between Suicides and Economic Indicators: An Empirical Investigation 978-3-031-35827-2 2023
147 CECIL DONALD A,SUBRAMANI R,SURESH K,K.SIVASELVAN,ABOUL ELLA HASSANIEN,OSCAR CASTILLO,SAMEER ANAND,AJAY JAISWAL Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Stress Level Detection in Continuous Speech Using CNNs and a Hybrid Attention Layer 978-981-99-4071-4 2023
148 RAMAMURTHY B Conference Proceedings 2023 First International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence (ICAEECI) Optimizing Kidney Ultrasound images through Pre-Processing Filters 979-8-3503-4279-6 2023
149 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURU RAJ ,PETER AUGUSTIN D Reference book Machine Intelligence: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing Machine Intelligence: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing 9781032201993 2023
150 ALWIN JOSEPH,NAIVED GEORGE EAPEN,ANITHA S. PILLAI,ROBERTO TEDESCO Text book Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing Conversational Agents and Chatbots: Current Trends 9781032264639 2023
151 NISHA VARGHESE,VIVEK R,SANDEEP KUMAR Conference Proceedings Contemporary Computing and Communications The Efficiency of Ensemble Machine Learning Models on Network Intrusion Detection using KDDCup 99 Dataset 979-8-3503-3577-4 2023
152 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T,DEBABRATA SAMANTA Text book The Software Principles of Design for Data Modeling Designing an Efficient and Scalable Relational Database Schema: Principles of Design for Data Modeling 9781668498095 2023
153 SANDEEP J,LIBIN THOMAS Conference Proceedings 2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) Kho Kho Model: A Novel Technique for Efficient Handoff in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks 979-8-3503-2297-2 2023
154 VINEETHA K R Reference book Computer Application for Diversified Domains 978-81-959223-9-0 2023
155 THOMAS K T,AIP Conference Proceedings Advanced Computing And Machine Learning A comparative study of machine learning and deep learning algorithms to predict crop production 10.1063/5.0162300 2023
156 SANDEEP J,LIBIN THOMAS Conference Proceedings 2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) Kho Kho Model: A Novel Technique for Efficient Handoff in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks 979-8-3503-2297-2 2023
157 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P Conference Proceedings Algorithms for Intelligence Systems (AIS) Text Preprocessing and Enrichment of Large Text Corpus-Based Keyphrase Generation for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems 2023
158 ALWIN JOSEPH,SHINE RAJU KAPPIL,AJEET KUMAR SAHOO,DIMITRIOS A. KARRAS,SAI KIRAN ORUGANTI,SUDESHNA RAY Conference Proceedings Emerging Trends and Innovations in Industries of the Developing World: A Multidisciplinary Approach Efficiency Study of Coconut Producer Companies in India ? A DEA Approach 9781003457602 2023
159 RAJESH KANNA R,OTHER,MOHANA PRIYA T Text book Designing and Developing Innovative Mobile Applications Chapter 20 Exploring Best Practices in Mobile App Design Patterns and Tools: A User-Centered Approach 9781668485828 2023
160 KIRUBANAND V B,DIMITRIOS A. KARRAS, SAI KIRAN ORUGANTI, SUDESHNA Conference Proceedings Interdisciplinary perspectives on sustainable development : Achieving the SDG through edcuation, wellbeing and innovation Triangulation Study on LGBTQ Inclusion with Sustainable Development Goal 10 using Twitter Data and Topic Modelling 9781003457619 2023
161 CHANDRA J,SOMESH KUMAR SAHU, KIRAN MULOOR,DEBABRATA SAMANTA Text book Designing and Developing Innovative Mobile Applications A Thorough Investigation of Various Goals and Responses for Mobile Software-Defined Networks 9781668485828 2023
163 KAVITHA R ,SANGEETHA R,MANU K S ,ANJU KALLUVELIL JANARDHANAN ,UPASANA GITANJALI SINGH, CHENICHERI SID NAIR AND S Case Report Digital Teaching, Learning and Assessment The Way Forward Digital education for a resilient new normal using artificial intelligence?applications, challenges, and way forward 978-0-323-95500-3 2023
164 LIJA JACOB,HILL SHAH,GALGOTIA Conference Proceedings 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) Hotel Recommendation System Based on Customer's Reviews Content Based Filtering Approach 978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
165 SANGEETHA G,RAMESH SHAHABADKAR,SALMA FIRDOSE,OTHER Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 723 Integrated Privacy Preservation with Novel Encoding and Encryption for Securing Video in Internet-of-Things 978-3-031-35317-8 2023
166 SOMNATH SINHA,VINAY CHOWDARY Text book Denial of Service Attacks in the Internet of Things Denial of Service Attacks in the Internet of Things 978-100090473-4, 978-103239272-1 2023
167 DEEPA V JOSE,HARISH SHARMA,VIVEK SHRIVASTAVA,KUSUM KUMARI BHARTI,LIPO WANG Reference book Communication and Intelligent Systems Metaheuristics based Task Offloading Framework in Fog Computing for Latency-sensitive Internet of Things Applications 978-981-99-2321-2 2023
168 SHONEY SEBASTIAN,VIKASH KUMAR MISHRA,MARIA IQBAL,YASHWIN ANAND,SHARMISTHA GHOSH Reference book Dealing with Missing Values in a Relation Dataset Using the DROPNA Function in Python Dealing with Missing Values in a Relation Dataset Using the DROPNA Function in Python 9781119879831 2023
169 SHONEY SEBASTIAN,OTHERS Conference Proceedings 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) A Systematic Review on the Identification and Classification of Patterns in Microservices 979-8-3503-3575-0 2023
170 SAGAYA AURELIA P,JONIT,ASSOC. PROF. DR. AYşEGÜL AYYıLDıZ Conference Proceedings Proceeding of 5. International Anatolian Scientific Research Congress SIMULATION OF INTERNET OF THINGS: CORRELATION, CONTRAST AND EXPLORATION 978-625-367-228-7 2023
171 KAVITHA R ,SANGEETHA R,PINTO NIKHIL ANTHONY, MUKHERJEE DEBANJANA, SHUKLA,NEHA GOEL, RAVINDRA KUMAR YADAV Reference book Handbook of Research on Machine Learning-Enabled IoT for Smart Applications Across Industries IoVST: Internet of vehicles and smart traffic - Architecture, applications, and challenges 9781668487853 2023
172 KAVITHA R ,SANGEETHA R,V. S. LAVAN, C. MAYUR, MARY F. LALITHA,NEHA GOEL, RAVINDRA KUMAR YADAV Reference book Handbook of Research on Machine Learning-Enabled IoT for Smart Applications Across Industries Evolutionized Industry With the Internet of Things 9781668487853 2023
173 KAVITHA R ,SANGEETHA R,NEHA GOEL, RAVINDRA KUMAR YADAV Reference book Handbook of Research on Machine Learning-Enabled IoT for Smart Applications Across Industries Sustainable IoT for Smart Environmental Control 9781668487853 2023
174 KAVITHA R ,SANGEETHA R, ALVIS ABREO, ROHIT UPADHYAY, RAISON SABU Text book Handbook of Research on Machine Learning-Enabled IoT for Smart Applications Across Industries Smart Cities: Redefining Urban Life Through IoT 9781668487853 2023
175 AVICHAL SHARMA,PALLAVI PANDEY Case Report The Spectrum of Sustainability: Industries, Ideas and Innovations (Volume-2) Threads of Change: Pioneering Sustainable Fashion Innovations 978-93-5570-762-8 2023
176 KAVITHA R (624) Reference book Internet of Drones- Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges Review of Medical Drones in Healthcare Applications 9781003252085 2023
177 LIJA JACOB,RAJU G Reference book Ear Prints : Advancing Security though Automated Ear Biometrics 978-620-6-15985 2023
179 SAGAYA AURELIA P,DIVYA OM,PROF. DR. ABDULMECIT GÜLDAŞ Conference Proceedings Proceedings Of International Congress On Scientific Research-Viii Voice Pathology Detection And Classification In Structural Disorders Using Signal Processing Techniques 978-625-8254-21-1 2023
180 LIJA JACOB,BHUMIKA L, JANVI,DR. JANAHANLAL STEPHEN Conference Proceedings Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, June Issue A Video Surveillance-based Enhanced Collision Prevention and Safety System 2023
181 LIJA JACOB,PRITHA MITHRA,DR. JANAHANLAL STEPHEN Conference Proceedings Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, June Issue Fake News Detection and Classify the Category 2023
182 GOBI R,BIDURA SARKAR Reference book Data Structures 101 978-620-6-16381-7 2023
183 DEEPA V JOSE,SANDEEP KUMAR,HARISH SHARMA,K. BALACHANDRAN,JOONG HOON KIM,JAGDISH CHAND BANSAL Conference Proceedings Third Congress on Intelligent Systems Towards Computation Offloading Approaches in IoT-Fog-Cloud Environment: Survey on Concepts, Architectures, Tools and Methodologies 978-981-19-9379-4 2023
184 SREEJA C S,NOT APPLICABLE Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT) 2022 Academic Certificate Validation Using Blockchain Technology 978-1-6654-5361-5 2023
185 LIJA JACOB,ASINTHARA,MEGHNA,ICACCS Conference Proceedings 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS 2023) Categorizing Disaster Tweets Using Learning Based Models for Emergency Crisis Management 979-8-3503-9738-3 2023
186 ANITA H B,FEBIN ANTONY,JINCY GEORGE Reference book Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders Based on Deep Learning Techniques Detection of Alzheimer?s Disease Stages Based on Deep Learning Architectures from MRI Images 978-100087217-0, 978-103232524-8 2023
187 ANITA H B,FEBIN ANTONY,OTHER Conference Proceedings International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, IMPACT Classification and analysis of Alzheimer's Disease using Deep Learning methods on MRI and PET 978-166547647-8 2023
188 ANITA H B,OTHER Conference Proceedings Advancements in Medical Imaging: Deep Learning Approaches for Kidney Abnormality Detection and Classification Kidney Abnormalities Detection and Classification Using CNN-based Feature Extraction 979-835039747-5 2023
189 NAIVED GEORGE EAPEN,HARSHA K G,ATISHAY K,VIJAYALAKSHMI S,BALUSAMY B,R.K DHANARAJ Reference book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry (Power Series) Energy Intelligence: The Smart Grid Perspective 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
190 FABIOLA HAZEL POHRMEN,NGANGBAM INDRASON,SYEDA ZEENAT MARSHOODULLA,GOUTAM SAHA,SUFAL DAS,MD. IFTEKHAR HUSSAIN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of 2023 4th International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS) Blockchain and SDN-IoT based secured voting system 979-835032377-1 2023
191 GUNAVATHI R,G. KARTHIKEYAN Text book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry Modernization of Rural Electric Infrastructure 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
192 GUNAVATHI R,P. SUDHA Text book Intrusion Detection 978-620-6-15885-1 2023
193 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA, BALAMURUGAN BALUSAMY AND RAJESH KUMAR DHAN Text book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry 978-3-031-15046-3 2023
194 LEKHA J,KIRTHIGA N Text book Clustering Based Intrusion Detection in Multi-Tier Web Applications Clustering Based Intrusion Detection in Multi-Tier Web Applications 978-620-6-15924-7 2023
195 LEKHA J,RAJKUMAR P Text book Packet Classification Method for Preventing Selective Jamming Attacks A Cryptographic Solution 978-620-6-15925-4 2023
196 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA , DURGADEVI,SAVITA ., BALAMURUGAN BALUSAMY, RAJESH KUMAR DHANA Reference book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry AI and IoT in Improving Resilience of Smart Energy Infrastructure 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
197 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,GAYATHRI,SAVITA, BALAMURUGAN BALUSAMY, RAJESH KUMAR DHANA Reference book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry Empowering Renewable Energy Using Internet of Things 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
198 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA,GENSIH,JOSSY P GEORGE,SAVITA,BALAMURUGAN BALUSAMY, RAJESH KUMAR DHANA Reference book AI-Powered IoT in the Energy Industry The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy 978-3-031-15044-9 2023
199 NISMON RIO R,SURESH K,CECIL DONALD A,SUBRAMANI R,N/A Conference Proceedings Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), International Conference The Role of Machine Learning Analysis and Metrics in Retailing Industry by using Progressive Analysis Pattern Technique 978-1-6654-9260-7 2023
200 GUNAVATHI R (20293) Text book Advanced Networking: Improving the Quality of Service in Mobile Adhoc Networks 978-620-6-15945-2 2023
201 RAMAMURTHY B Conference Proceedings 2023 IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Communications (InC4)-IEEE Xplore Transforming Pediatric Healthcare with CKD using AI: A Systematic Mapping 979-8-3503-3577-4 2023
202 PRAMILA R M,MANDUTI SAI PRATHIMA,S P MILENA,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) Imposter detection with canvas and WebGL using Machine learning 979-8-3503-2092-3 2023
203 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T Text book Designing and Developing Innovative Mobile Applications Exploring Best Practices in Mobile App Design Patterns and Tools: A User-Centered Approach 9781668485828 2023
204 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T Text book Programming in C++ Lab Manual 9786204751986 2023
205 MOHANA PRIYA T,RAJESH KANNA R Text book Enterprise Information Technology 9786206152415 2023
206 SAGAYA AURELIA P (2627) Conference Proceedings 3rd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress Personification Of Women In Amelioration Of Science And Technologies 978-625-367-026-9 2023
207 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SHILPA K,PROF. DR. MARIAM JIKIA Conference Proceedings 3rd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress Conference Proceeding Smart City Simulation 978-625-367-026-9 2023
208 PRABU P,RAMESH CHANDRA POONIA,DEBABRATA SAMANTA Conference Proceedings Information Systems for Intelligent Systems Design and Implementation of Machine Learning-Based Hybrid Model for Face Recognition System 2023
209 SAGAYA AURELIA P,DAWN MONCY,RITHIK K R,DR.B.ANANDAPRIYA,DR.B.JEEVA REKHA,DR.A.ANGEL CERLI Reference book Digital Transform Using Emerging Technologies Influences and Comparison of Internet Search Engine: A Cognitive Intelligence Perspective 978-81-960885-8-3 2023
210 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,BHALERAO, T,GOKULAKRISHNAN, J.,VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH AND JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, A Comparative Analysis On Machine Learning Algorithm for Score Prediction and Proposal of Enhanced Naïve Bayes 978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
211 THOMAS K T,STEBIN GEORGE,KONDA AISWARYA,DR. VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH, DR. JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings IEEE Explore -International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N Predicting Employee Attrition Using Machine Learning Algorithms 978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
212 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,KAMALESH B,VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH AND JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Product Review 978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
213 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA D Reference book Role of Hippocampus in Alzheimer's Disease 978-620-6-15237-8 2023
214 LIJA JACOB,AROCKIA REXI,GALGOTIA Conference Proceedings 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) Optical Character Recognition system with Projection Profile based segmentation and Deep Learning Techniques 978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
215 LIJA JACOB,PRAGATHI,GALGOTIA Conference Proceedings Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2022, 2022, Review On Image based Coffee Bean Quality Classification: Machine Learning Approach Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
216 LIJA JACOB,BHUMIKA,GALGOTIA Conference Proceedings Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2022, 2022, Vision Based Vehicle-Pedestrian Detection and Warning System Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
217 LIJA JACOB,JERALD,GALGOTIA Conference Proceedings Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2022, 2022 Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
218 LIJA JACOB (20292) Conference Proceedings Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2022, 2022, Challenges of Digital Transformation in Education in India 978-1-6654-7436-8 2023
219 RAMESH KUMAR,SC MALIK,N NANDAL,DEEPAK SINWAR,ASHISH KUMAR,S. R. GADDE, PRASENJIT CHATTERJEE,BUI THANH HUNG Reference book Computational Intelligence in Sustainable Reliability Engineering Reliability Indices of a Computer System with Software Up-gradation Priority and Failure of Service Facility 9781119865421 2023
220 PRAMILA R M,VIDUL KHANNA, JOHN JOSHUA,DR. VIJAYASHREE Conference Proceedings 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology Implementation of Supervised Pre-Training Methods for Univariate Time Series Forecasting 979-8-3503-2092-3 2023
221 KIRUBANAND V B Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME)IEEE XPLORE ESSA Scheduling Algorithm for Optimizing Budget-Constrained Workflows 978?80?7043?987?6. 2023
222 KIRUBANAND V B,KAVITHA ANANTH Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT)IEEE Proceedings Building an Industry Standard Novel Language Model Using Named Entities 978?80?7043?987?6. 2023
223 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,J V N LAKSHMI,PRADHAN NAYAK,JAYANT MAHAJAN Conference Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies, (TQCEBT-22) Topic Modelling of ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine 978-1-6654-5361-5 2023
224 DEEPA V JOSE,ASHWINI PATIL,G SUMA,PARAMESHACHARI B D Conference Proceedings 022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC) Explainable AI Method for Cyber bullying Detection 978-1-6654-9111-2 2023
225 SOMNATH SINHA,ADITI PAUL,VINAY CHOWDARY, ABHINAV SHARMA, NAVEEN KUMAR, VIVE Text book Internet of Things in Modern Computing Denial of Service Attacks in Internet of Things 9781003407300 2023
226 RAMAMURTHY B Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT)-IEEE Xplore Comparison of Augmentation and Preprocessing Techniques for Improved Generalization Performance in Deep Learning based Chest X-Ray Classification ISBN:978-1-6654-5361-5 2023
227 RAJESH KANNA R,DR KARTHIGAI Conference Proceedings Challenges and Solutions in Data Science A Novel Hybrid Routing Protocol Using a Modified K-Means Clustering Algorithm to Improve Network Performance 2023
228 RAJESH KANNA R,DR KARTHIGAI Conference Proceedings Challenges and Solutions in Data Science A Systematic Survey on Blockchain?Applications, Characteristics and Challenges 2023
229 THOMAS K T,DEVANSHI SINGH,AMIT KUMAR, SABRINA SENATORE, VINIT KUMAR GUNJAN Conference Proceedings ICDSMLA 2021 Impact of Using Partial Gait Energy Images for Human Recognition by Gait Analysis 978-981-19-5936-3 2023
230 LEKHA J,ANSHUL SAXENA Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT) MRSP - Multi Routing Systems and Parameter Explanations to Build the Path in Underwater Sensor Network 978-1-6654-5361-5 2023
231 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA, GENISH, BALAMURUGAN,RAJKUMAR,MD.IMARAN,VELENTINA,GUOJUN WANG,RADU Reference book Security and Privacy Issues in Internet of Medical Things Smart Medical Sensor 978-0-323-89872-0 2023
232 SREEJA C S,NA Conference Proceedings TQCEBT 2022 Proceedings Anticounterfeiting Method for Drugs Using Synthetic DNA Cryptography 978-1-6654-5361-5 2023
233 LIJA JACOB,ASINTHARE, MEGHNA JAYAN,TQCEBT Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies, TQCEBT 2022, 2022 Classification of Disaster Tweets using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques 978-1-6654-5361-5 2023
234 GOBI R,CURREN ASSOCIATES Conference Proceedings 4th International Conference on Communication, Computing & Industry 6.0 - 2023 Empirical Study on the Role of Machine Learning in Stress Assessment Among Adolescents 979-8-3503-2732-8 2023
235 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ADARSH VERMA,RUEBEN MOHAN KURIAN,C SARANYA,DEBOPRIYO ROY Conference Proceedings The 3rd Summer International Mini- Conference on Careers in Applied Sciences &1 st Summer Symposium on Smart Health Spaces, Information Design, and Communication ETLTC & THE ACM CHAPTER ON ELEARNING AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION All In One: New Learner Backing And Support Approach 2023
236 SAGAYA AURELIA P,TRISHNA SIRVI,MANI BHARATHY V,SANDEEP SUTRADHAR,DEBOPRIYO ROY Conference Proceedings The 3rd Summer International Mini- Conference on Careers in Applied Sciences &1 st Summer Symposium on Smart Health Spaces, Information Design, and Communication ETLTC & THE ACM CHAPTER ON ELEARNING AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION An effectual events management system: NAKSHATRA 2023
237 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ANKUR SHARMA,GAYATHRI S,NAVIN KONCHERI,DEBOPRIYO ROY Conference Proceedings The 3rd Summer International Mini- Conference on Careers in Applied Sciences &1 st Summer Symposium on Smart Health Spaces, Information Design, and Communication ETLTC & THE ACM CHAPTER ON ELEARNING AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION TrustUs ? E-commerce for the Elderly 2023
238 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,GAYATHRI S. P.,SIVA SHANKAR RAMASAMY,U. VIGNESH ,DR. SAGUNTHALA,R. PARVATHI,RICARDO GON Text book Structural and Functional Aspects of Biocomputing Systems for Data Processing Machine Learning Approaches Towards Medical Images ISBN13: 9781668465233 2023
239 SUDHAKAR T (4128) Reference book Comprehensive Guide to Heterogeneous Networks Reducing control packets using covering rough set for route selection in mobile ad hoc networks ISBN 978-0-323-90527-5 2023
240 ROHINI V,DEEPA V JOSE,NAVIN KOCHERI.,DR. A SOMU, PRINCIPAL, SREE SARASWATHI THYAGARAJA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing and Recent Trends (NCACRT22) Digital Twin- An Insight Into The Technical Challenges And Use Cases 2022
241 SANDEEP J,SMERA C Conference Proceedings 2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT) Networks Simulation: Research Based Implementation using Tools and Approaches 978-1-6654-6855-8 2022
242 RAMAMURTHY B Conference Proceedings 2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS) Image Pre-Processing Algorithms for the Quality Detection of Tea Leaves ISBN:978-1-6654-7657-7 2022
243 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,ANAND, M.V. , SABHARWAL, M. ,,VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH AND JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings Communication Control and Networking Security Intensification using Blockchain coupled with Internet of Things: Proposal, Challenges and Anatomization 978-1-6654-7436-8 2022
244 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,DAS, S. , SAHA, S. , ,JITENDRA KUMAR JAISWAL,VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH AND JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings Communication Control and Networking An Effecient Approach to Detect Fraud Instagram Accounts Using Supervised ML Algorithms 978-1-6654-7436-8 2022
245 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,AKASH PATRA; RAMKRISHNA KHAN;,VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH AND JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, Customer Segmentation and Future Purchase Prediction using RFM measures 978-1-6654-7436-8 2022
246 VIJAYALAKSHMI S (20315) Reference book Development of Methods for Segmentation of Hippocampus from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of Human Head Scans 978-81-947690-0-2 2022
247 THOMAS K T,PALAK BANSAL, ANUSHRIE BANERJEE,DR. VISHNU SHARMA, MANJEET SINGH, DR. JAYA SINHA Conference Proceedings IEEE Explore -International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N Food Detection and Recognition Using Deep Learning - A Review 978-1-6654-7436-8 2022
248 MANJUNATHA HIREMATH Conference Proceedings Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies X-Tract: Framework for Flexible Extraction of Features in Chest Radiographs for Disease Diagnosis Using Machine Learning 978-981-99-2467-7 2022
249 NEHA SINGHAL,USHA S,KIRUBHA,JEYABALAN S,AMUTHARAJ Conference Proceedings Integration of loT for Industry Automation using Machine Learning Technique Integration of loT for Industry Automation using Machine Learning Technique 979-835039700-0 2022
250 ROHINI V,JOY PAULOSE,TRIPTI SWARNKAR,SRIKANTA PATNAIK,SANJAY MISRA,PABITRA MITRA,MANOHAR MISHRA Conference Proceedings Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Sentiment Analysis of Stress Among the Students Amidst the Covid Pandemic Using Global Tweets 978-981-19-6068-0 2022
251 ROHINI V,TRIPTI SWARNKAR,SRIKANTA PATNAIK,PABITRA MITRA,SANJAY MISRA,MANOHAR MISHRA Conference Proceedings Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies A Review of the Detection of Pulmonary Embolism from Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Learning Methods 2022
252 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAMESH CHANDRA POONIA, ABHISHEK BHATTACHARYA & SOUMI DUTTA , SIDDHARTHA BHATTACHARYYA, JYOTI SEKHAR BANERJEE,MARIO KÖPPEN Conference Proceedings Human-Centric Smart Computing A Shortest Path Problem for Drug Delivery Using Domination and Eccentricity 978-981-19-5402-3 2022
253 DEBABRATA SAMANTA, MARIMUTHU KARUPPIAH & JAYANTA BISWAS , SIDDHARTHA BHATTACHARYYA, JYOTI SEKHAR BANERJEE, MARIO KÖPPEN Conference Proceedings Human-Centric Smart Computing Comparative Study of Graph Theory for Network System 978-981-19-5402-3 2022
254 HELEN K JOY,MANJUNATH R KOUNTE Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 978-981-16-4942-4 2022
255 SHONEY SEBASTIAN,OTHERS Conference Proceedings 2022 IEEE 4th PhD Colloquium on Emerging Domain Innovation and Technology for Society, PhD EDITS 2022 Reinforcement Learning based Autoscaling for Kafka-centric Microservices in Kubernetes 2022
256 SREEJA C S,NOT APPLICABLE Conference Proceedings Proceedings of PKIA 2022 A JSON Web Signature Based Adaptive Authentication Modality for Healthcare Applications 978-1-6654-8883-9 2022
257 THOMAS K T,ANUSMITA BOSE,S. SMYS,PAVEL LAFATA,RAM PALANISAMY Conference Proceedings Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Card Customer Churn Prediction 978-981-19-3034-8 2022
258 GUNAVATHI R Text book Introduction to Information Technology 979-888805831-2 2022
259 THOMAS K T,PRASAD BHANDARKAR,S. SMYS,PAVEL LAFATA,RAM PALANISAMY Conference Proceedings Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies Text Summarization Using Combination of Sequence-To-Sequence Model with Attention Approach 978-981-19-3034-8 2022
260 KAVITHA R ,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES) Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Precision Agriculture 978-1-6654-7413-9 2022
261 SANDEEP J,MANISH Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Blockchain and Its Integration in IoT 978-981-19-3035-5 2022
262 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D,PETHURU RAJ,ABHISHEK KUMAR, VICENTE GARCÍA DÍAZ,NACHAMAI M Reference book Demystifying Graph Data Science: Graph Algorithms, Analytics Methods, Platforms, Databases, and Use Cases The machine learning algorithms for data science applications 9781839534881 2022
263 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D,PETHURU RAJ,ABHISHEK KUMAR,VICENTE GARCÍA DÍAZ,NACHAMAI M Reference book Demystifying Graph Data Science: Graph algorithms, analytics methods, platforms, databases, and use cases Data science: the Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms-inspired use cases 9781839534881 2022
264 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T Text book Java Programming for Beginners 9786205501252 2022
265 DEEPA V JOSE,PARAMARTHA DUTTA,SATYAJIT CHAKRABARTI,ABHISHEK BHATTACHARYA,SOUMI DUTTA,CELIA SHAHNAZ Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Machine Learning Methods to Identify Aggressive Behavior in Social Media 978-981-19-4052-1 2022
266 DEEPA V JOSE,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,XIAO-ZHI GAO,DURGESH MISHRA Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security An AI-Based Forensic Model for Online Social Networks 978-981-19-2211-4 2022
267 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,RAGSANIA R,PROF. (DR.) A. AMBIKAPATHY, GCET, GR. NOIDA PROF. Conference Proceedings Advance Computing And Innovative Technologies In Engineering. International Conference. 2ND 2022. (ICACITE 2022) (4 VOLS) An Efficient Face Recognition System using Deep Transfer Learning 9781665437905 2022
268 RAJESH KANNA R (3545) Text book Cognitive Radio Networks 9786204957166 2022
269 LIJA JACOB,SHARON MATHEW,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,JOSEPH VARGHESE,XIAO ZHI GAO, DURGESH MISHRA Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Sentimental analysis on Online Education using Machine Learning models 978-981-19-2210-7 2022
270 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,ADHARSH,PROF. (DR.) A. AMBIKAPATHY, GCET, GR. NOIDA PROF. Conference Proceedings Advance Computing And Innovative Technologies In Engineering. International Conference. 2ND 2022. (ICACITE 2022) (4 VOLS) Prevention of Data Breach by Machine Learning Techniques 9781665437905 2022
271 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,RITHWIK Conference Proceedings Advance Computing And Innovative Technologies In Engineering. International Conference. 2ND 2022. (ICACITE 2022) (4 VOLS) Improvement to Recommendation system using Hybrid techniques 9781665437905 2022
272 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,KOMESH,PROF. (DR.) A. AMBIKAPATHY, GCET, GR. NOIDA PROF. Conference Proceedings Advance Computing And Innovative Technologies In Engineering. International Conference. 2ND 2022. (ICACITE 2022) (4 VOLS) Social Media Sentiment Analysis of Stock Market on Tweets 9781665437905 2022
273 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,MANJARI SHARMA,ANSHUL SAXENA,SATYANARYNA Conference Proceedings IEEE Region 10 Symposium Modelling the nexus of macro-economic variables with WTI Crude Oil Price: A Machine Learning 978-1-6654-6658-5 2022
274 RAJESH KANNA R,MOHANA PRIYA T Conference Proceedings ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Industry 4.0: Technologies, Outcomes and Future of Manufacturing Optimized Region Proposal Network To Diagnosis And Detect Plant Diseases Based On Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning Techniques 9789354577253 2022
275 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,P DEEPA SCHENOY Conference Proceedings 5G Planning and QoE Management Using Mathematical Benchmarking Techniques for Europe and Middle Eastern Countries 5G Planning and QoE Management Using Mathematical Benchmarking Techniques for Europe and Middle Eastern Countries 978-1-6654-9781-7 2022
276 CHANDRA J,MUKESH SARASWAT · HARISH SHARMA · K. BALACHANDRAN Text book Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies-III A Review on Preprocessing Techniques for Noise Reduction in PET-CT Images for Lung Cancer ISBN 978-981-16-9113-3 2022
277 VIJAYALAKSHMI S, T. GENISH, S. P. GAYATHRI,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,XIAO-ZHI GAO JOSEPH VARGHESE KUREETHARA DURGESH MI Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Computer Assisted Unsupervised Extraction and Validation Technique for Brain Images from MRI 978-981-19-2210-7 2022
278 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,DURGADEVI, P., GAYATHRI, S.P., SHARIFF, A.S.M.,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,XIAO-ZHI GAO JOSEPH VARGHESE KUREETHARA DURGESH MI Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Automated Fetal Brain Localization, Segmentation, and Abnormalities Detection Through Random Sample Consensus 978-981-19-2210-7 2022
279 GOBI R,CURRAN ASSOCIATES Conference Proceedings Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI), 2022 Computational Methods to Predict Suicide Ideation among Adolescents 978-1-6654-9528-8 2022
280 THOMAS K T,ADITYA SAHA,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,XIAO-ZHI GAO,JOSEPH VARGHESE,DURGESH MISHRA Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Fake News Detection using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Hybrid Algorithms 978-981-19-2210-7 2022
281 THOMAS K T,NANCY PAUL POULOSE,A. AMBIKAPATHY,KALPANA HAZARIKA Conference Proceedings Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) An Analytical Study on the influence of using Trimmed Gait Energy Images for Human Gait Biometrics using Deep Learning 978-1-6654-3789-9 2022
282 KAVITHA R Text book Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies A Systematic Literature Review on Image Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Techniques in Precision Agriculture 978-981-16-9415-8 2022
283 THOMAS K T,PUSHPALATHA K P,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,JOSEPH VARGHESE Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 462 - Data Science and Security Deep Learning-based Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Texture Features from Gait Silhouettes 978-981-19-2211-4 2022
284 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURU RAJ,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT) 5G Planning and QoE Management Using Mathematical Benchmarking Techniques for Europe and Middle Eastern Countries 978-1-6654-9781-7 2022
285 SRIDEVI R,NITHYA P,UMAMAHESHWARI B Text book A Conceptual Theory on Relational Database Management System 978-93-5625-137-3 2022
286 SANGEETHA G (4111) Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 114. Framework for Estimating Software Cost Using Improved Machine Learning Approach 978-981-16-9416-5 2022
287 SRIDEVI R,PRAVEENA NUTHAKKI,SREEJA VIJAY,SAROJ KUMAR NANDA 4,D. ARULANANTHAM,R.THANDAIAH PRABHU,PROF. DR. SUBARNA SHAKYA,DR. JOY IONG ZONG CHEN,DR. S. SMYS Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings of IEEE 5th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies Customer Identification in Healthcare using an IoT based Multimedia Traffic Categorization Method 978-1-6654-0836-3 2022
288 LIJA JACOB,ARUN SEBASTIAN,DR. JANAHANLAL STEPHEN Conference Proceedings Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) Volume 8, Issues 1 & 2 Breast Cancer Survival Prediction using Gene Expression Data 2022
289 PRAMILA R M,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,XIAO-ZHI GAO,JOSEPH VARGHESE KUR Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Protection Against SIM Swap Attacks on OTP System 978-981-19-2211-4 2022
290 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,S CHAKRABORTY ,SK H ISLAM Text book Data Classification and Incremental Clustering in Data Mining and Machine Learning 978-3-030-93088-2 2022
291 SANGEETHA G Text book Computer Architecture 978-93-5596-186-0 2022
292 LIJA JACOB,AISWARYA RAGHUNATHAN Conference Proceedings GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET) An Analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Predict Breast Cancer 978-171385793-8 2022
293 CHANDRA J,RAHUL SRIVASTAVA AND ADITYA KR. SINGH PUNDIR Text book COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS New Frontiers in Communication and Intelligent Systems Sentence Classification using Machine Learning with Term Frequency?Inverse Document Frequency with N-Gram 978-81-95502-00-4 2022
294 KAVITHA R ,ANANDHI C,SAGAYA AURELIA P,SOMASHEKHAR S. HIREMATH ,KARTHIK Text book Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering An IoT-Based Model for Pothole Detection 978-981-16-9011-2 2022
295 THOMAS K T,RASHU TYAGI Conference Proceedings International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics Multiple Safety Equipment's Detection at Active Construction sites Using Effective Deep Learning Techniques 978-1-6654-8328-5 2022
296 SAGAYA AURELIA P,MUNUSAMI VISWANATHAN Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC) Classification of Vitiligo using CNN Autoencoder 978-1-6654-9710-7 2022
297 NIZAR BANU P K ,ANITTA JOSEPH,BHATEJA, V.,SATAPATHY, S.C.,TRAVIESO-GONZALEZ, C Reference book Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications Vol. 1. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Identification of Predominant Genes that Causes Autism Using MLP 978-981-16-9669-5 2022
298 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETER AUGUSTIN D,SMITHA VINOD,PETHURU RAJ CHELLIAH , G. NAGARAJAN ,R.I. MINU Reference book Applied Edge AI Demystifying the Edge AI Paradigm 9781003145158 2022
299 RUCHIKA RAI,M SHREYA, RUCHIKA RAI, SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,S. SMYS, ROBERT BESTAK, RAM PALANISAMY, IVAN Conference Proceedings Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies Proceedings of Fourth ICCNCT 2022 Forest Fire Prediction using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques To be published 2022
300 NIZAR BANU P K ,ANUPAMA SHARANNAVAR, BATTERY DIVISION Conference Proceedings ECS Transactions Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Dyslexia Detection 2022
301 LIJA JACOB,AKSHAY C GOPAL,PROF. (DR.) A. AMBIKAPATHY, GCET, GR. NOIDA PROF. Conference Proceedings 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) Customer Behavior Analysis Using Unsupervised Clustering and Profiling: A Machine Learning Approach 978-1-6654-3790-5 2022
302 KAVITHA R ,SANGEETHA R,ANURADHA R,AARTHY C,SUREKHA NAYAK,BHARAT BHUSHAN, NITIN RAKESH, YOUSEF FARHAOUI, PAR Text book Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications Decentralized Data Management of IoT Devices Using Blockchain Technology 9781003224075 2022
303 KIRUBANAND V B,BALAMURUGAN EASWARAN,ANITHA P T ,SANGEETHA KRISHNAN,JACKSON AKPOJARO Text book Real-Time Applications of Machine Learning in Cyber-Physical Systems Convolutional Neural Network-Based Secured Data Storage Mechanism for Big Data Environments 9781799893080 2022
304 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,M SAMANTARAY; A K BISWAL; D SINGH;,M KARUPPIAH,NIJU P JOSEPH,S. SMYS Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology Optical Character Recognition (OCR) based Vehicle's License Plate Recognition System Using Python and OpenCV 978-1-6654-3524-6 2022
305 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,S BHATTACHARYYA, P DUTTA,, A MUKHERJEE, I PAN Reference book Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence Enabled Research: Theoretical Foundations and Applications 9780128228449 2022
306 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,PRAVEEN B,SIDDHARTHA BHATTACHARYYAGAUTAM DASSOURAV DE Conference Proceedings Intelligence Enabled Research Group key management techniques for secure load balanced routing model 978-981-19-0488-2 2022
307 DEBABRATA SAMANTA, S PRAMANIK, S DATTA Reference book Methodologies and Applications of Computational Statistics for Machine Intelligence. 9781799877011 2022
308 DEBABRATA SAMANTA, S PRAMANIK, S DATTA Reference book Methodologies and Applications of Computational Statistics for Machine Intelligence Application of Machine Intelligence-Based Knowledge Graphs for Software Engineering 9781799877011 2022
309 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,S PRAMANIK, S DATTA Reference book Methodologies and Applications of Computational Statistics for Machine Intelligence Computational Statistics of Data Science for Secured Software Engineering 9781799877011 2022
310 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,S PRAMANIK, M M GHONGE,R V. RAVI, K CENGIZ Reference book Multidisciplinary Approach to Modern Digital Steganography Advances in Text Steganography Theory and Research: A Critical Review and Gaps 9781799871606 2022
311 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SURYA,PROF. GEORGE KLINGTON Conference Proceedings Proceeding of International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS) A Machine Learning Entrenched Brain tumor recognition framework 978-1-6654-8424-4 2022
312 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SOMASHEKHAR S. HIREMATH,KARTHIKEYAN SUBRAMANIAN,SAROJ KR. BISWAS Conference Proceedings Sustainable Advanced Computing - Preface 1876-1100 2022
313 JITENDRA KAUSHIK,D. SIDDHARTH,BIOAXIS DNA RESEARCH CENTRE (P) LTD., HYDERABAD, I Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Cryptocurrency price prediction using LSTM and Random Forest 2022
314 JITENDRA KAUSHIK,NISHIN JAMES,IEEE XPLORE Conference Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering Using Machine learning Algorithm Predicting the chronic disease (CKD) 2022
315 JITENDRA KAUSHIK,D. SIDHARTH,BIOAXIS DNA RESEARCH CENTRE (P) LTD., HYDERABAD, I Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Cryptocurrency price prediction using LSTM and Random Forest 2022
316 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURU RAJ,SAI KIRAN ORUGANTI KIRAN ORUGANTI Conference Proceedings ECS Transactions Towards a Smarter Connected Society By Enhancing Internet Service Providers' Qos Metrics Using Data Envelopment Analysis 2022
317 NIZAR BANU P K ,YADUKRISHNA SREEKUMAR,CH. SATYANARAYANA,DEBASIS SAMANTA,XIAO-ZHI GAO Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Clinical Text Classification of Medical Transcriptions Based on Different Diseases 978-981-16-9885-9 2022
318 KAVITHA R ,ANANDHI, C,SAGAYA AURELIA P,DR. SOMASHEKHAR S. HIREMATH,DR. KARTHIKEYAN SUBRAMANIAN,DR. SAROJ KR. BISWAS Reference book Sustainable Advanced Computing-Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering An IoT-Based Model for Pothole Detection 978-981-16-9011-2 2022
319 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,JAYANT MAHAJAN,ANSHUL SAXENA,DR BALAKRISHNAN Conference Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Advanced computing Technologies & Applications (ICACTA) Reading behind the tweets- A sentiment Clustering Approach 978-1-6654-8006-2 2022
320 SAGAYA AURELIA P,DAWN MONCY,RITHIK K R,DR. B ANANDAPRIYA, DR. B. JEEVA REKHA,DR. A. ANGEL CERLI Reference book Influences and Comparison of Internet Search Engine: A Cognitive Intelligence Perspective Influences and Comparison of Internet Search Engine: A Cognitive Intelligence Perspective 978-81-960885-8-3 2022
321 SANGEETHA G Text book Problem Solving Techniques 978-93-5596-186-0 2022
322 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,K CHATTERJEE,M S. OBAIDAT,B SADOUN,SK H ISLAM,NIJU P JOSEPH,MOHAMMAD S. OBAIDAT,SEMIH BILGEN,KUEI-FANG HSIAO, PETROS NICOPOLITIDIS,SEMA OKTUğ AND YU GUO Conference Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS) Machine Learning-based Currency Information Retrieval for Aiding the Visually Impaired People 978-1-6654-4913-7 2022
323 DEEPA V JOSE,PETER AUGUSTIN D,SATHYAN MUNIRATHINAM,PETHURU RAJ Reference book Enterprise Digital Transformation: Technology, Tools, and Use Cases The Internet of Things : Architectures and Use Cases 9781032151182 2022
324 ALWIN JOSEPH,CHANDRA J,MADHAVI RANGASWAMY,BONNY BANERJEE,AMBAR PRAJAPATHI,ZAHID AKHTAR,KENNETH SAKAUYE,ANITHA S. PILLAI,BINDU MENON Text book Augmenting Neurological Disorder Prediction and Rehabilitation Using Artificial Intelligence Applications of artificial intelligence to neurological disorders: current technologies and open problems 9780323900379 2022
325 CHANDRA J,MADHAVI RANGASWAMY,BONNY BANERJEE,AMBAR PRAJAPATI,ZAHID AKHTAR,KENNETH SAKAUYE,ANITHA PILLAI, BINDU MENON Text book Augmenting Neurological Disorder Prediction and Rehabilitation Using Artificial Intelligence Applications of artificial intelligence to neurological disorders: current technologies and open problems 9780323900379 2022
326 DEEPA V JOSE,KARNA SRINIVASA RAO,JUSTIN JANZ,DR. SHERLY K.K Conference Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) Impact of Machine Learning Algorithms in Intrusion Detection Systems for Internet of Things 978-1-6654-3919-0 2022
327 THOMAS K T,KAMSALI MANI TEJA ACHARI,SUMITRA BINU,OTHER Conference Proceedings Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies A Neural Network Based Customer Churn Prediction Algorithm for Telecom Sector 978-981163944-9 2022
328 SAGAYA AURELIA P,S BINNY,SHAMILI SRIMANI PENDYALA,S. JOHN PIMO,P RAHUL REDDY,DAMARAJU SRI SAI SATYANARAYANA,REVA UNIVERSITY Conference Proceedings Conference proceeding of 2021 Second International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE) Distributed DoS Detection in IoT Networks Using Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms 978-1-6654-8297-4 2022
329 CHANDRA J,NACHAMAI.M,SOURAV DE, RIK DAS, SIDDHARTHA BHATTACHARYYA, UJJW Text book Applied Smart Health Care Informatics: A Computational Intelligence Perspective A Review on Deep Learning Method for Lung Cancer Stage Classification Using PET-CT 9781119743187 2022
330 LOKANAYAKI K,DR. SHANKAR R,DR. K. VIJAYAN,DR. C. UDHAYA SHANKAR Text book Microprocessor and Microcontroller 979-8886062045 2022
331 VINEETHA K R,DR.SUDHEER,KRISHNAPRIYA Text book Communication Skills 978-81-954646-5-4 2022
332 CECIL DONALD A,ANAND PATIL,MANJULA M Y ,SWARNALATHA P,CAROL-ANN LANE Reference book Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning The Game Of Game-Based Learning 9781799872733 2022
333 CHANDRA J,BONNY BANERJEE,MADHAVI RANGASWAMY,SPRINGER NATURE Text book IoT with Smart Systems A Review of Algorithms for Mental Stress Analysis Using EEG Signal 978-981-16-3945-6 2022
334 PRABU M,SHANMUGA SUNDARI P,SENG TONG CHONG Text book Outcomes of Best Practices in Classroom Research 9789392995101 2022
335 NIZAR BANU P K ,SHELDON SEQUEIRA,VENUGOPAL K.R., SHENOY P.D.,BUYYA R., ,PATNAIK L.M Conference Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science Comparisons of Stock Price Predictions Using Stacked RNN-LSTM 978-3-030-91243-7 2022
336 DEEPA V JOSE,TIWARI S.,TRIVEDI M.C,KOLHE M.L.,MISHRA K.,SINGH B.K. Conference Proceedings Advances in Data and Information Sciences A Survey on Domain-Specific Summarization Techniques 978-981-16-5689-7 2022
337 PRABU P Conference Proceedings Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation A Comparative Study on Indian Sign Language Representation 978-1-6654-2829-3 2022
338 SANDEEP J Conference Proceedings 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) A Review of Channel Estimation Mechanisms in Wireless Communication Networks 978-1-6654-3525-3 2022
339 SAGAYA AURELIA P,JANUSZ KACPRZYK Reference book Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition Vitiligo Prediction Using Autoencoder 2022
340 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SARA PAIVA Text book EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing( Book series title) Immersive Technology(Book title in Smart Cities Augmented and Virtual Reality in IoT 978-3-030-66606-4 2022
341 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SURYA,SARA PAIVA Text book Immersive Technology in Smart Cities Augmented and Virtual Reality in IoT Innovative Natural Disaster Precautionary Methods Through Virtual Space 978-3-030-66606-4 2022
342 RAJANI KUMARI,RUCHI KAUSHIK,VIJANDER SINGH,RAMESH CHANDRA POONIA,SINGH V,SINGH JAT Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Third International Conference on Sustainable Computing A Secure and Intelligent Approach for Next-Hop Selection Algorithm for Successful Data Transmission in Wireless Network 978-981-16-4537-2 2022
343 THOMAS K T,P.M SAANCHAY,SENJYU T.,MAHALLE P.,PERUMAL T.,JOSHI A Conference Proceedings Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies An Approach for Credit Card Churn Prediction Using Gradient Descent 978-981163944-9 2022
344 JITENDRA KAUSHIK,JOSEPH SAJ PULIMOOTTIL ,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems A Study on Crude Oil Price Forecasting using RNN Model 2022
345 NISMON RIO R,S. NEELAKANDAN,M. PRAKASH,SANJAY BHARGAVA, KUMAR MOHAN,SACHIN UPADHYE,ABOUL ELLA HASSANIEN,DEEPAK GUPTA,ASHISH KHANNA,ADAM SLOWIK Conference Proceedings Virtual and Augmented Reality for Automobile Industry: Innovation Vision and Applications Optimal Stacked Sparse Autoencoder Based Traffic Flow Prediction in Intelligent Transportation Systems 978-3-030-94102-4 2022
346 NIZAR BANU P K ,SHELDON SEQUEIRA,VENUGOPAL K.R.,SHENOY P.D., BUYYA R.,PATNAIK Text book Communications in Computer and Information Science Comparisons of Stock Price Predictions Using Stacked RNN-LSTM 978-3-030-91243-7 2022
347 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURU RAJ,K. R. VENUGOPAL Conference Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science On Improving Quality of Experience of 4G Mobile Networks - A Slack Based Approach 978-3-030-91244-4 2022
348 SANDEEP J,JOY PAULOSE,C SMERA,LIBIN THOMAS,K. AMRUTHA,K. KAVIPRIYA,TOMONOBU SENJYU,PARIKSHIT N. MAHALLE,THINAGARAN PERUMAL,AMIT JOSHI Conference Proceedings ICT with Intelligent Applications, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies On Combinatorial Handoff Strategies for Spectrum Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Review 978-981-16-4176-3 2021
349 KIRUBANAND V B,HIMANSHU,RAJEEV R. RAJEFAROOKH HUSSAINR. JAGADEESH KANNAN Conference Proceedings Artificial Intelligence and Technologies Depth Comparison of Objects in 2D Images Using Mask RCNN. 978-981-16-6448-9 2021
350 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ASHUTOSH ROY,DEBMALYA DAS,HARSHIT SENGAR,SANDRINE P JOY,AGIT FERHAT ÖZEL ,GAMZE TURUN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of 3rd International Conference On Medical & Health Sciences Hall Of Exams: An Online Examination Platform 978-625-7720-70-0 2021
351 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ALLEN JAFFERY,RAHUL TS,RAVI SHANKAR S,GOUTHAM E,OMER GOKHAN ULUM,HENDRI HERMAWAN ADINUGRAHA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of 7th International Mardin Artuklu Scientific Researches Conference Logician 978-625-7898-56-0 2021
352 NISMON RIO R,S P PAVAN KUMAR,C M SAMIHA,K S ANUSHA,H L GURURAJ,RAMKUMAR KRISHNAMOORTHY,N/A Conference Proceedings A Relative Analysis on the Spotting of Cardiovascular Disease Employing Machine Learning Techniques A Relative Analysis on the Spotting of Cardiovascular Disease Employing Machine Learning Techniques 978-1-6654-1656-6 2021
353 PRABU P,JOY PAULOSE Conference Proceedings Human Body Pose Estimation and Applications Human Body Pose Estimation and Applications 978-1-6654-2691-6 2021
354 PRABU P,JOY PAULOSE Conference Proceedings Application of Machine Learning in Customer Churn Prediction Application of Machine Learning in Customer Churn Prediction 978-1-6654-2691-6 2021
355 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,R. INDRAKUMARI,SHRADDHA SAGAR,T. POONGODI,R. INDRAKUMARI, R. LAKSHMANA KUMAR, B. BALAMURUGAN Text book Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT Concepts and challenges Affiliation of Blockchain, IoT, and Big Data: Demystified 978-0-367-53264-2 (hbk) 2021
356 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,S. P. GAYATHRI,SIVA SHANKAR RAMASAMY,R. INDRAKUMARI, R. LAKSHMANA KUMAR, B. BALAMURUGAN Text book Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT Concepts and challenges Tracking or Maintenance of Device Parts: Tracking IoT-Based Devices Parts from Manufacture to End of Life by Leveraging Big Data in Blockchain Environment 978-0-367-53264-2 (hbk) 2021
357 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SIVA SHANKAR RAMASAMY,S. P. GAYATHR,NOPASIT CHAKPITAK,R. INDRAKUMARI, R. LAKSHMANA KUMAR, B. BALAMURUGAN Text book Convergence of Blockchain, AI and IoT Concepts and challenges Data Security Essentials for the Convergence of Blockchain, AI, and IoT 978-0-367-53264-2 (hbk) 2021
358 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA,SABHARWAL,SHARMA V.,SRIVASTAVA R.,SINGH M. Conference Proceedings Communication Control and Networking Alzheimer's Disease Detection using Machine Learning: A Review 978-166543811-7 2021
359 KIRUBANAND V B,HIMANSHU Text book Artificial Intelligence and Technologies Depth comparison of object in 2D images using mask RCNN 2021
360 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,P.DURGADEVI,MUNISH SABBHARWAL,DR.VISHNU SHARMA,DR.RITESH SRIVASTAVA,DR.MANJEET SINGH Conference Proceedings 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) Scrutiny In-Utero to recognize Fetal Brain MRI Anomalies 978-1-6654-3811-7 2021
361 SREEJA C S,NOT APPLICABLE Conference Proceedings PhD EDITS 2021 Proceedings Zero Trust-Based Adaptive Authentication using Composite Attribute Set 978-1-6654-4013-4 2021
362 PRABU P,VENKATACHALAM K,NEBOJSA BACANIN,ENAMUL KABIR Conference Proceedings Effective Tensor Based PCA Machine Learning Techniques for Glaucoma Detection and ASPP EffUnet Classification Effective Tensor Based PCA Machine Learning Techniques for Glaucoma Detection and ASPP ? EffUnet Classification 2021
363 PRABU P,SOUMI DE,JOY PAULOSE Conference Proceedings Effective ML Techniques to Predict Customer Churn Effective ML Techniques to Predict Customer Churn 978-1-6654-3877-3 2021
364 CECIL DONALD A,DALVIN VINOTH KUMAR,MARGARET MARY,MAYURI MEHTA,KALPDRUM PASSI,INDRANATH CHATTERJEE Reference book Knowledge Modelling and Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Advances and Applications Application to Predict Type-II Diabetes using IoT Healthcare Monitoring System 9781003142751 2021
365 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,KAJAL CHATTERJEE,MOHAMMAD S. OBAIDAT,BALQIES SADOUN,SK HAFIZUL ISLAM,RAJDEEP CHATTERJEE,XIAOJUAN BAN,KUEI-FANG HSIAO,PETROS NICOPOLITIDIS,YU GUO Conference Proceedings Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and Informatics (CCCI) Classification of Soil Images using Convolution Neural Networks 978-1-6654-3208-5 2021
366 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,K. R. VENUGOPAL,P. DEEPA SHENOY,RAJKUMAR BUYYA,L. M. PATNAIK,SITHARAMA S. IYENGAR Conference Proceedings Data Science and Computational Intelligence On Improving Quality of Experience of 4G Mobile Networks - A Slack Based Approach 978-3-030-91244-4 2021
367 JITENDRA KUMAR JAISWAL,ANUNSHIYA PASCAL CRUZ,MANDAL, J.K.,MUKHOPADHYAY, S.,UNAL, A.,SEN, S.K Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Software Architecture and Computational Systems Text-to-Image Classification Using AttnGAN with DenseNet Architecture 978-981-16-4300-2 2021
368 JITENDRA KUMAR JAISWAL,SHWETA KUMAWAT,MANDAL, J.K., MUKHOPADHYAY, S., UNAL, A., SEN, S.K Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Software Architecture and Computational Systems Cyclone Detection and Forecasting Using Deep Neural Networks Through Satellite Data 978-981-16-4300-2 2021
369 RESMI K R,RAJU G,MAYANK SINGH,PROF. DR. VIPIN TYAGI,DR. P. K. GUPTA,PROF. JAN FLUSSER,TUNCER ÖREN,V. R. SONAWANE Conference Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science Ear Recognition Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks 978-3-030-81461-8 2021
370 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAGHAVENDRA RAO A.,LALIT GARG,CHINMAY CHAKRABORTY,SAÏD MAHMOUDI,VICTOR S. SOHMEN Reference book Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics A Real-Time Approach with Deep Learning for Pandemic Management 978-3-030-72751-2 2021
371 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,A GUHA,S DUTTA,S PRAMANIK,S CHAKRABARTI, R NATH,P K BANERJI, S DATTA,S PODDAR, M GANGOPADHYAYA Conference Proceedings Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management Concept of Indexing and Concepts associated with Journal Publishing 9781003202240 2021
372 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,R GURUNATH,SOUMI DUTTA,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,S CHAKRABARTI, R NATH, P K BANERJI, S DATTA,S PODDAR, M GANGOPADHYAYA Conference Proceedings Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management Essentials of Abstracting and Indexing for Research Paper Writing 9781003202240 2021
373 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,G.BALAKRISHNAN,S.NITHYA LAKSHMI,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,AYNUR UNAL,JOSEPH VARGHESE,DURGESH KUMAR MISHRA,DONG SEOG HAN Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Early Prediction of Plant Disease Using AI Enabled IOT 978-981-16-4485-6 2021
374 VIJAYALAKSHMI S,SAVITA,S.P.GAYATHRI,S.JANARTHANAN,LAKSHMANA KUMAR,YICHUAN WANG,T.POONGODI,AGBOTINAME LUCKY Text book Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology Blockchain Security for Artificial Intelligence-Based Clinical Decision Support Tool 978-3-030-74149-5 2021
375 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,MP KARTHIKEYAN,D AGARWAL,A BISWAS,A ACHARYYA,A BANERJEE,ARITRA ACHARYYA ,ARINDAM BISWAS ,PALASH DAS Reference book Generation, Detection and Processing of Terahertz Signals Trends in Terahertz Biomedical Applications 978-981-16-4946-2 2021
376 ROHINI V,JIRAN KURIAN,DR. RAJU PAL,PROF. PRAVEEN KUMAR SHUKLA Conference Proceedings A Deliberation on the Stages of Artificial Intelligence Deliberation on the Stages of Artificial Intelligence 978-93-91842-08-6 2021
377 SANDEEP J,S VINODHINI,J MONICA PALLAVI Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing Communication & Security (ICIIC 2021) Forecasting and Decision-Making System for Military Resource Allotment 978-94-6239-428-5 2021
378 NISHA VARGHESE,M.PUNITHAVALLI Text book Ethical Hacking ISBN:13:978-93-91405-64-9 2021
379 NISHA VARGHESE,IEEE EDITORS Conference Proceedings Neural Machine Reading Comprehension on COVID Dataset using Bi-directional Encoder Representations from Transformers Neural Machine Reading Comprehension on COVID Dataset using Bi-directional Encoder Representations from Transformers 978-1-6654-3877-3 2021
380 MANASA N KULKARNI (4463) Reference book Modern Networking: Your network is your net worth 1685542808 2021
381 DEEPA V JOSE,S KARTHIKEYAN,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,AYNUR UNAL,JOSEPH VARGHESE,DURGESH KUMAR MISHRA,DONG SEOG HAN Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Role of Data Science in the Field of Genomics and Basic Analysis of Raw Genomic Data Using Python 978-981-16-4486-3 2021
382 ROHINI V,JYOTHSNA R,JOY PAULOSE,DR. DHILIPAN,DR. AUGUSTHIYA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of The 2nd International E-Conference On Research Essential in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (ECREMLACI 2021) A Systematic Review of Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data 978-93-5493-854-2 2021
383 LIJA JACOB,THOMAS K T,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Automated Organic Web Harvesting on Web Data for Analytics 978-981-16-4485-6 2021
384 LIJA JACOB,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA Conference Proceedings Data Science and Sedurity (LNNS) Movie Success Prediction from Movie Trailer Engagement and e-WOM Sentiment Analysis 978-981-16-4485-6 2021
385 SREEJA C S,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA · AYNUR UNAL ,JOSEPH VARGHESE KUREETHARA · DURGESH KUMAR MISHRA,DONG SEOG HAN Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Proceedings of IDSCS 2021 Physical Unclonable Function and OAuth 2.0 Based Secure Authentication Scheme for Internet of Medical Things 978-981-16-4485-6 2021
386 SAGAYA AURELIA P,DR. FELCY JUDITH Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International Conference on Computing and intelligent System Visualizing Machine learning data using Orange: A case study 978-93-5526-075-8 2021
387 SREEJA C S,SACHIN DAVIS MUNDASSERY, SAMIKSHA SHUKLA · AYNUR UNAL ,JOSEPH VARGHESE KUREETHARA ·DURGESH KUMAR MISHRA,DONG SEOG HAN Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Proceedings of IDSCS 2021 User Authentication with Graphical Passwords using Hybrid Images and Hash Function 978-981-16-4485-6 2021
388 SAGAYA AURELIA P,FELCY JUDITH,DR.SREEJITH VIGNESH B P Conference Proceedings Conference proceeding of "The International Conference on Computing and Intelligent System Visualizing Machine learning data using Orange: A case study 978-93-5526-075-8 2021
389 DEEPA V JOSE,VIJAYALAKSHMI A,SARWATH UNNISA,SAGAYA AURELIA P,SARA PAIVA Reference book Immersive Technology in Smart Cities Internet of Things: Immersive Healthcare Technologies 978-3-030-66607-1 2021
390 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,A BANERJEE Text book Computationally Intensive Statistics for Intelligent IoT 978-981-16-5936-2 2021
391 AKHIL M NAIR,ANCHANA SHAJI,SUMITRA BINU,JOSSY P GEORGE,NAVIN KUMAR,M. VINODHINI,RANGA RAO VENKATESHA PRASAD Conference Proceedings UBICNET 2021: Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transaction Using ANN and SVM 978-3-030-79276-3 2021
392 DEEPA V JOSE,JINSI JOSE,HARIS P A,JASMIN E A Conference Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc) Performance Analysis of Deep Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in IoT 978-1-6654-3128-6 2021
393 SAGAYA AURELIA P,APOORVA M S,PAVAN KUMAR K,SOUNDARYA SUBRAMANI,ORGANIZERS, EAST POINT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Conference Proceedings Proceedings of "National Conference on Engineering Innovations in Emerging Technologies" An Ingenious Game-Based Learning System for Awareness and Prevention of Viruses ? "Alive-3D" 2021
394 SAGAYA AURELIA P,R AKHILANDESHWARI,MADHURA K R,MANISHA SHARMA Conference Proceedings CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference on Data Science and its Applications Machine Learning Hinged Prediction System For Pertinent Marketing - Akidhuya 2021
395 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAGHAVENDRA RAO ALTHAR ,SABYASACHI PRAMANIK,SOUMI DUTTA Reference book Methodologies and Applications of Computational Statistics for Machine Intelligence 9781799877011 2021
396 DEBABRATA SAMANTA Reference book Smart Healthcare System Design: Security and Privacy Aspects. 9781119791683 2021
397 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,JOÃO MANUEL R. S. TAVARES,PARAMARTHA DUTTA ,SOUMI DUTTA Conference Proceedings Cyber Intelligence and Information Retrieval Cyber Intelligence and Information Retrieval 978-981-16-4283-8 2021
398 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAGHAVENDRA RAO ALTHAR ,R RAO A,S PRAMANIK,S DATTA Reference book Methodologies and Applications of Computational Statistics for Machine Intelligence Application of Machine Intelligence-Based Knowledge Graphs for Software Engineering 9781799877011 2021
399 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAGHAVENDRA RAO ALTHAR ,R RAO A,S PRAMANIK,S DATTA Reference book Methodologies and Applications of Computational Statistics for Machine Intelligence Computational Statistics of Data Science for Secured Software Engineering 9781799877011 2021
400 FABIOLA HAZEL POHRMEN,MEBANJOP KHARJANA,GOUTAM SAHA,PRABIN K. BORA,SUKUMAR NANDI,SHAKUNTALA LASKAR Conference Proceedings Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities: Select Proceedings of EGTET 2020 Designing Lightweight S-Box Using Simplified Finite Field Inversion Mapping 978-981-16-1549-8 2021
401 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,GURUNATH R.,S PRAMANIK, M M GHONGE, R V. RAVI, K CENGIZ Reference book Multidisciplinary Approach to Modern Digital Steganography Advances in Text Steganography Theory and Research: A Critical Review and Gaps 9781799871606 2021
402 PRABU P,AMRUTHA K Conference Proceedings ML Based Sign Language Recognition System ML Based Sign Language Recognition System 978-1-6654-0467-9 2021
403 DEEPA V JOSE,VIJAYALAKSHMI A,S. KANIMOZHI SUGUNA,M. DHIVYA ,SARA PAIVA Reference book Artificial Intelligence (AI) Recent Trends and Applications Generative Adversarial Networks and its Applications 9781003005629 2021
404 ROHINI V,KIRUBANAND V B,LAXMAN KUMAR,RACHID BENNACER,CHÉRIFA BOUKACEM-ZEGHMOURI,VLADIMIR BUZEK,HEIDI GAUTSCHI,ÉRIC LICHTFOUSE,MARIA S. MADJARSKA,THIERRY MARÉ,NIGEL MASON,JUN SUN,MING-JUN ZHANG,ZHIEN ZHANG Conference Proceedings International Conference on Innovative Technology for Sustainable Development (ICITSD-2021) Internet of Things in Agriculture to Revolutionize Traditional Agricultural Industry 2271-2097 2021
405 NIZAR BANU P K ,RAJAKUMAR ARUL,RAJA KOTHANDARAMAN,KANNAN KALIYAN,G. RAJESH, X. MERCILIN RAAJINI, HIEN DANG Reference book Industry 4.0 Interoperability, Analytics, Security, and Case Studies Blockchain for Industry 4.0 An Assessment of Blockchain Adoptability 9781003048855 2021
406 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,MANISH S,PRAMILA R M,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) Prediction of Football Players Performance using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms 9781728170299 2021
407 HELEN K JOY,MANJUNATH R KOUNTE,AJIN K JOY Conference Proceedings conference preceeding-2020 International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE) Deep Learning Approach in Intra -Prediction of High Efficiency Video Coding 978-1-7281-7213-2,978-1-7281-7212-5,978-1-7281-721 2021
408 CECIL DONALD A,B. ANTHONY VINCENT,RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHY,ANNA DEVI,C. BHARATIRAJA,M.S. KAMALESH,KUMARESAN G Conference Proceedings Materials Today: Proceedings A Self Compensated Low Pass Gain Circuit for Biomedical Applications 2021
409 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,ABIN EMMANUVEL,LIJA JACOB,DHARM SINGH JATSAMIKSHA SHUKLAAYNUR UNALDURGESH KU Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Movie Success Prediction from Movie Trailer Engagement and e-WOM Sentiment Analysis 2021
410 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,KARTHIKEYAN M.P.,BANERJEE A., ROY A., INOKAWA H. ,MITHUN CHAKRABORTYRAMAN KR. JHA,VALENTINA EMILIA BALASSAMARENDRA NATH SUR,DEBDATTA KANDAR Conference Proceedings Trends in Wireless Communication and Information Security Design and Development of Terahertz Medical Screening Devices 978-981-33-6392-2 2021
411 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,SABYASACHI PRAMANIK,SOUMI DUTTA; RAMKRISHNA GHOSH; ,MANGESH GHONGE; DIGVIJAY PANDEY,DR. DEEPAKJI S. LADDHAD, DR. SANGITAJI D. LADDHAD Conference Proceedings Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation Steganography using Improved LSB Approach and Asymmetric Cryptography 978-1-7281-7734-2 2021
412 SAGAYA AURELIA P,NEHA AGARWAL,DR. V. KAMARAJ, PROFESSOR AND HEAD, DEPART OF EE Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings of 2021 7th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES) Corroboration of skin diseases melanoma, vitiligo and vascular turmor using transfer learning 978-1-7281-7612-3 2021
413 SAGAYA AURELIA P,NEHA AGARWAL,PROF. (DR.) ANIL CHAUDHARY,PROF.(DR.) C. M. CHOUDHARY,DR. PANKAJ DADHEECH,MEHUL MAHRISHI,DR. LINESH RAJA,ANKIT KUMAR Conference Proceedings IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering A Review on Segmentation of Vitiligo image 2021
414 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,ANSHUL SAXENA,BASTIN ROBINS,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) Insurance data analysis with COGNITO : An Auto Analysing and Storytelling Python Library 2021
415 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,S MAHISH,IEEE Conference Proceedings The IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies(CONIT 2021) Prediction of Football Players Performance using MachineLearning and Deep Learning Algorithms" 2021
416 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURU RAJ,ZAIGHAM MAHMOOD, GEORGE KELLEY (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, USA) Reference book Web 2.0 and Cloud Technologies for Implementing Connected Government Citizen Data in Distributed Computing Environments: Privacy and Protection Mechanisms 2021
417 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,MUTHU RAMACHANDRAN,PETHURU RAJ CHELLIAH,ZAIGHAM MAHMOOD Reference book Web 2.0 and Cloud Technologies for Implementing Connected Government Towards Connected Government Services: A Cloud Software Engineering Framework 2021
418 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,RATHNAKAR ACHARY,PETHURU RAJ Reference book Cloud Reliability Engineering Fault Tolerance Algorithms for Distributed Computing 2021
419 FABIOLA HAZEL POHRMEN,ROHIT KUMAR DAS,ARNAB KUMAR MAJI,GOUTAM SAHA,SUFAL DAS,SUBHADIP BASU,JOÃO MANUEL R. S. TAVARES Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems FoSDN: A Software-Defined Edge Computation for Resource Constraint Network 978-981-33-4084-8 2021
420 KIRUBANAND V B,ROHINI V,LAXMAN,ISABELLE AUFFRET-BABAK COMES TO EDP SCIENCES Conference Proceedings ITM Web of Conference Internet of Things in Agriculture to Revolutionize Traditional Agricultural Industry 2271-2097 2021
421 KIRUBANAND V B,SWETHA Conference Proceedings ITM Web of Conference Remote Monitoring of Heart Patients Using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 2271-2097 2021
422 ROHINI V,KIRUBANAND V B,LAXMAN KUMAR Conference Proceedings ITM Web of Conference Internet of Things in Agriculture to Revolutionize Traditional Agricultural Industry 2271-2097 2021
423 JITENDRA KAUSHIK,ASHISH SHARMA,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems The Preservative Technology in the Inventory Model for the Deteriorating Items with Weibull Deterioration Rate 2021
424 SAGAYA AURELIA P,FELCY JUDITH,R. BASKARAN,S.KANNADHASAN,DR. K. V. L. N. ACHARYULU Conference Proceedings Conference proceedings of International Conference on Recent Intelligent Technologies in Science, Engineering, Humanities and Management (ICRITSEHM 2021) Amelioration of machine learning and artificial intelligence in medical management (a case study on the pandemic of covid-19 cases in Asia) 978-81-948668-8-6 2021
425 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,SABYASACHI PRAMANIK, RAMKRISHNA GHOSH,DIGVIJAY PANDEY,SOUMI DUTTA, SHAWNI DUTTA,KAMALJEET SANDHU Reference book Emerging Challenges, Solutions, and Best Practices for Digital Enterprise Transformation Techniques of Steganography and Cryptography in Digital Transformation 9781799885870 2021
426 NIZAR BANU P K ,AKASH DASMONDAL,V. SUMANOUREDDINE BOUHMALAHAOXIANG WANG Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Body Mass Index Implications Using Data Analysis in the Soccer Sports 978-981-15-5257-1 2021
427 SAGAYA AURELIA P Conference Proceedings Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES) Corroboration of skin diseases: Melanoma, vitiligo vascular tumor using transfer learning 978-1-7281-7612-3 2021
428 DEEPA V JOSE,VIJAYALAKSHMI A,SARWATH UNNISA,GONCALO MARQUES,AKASH KUMAR BHOI,VICTOR HUGO C. DE ALBUQUERQUE,HAREESHA K.S. Reference book IoT in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living Wearable Sensors for Pervasive and Personalized Health Care 978-981-15-9897-5 2021
429 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R Conference Proceedings ICT Analysis and Applications Capacity Aware Active Monitoring Load Balancing Principle for Private Cloud 978-981-15-8354-4 2021
430 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,BASTIN ROBINS,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) Natural Language Processing on Diverse Data Layers Through Microservice Architecture 978-1-7281-9745-6 2021
431 NEHA SINGHAL,USHA SAKTIVEL,PETHURU RAJ CHELLIAH,ASHWINI R MALIPATIL Text book Applied Learning Algorithms for Intelligent IoT Regression algorithms in machine learning 978-100046135-0, 978-036763594-7 2021
432 SAVITHRI M,NIRMALA A,DR. JAI SINGH W,DR. JAGANATH JADHAV,DR. SHEKHAR.R Reference book IOT, AI AND MACHINE LEARNING Security Issues and Challenges In Internet Of Things (IoT) 978-81-950423-5-7 2021
433 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,BENNY THOMAS,IVEN JOSE,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,INBANILA K,BALACHANDRAN K,GURUMOORTHY S HEBBAR,REGHUNANDAN KUMAR R,JOSEPH RODRIGUES,VARAPRASAD JANAMALA,ANEESH,SUSHANTH G Conference Proceedings 2020 Fifth International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN) Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks 978-1-7281-8818-8 2020
434 ARISH P,R HARIHARAN,DHILSATH FATHIMA,CEZARY BIELE,JANUSZ KACPRZYK,JAN W. OWSIńSKI,ANDRZEJ ROMANOWSKI,MARCIN SIKORSKI Conference Proceedings Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence Prediction of Locations Using Unsupervised Learning Method to Open a Restaurant Branch 978-3-030-74727-5 2020
435 SREEJA C S Text book Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence Enabled Research DNA based Authentication to Access IoT-based Healthcare Data 9780128228449 2020
436 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,SABYASACHI PRAMANIK,RAMKRISHNA GHOSH,MANGESH M. GHONGE,VIPUL NARAYAN,MUDITA SINHA,DIGVIJAY PANDEY,ANA AZEVEDO ,MANUEL FILIPE SANTOS Reference book Integration Challenges for Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Data Mining A Novel Approach Using Steganography and Cryptography in Business Intelligence 9781799857815 2020
437 DEEPA V JOSE,RENIE MATHEWS,A. GEORGE KLINGTON Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on IoT, Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud in Computational Vision & Bio-Engineering (ISMAC-CVB 2020) Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms for Internet of Things 1556-5068 2020
438 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,SK H ISLAM Reference book Smart Healthcare System: Security and Privacy Aspects Smart Healthcare System: Security and Privacy Aspects 9781119791683 2020
439 SAGAYA AURELIA P,CHOE HYEON,DR. V. SUDH Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2020). Enhancement of Efficiency of military cloud computing using Lanchester model 978-1-7281-5463-3 2020
440 VANDANA VIJAY BHAGAT,LAKSHMI JUPUDI,SPRINGER BOOK CHAPTER Text book Mathematical modelling and Analysis of Infectious Disease Problems (COVID-19) An Extensive Time Series analysis of COVID - 19 data sets on Indian States 2020
441 SAGAYA AURELIA P,CHOE HYEON,DR. V. SUDHA PROFESSOR AND HEAD, DEPT OF ELECTRICA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 Enhancement of efficiency of military cloud computing using lanchester model 9781728154633 2020
442 SANGEETHA G,VIJAY SINGH RATHORE, NILANJAN DEY, VINCENZO PIURI Conference Proceedings Rising Threats in Expert Applications and Solutions An Essential E-Governance Framework for Knowledge Discovery 978-981-15-6014-9 2020
443 PETER AUGUSTIN D,PETHURU RAJ,PETHURU RAJ, KAVITA SAINI, CHELLAMMAL SURIANARAYAN Text book Blockchain Technology and Applications Blockchain and IoT Security 9781003081487 2020
444 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAGHAVENDRA RAO ALTHAR,RAGHVENDRA KUMAR,ROHIT SHARMA,PRASANT KUMAR PATTNAIK Reference book Multimedia Technologies in the Internet of Things Environment Building Intelligent Integrated Development Environment for IoT in the Context of Statistical Modeling for Software Source Code 978-981-15-7965-3 2020
445 KAVITHA R ,JULIAN J,JOY RAKESH, Y,SATAPATHY S., ZHANG YD., BHATEJA V., MAJHI R Text book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing An IoT Based Wearable Device for Healthcare Monitoring 978-981-15-5678-4 2020
446 KAVITHA R ,JOY RAKESH Y.,JULIAN J,SATAPATHY S., ZHANG YD., BHATEJA V., MAJHI R. Text book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors 978-981-15-5678-4 2020
447 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,RAGHAVENDRA RAO A,GARG, L., CHAKRABORTY, C., MAHMOUDI, S., SOHMEN, V Reference book Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics A Real time approach with Deep Learning for Pandemic Management 978-3-030-72751-2 2020
448 NIZAR BANU P K ,HENSY K. GEORGE,V. SUMANOUREDDINE BOUHMALAHAOXIANG WANG Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Analysis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Using Various Classifiers 978-981-15-5257-1 2020
449 ALWIN JOSEPH,CHANDRA J,DHARM SINGH JAT,SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,AYNUR UNAL,DURGESH KUMAR MISHRA Conference Proceedings Data Science and Security Genome Analysis for Precision Agriculture Using Artificial Intelligence: A Survey eBook ISBN 978-981-15-5309-7 2020
450 CHANDRA J, ALWIN JOSEPH Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Genome analysis for precision agriculture using artificial intelligence: a survey 23673370 2020
451 SAGAYA AURELIA P,ABHISHEK PATHAK,SARA PAIVA,SUMAN PAUL Text book Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Applications Mobile-Based Indian Currency Detection Model for the Visually Impaired 978-3-030-41367-5 2020
452 SAGAYA AURELIA P,F. PRADEEP,NEENA BONEYFUS,SHILPA THERES,S. GOKUL,SARA PAIVA,SUMAN PAUL Text book Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Applications Human?Computer Interaction Technique for Irrigation and Sun Tracking Solar Panel Model 978-3-030-41367-5 2020
453 SAGAYA AURELIA P,HYEON CHOE,SARA PAIVA,SUMAN PAUL Text book Title: Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Applications HCI Authentication to Prevent Internal Threats in Cloud Computing 978-3-030-41367-5 2020
454 JOY PAULOSE,LIBIN THOMAS,SANDEEP J,BHARGAVI GOSWAMI,ATILLA ELÇI ,PANKAJ KUMAR SA ,CHIRAG N. MODI ,GUSTAVO OLAGUE ,MANMATH N. SAHOO,SAMBIT BAKSHI Conference Proceedings Smart Computing Paradigms: New Progresses and Challenges A Survey on Various Handoff Methods in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment 978-981-13-9679-3 2020
455 KIRUBANAND V B,LAKSHAY GROVER,JOY PAULOSE,ALAM M., SHAKIL K., KHAN S. (EDS) INTERNET OF THIN Reference book Internet of Things Smart Car ? Accident Detection and Notification Using Amazon Alexa 978-3-030-37468-6 2020
456 KAVITHA R ,NIZAR BANU P K ,MANSAF ALAM, KASHISH ARA SHAKIL, SAMIYA KHAN Text book Internet of Things (IoT): Concepts and Applications Single activity recognition system: A review 978-3-030-37467-9 2020
457 DEEPA V JOSE,VIJAYALAKSHMI A,PETHURU RAJ ,JYOTIR MOY CHATTERJEE,ABHISHEK KUMAR,B. BALAMURUGAN Reference book Internet of Things Use Cases for the Healthcare Industry Internet of Things for Ambient-Assisted Living?An Overview 978-3-030-37526-3 2020
458 NIZAR BANU P K ,AHMAD TAHER AZAR, PRINCE SULTAN UNIVERSITY, SAUDI ,ANIS KOUBAA, PRINCE SULTAN UNIVERSITY, SAUDI Conference Proceedings Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning Applications (CDMA) Rough Set Based Ant-Lion Optimizer for Feature Selection 978-1-7281-2746-0 2020
459 NIZAR BANU P K ,AHMAD TAHER AZAR,ANIS KOUBAA,MAMDOUH ALENEZI Conference Proceedings Data Science and Machine Learning Applications Rough Set Based Ant-Lion Optimizer for Feature Selection 978-1-7281-2746-0 2020
460 PETER AUGUSTIN D Text book The Digital Twin Paradigm for Smarter Systems and Environments: The Industry Use Cases, Volume 117, 1st Edition The industry use cases for the Digital Twin idea 9780128187562 2020
461 CHANDRA J,AKSHY SHANTHANAM,ALWIN JOSEPH,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE) Artificial Intelligence based Semantic Text Similarity for RAP Lyrics 2020
462 CHANDRA J,BENNY THOMAS,IEEE Conference Proceedings 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE) The Effect of Bloom's Taxonomy on Random Forest Classifier for cognitive level identification of E-content 2020
463 GOBI R Conference Proceedings Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies An Approach to Introduce Mobile Application Development for Teaching and Learning by Adapting Allan's Dual Coding Theory 978-3-030-38500-2 2020
464 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,ABHIJIT GUHA,LAKHMI C. ,SHENG-LUNG PENG,BASIM ALHADIDI,SOUVIK PAL Conference Proceedings Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies Real-Time Application of Document Classification Based on Machine Learning 978-3-030-38501-9 2020
465 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,B. PRAVEEN,G. PRASAD,CH. RANJITH KUMAR,M. L. M. PRASAD,LAKHMI C,SHENG-LUNG PENG,BASIM ALHADIDI,SOUVIK PAL Conference Proceedings Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies Protecting Medical Research Data Using Next Gen Steganography Approach 978-3-030-38500-2 2020
466 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,SUPLAB KANTI PODDER,HARISH SHARMA,KANNAN GOVINDAN,RAMESH C. POONIA,SANDEEP KUMAR,WAEL M. EL-MEDANY Conference Proceedings Advances in Computing and Intelligent Systems Impact of Business Analytics for Smart Education System and Management Functions 978-981-15-0221-7 2020
467 SAGAYA AURELIA P Text book Arti cial Intelligence Techniques for Satellite Image Analysis Heightening Satellite Image Display via Mobile Augmented Reality ? A Cutting-Edge Planning Model 978-3-030-24177-3 2020
468 NISMON RIO R,LAKHMI C. JAIN,SHENG-LUNG PENG,BASIM ALHADIDI ,SOUVIK PAL Conference Proceedings Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies A Revised Study of Stability Issues in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 978-3-030-38500-2 2020
469 GOBI R (2446) Conference Proceedings Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies An Approach to Introduce Mobile Application Development for Teaching and Learning by Adapting Allan?s Dual Coding Theory 978-3-030-38500-2 2020
470 SANDEEP J,BHARGAVI GOSWAMI,LIBIN THOMAS,JOY PAULOSE,ATILLA ELÇI,PANKAJ KUMAR SA,CHIRAG N. MODI Conference Proceedings Smart Computing Paradigms: New Progresses and Challenges Proceedings of ICACNI 2018, Volume 2 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 767) A Survey on Various Handoff Methods in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment 978-981-13-9679-3 978-981-13-9680-9 2019
471 AROKIA PAUL RAJAN R Conference Proceedings 2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC) Serverless Architecture - A Revolution in Cloud Computing 2019
472 SAGAYA AURELIA P Text book Human Behaviour Analysis Using Intelligent Systems Haptics: Prominence and Challenges 978-3-030-35138-0 2019
473 SAGAYA AURELIA P,SHEFFALI SURI,ANNU TIRKEY,J. DELPHY,D. JUDE HEMANTH Text book Human Behaviour Analysis Using Intelligent Systems Detection and Behavioral Analysis of Preschoolers with Dyscalculia 978-3-030-35138-0 2019
474 SANDEEP J,LIBIN THOMAS,BHARGAVI GOSWAMI,JOY PAULOSE,ATILLA ELÇI,PANKAJ KUMAR SA Conference Proceedings Smart Computing Paradigms: New Progresses and Challenges A Survey on Various Handoff Methods in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment 978-981-13-9679-3 2019
475 SANGEETHA G,DR.L.MANJUNATHA RAO,DR.HANUMANTHAPPA M Text book E-Governance framework for knowledge discovery- A novel clustering mechanism for efficient mining E-Governance framework for knowledge discovery- A novel clustering mechanism for efficient mining 978-620-0-50019-9 2019
476 KAVITHA R ,SUMITRA BINU,P. NITHYANANDAM, R. PARVATHI, R.JAGADEESH KANNAN Conference Proceedings Procedia Computer Science Performance Evaluation of Area-Based Segmentation Technique on Ambient Sensor Data for Smart Home Assisted Living 2019
477 HELEN K JOY,MANJUNATH R KOUNTE Conference Proceedings CONFERENCE PRECEEDING-2019 International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT) An Overview of Traditional and Recent Trends in Video Processing 978-1-7281-2119-2,978-1-7281-2118-5,978-1-7281-212 2019
478 DEBABRATA SAMANTA,DEBLINA S,DHANASHREE D,M. V. K,DAC-NHUONG LE,SURESH CHANDRA SATAPATHY,VIKRANT BHATEJA,BAO LE NGUYEN,NHU GIA NGUYEN Conference Proceedings Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications GUI-Based Percentage Analysis for Curing Breast Cancer Survivors 978-981-32-9185-0 2019
479 ROHINI V,ABEY ABRAHAM,N. R. SHETTY L. M. PATNAIK H C NAGRAJ PRASAD NAIK Conference Proceedings Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications A Particle Swarm Optimization-Backpropagation (PSO-BP) Model for the Prediction of Earthquake in Japan 978-981-13-5953-8 2019
480 MANJUNATHA HIREMATH Conference Proceedings Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Segmentation and Recognition of E. coli Bacteria Cell in Digital Microscopic Images Based on Enhanced Particle Filtering Framework 978-981-13-5953-8 2019
481 KIRUBANAND V B,SARAVANAN,SATYA BAMA,KIRUBANAND,DR. SHIV KUMAR PH.D. (CSE), M.TECH. (IT, HONORS), Conference Proceedings International Conference on Sustainable Advanced computing Signature Based Key Exchange for Securing Data and User From Web Data Stealing Attacks 2019
482 CHANDRA J,R.MERJULAH,DR. D. JUDE HEMANTH,DR. DEEPAK GUPTA,PROF. VALENTINA EMILIA BALAS,FATOS XHAFA Text book Intelligent Data Analysis for Biomedical Applications Classification of Myocardial Ischemia in Delayed Contrast Enhancement Using Machine Learning 978-0-12-815553-0 2019
483 CHANDRA J,MERJULAH R,FERNANDO X,BAIG Z,SHI F Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics Medical Image Classification Using MRI: An Investigation 978-3-030-00665-5 2019
484 KAVITHA R ,SUMITRA BINU, RITUPARNA CHAKI Text book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Ambient Monitoring in Smart Home for Independent Living 978-981-13-3701-7 2019
485 JITENDRA KUMAR JAISWAL,RAJA DAS,MADHU, V., MANIMARAN, A., EASWARAMOORTHY, D., KALP Conference Proceedings Advances in Algebra and Analysis - Trends in Mathematics A Resolution to Stock Price Prediction by Developing ANN-Based Models Using PCA 978-3-030-01119-2 2019
486 SANDEEP J,S. U. ULLAS,J. DINESH PETERAMIR H. ALAVIBAHMAN JAVADI Conference Proceedings Advances in Big Data and Cloud Computing Reliable Monitoring Security System to Prevent MAC Spoofing in Ubiquitous Wireless Network 978-981-13-1881-8 2018
487 SUMITRA BINU,MOHAMMED MISBAHUDDIN,PETHURU RAJ CHELLIAH,KEVIN DAIMI Text book Computer & Network Security Essentials A Strong Single Sign-on User Authentication Scheme Using Mobile Token without Verifier Table for Cloud Based Services ISBN 978-3-319-58423-2 ISBN 978-3-319-58424-9 (eBo 2018
488 NIZAR BANU P K ,RAJA K, CHENNAI,PAVETHRA M, CHENNAI Text book Fundamentals of Data Structures in C Fundamentals of Data Structures in C 978-93-87234-21-5 2018
489 NIZAR BANU P K ,RAJA K, CHENNAI,PAVETHRA M, CHENNAI Text book Data Structures Data Structures 978-93-87234-22-2 2018
490 SAMIKSHA SHUKLA,VAISHALI VAIRALE Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Recommendation Framework for Diet and Exercise based on Clinical Data: A Systematic Review 978-981-10-7641-1 2018
491 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURU RAJ CHELLAIAH,ZAIGHAM MAHMOOD Reference book Fog Computing: Concepts, Principles and Related Paradigms Mechanisms Towards Enhanced Quality of Experience (QoE) in Fog Computing Environments ISBN/ISSN:978-3-319-94890-4 2018
492 PRABU M,MARGRET ANOUNCIA S,KOCK WIIL Text book Knowledge Computing and its Applications Prediction of land cover changes in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu by using satellite image processing 978-9811341021 2018
493 TESSY TOM,DR. SUMITHRA R,JEEVITHA N.,PROF J.S. VEENA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of National Conference on Student and Faculty research in Mathematical Sciences COMPARATIVE STUDY OF OUTCOMES OF GENETIC ALGORITHM PERFORMED ON TWO DIFFERENT FITNESS FUNCTIONS f(x) = x^2+1 AND f(x) = 2x- x^2/16 978-93-86675-62-0 2018
494 TESSY TOM,DR. SUMITHRA R,NIRMITHA B,BHAGYA,PROF J.S. VEENA Conference Proceedings Proceedings of National Conference on Student and Faculty research in Mathematical Sciences COMPARATIVE STUDY OF OUTCOMES OF GENETIC ALGORITHM PERFORMED ON TWO DIFFERENT FITNESS FUNCTIONS f(x) = x^2+1 and f(x) = 2x- x^2/16 978-93-86675-62-0 2018
495 PRABU P,SIVAKUMAR R,SENTHILNATHAN T Text book Programming in C : A Modern Approach Programming in C : A Modern Approach 978-93-86638-72-4 2018
496 NIZAR BANU P K ,K. RAJA, CHENNAI,M. PAVETHRA, CHENNAI Text book Programming in C Programming in C 978-93-86755-45-2 2018
497 PRABU P,INDUMATHI T Text book Environmental Science and Green Computing Green Computing 978-93-86638-62-5 2018
498 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,PETHURURAJ, CHELLIAH,ZAIJHAM MAHMOOD Reference book Connected Environments for the Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions Networking Topologies and Communication Technologies for the IoT Era. 978-3-319-70102-8 2017
499 SREEJA C S,MISBAHUDDIN M, B. S. BINDHUMADHAVA,NAVIN KUMAR, ARPITA THAKRE Conference Proceedings Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing DNA Based Cryptography to Improve Usability of Authenticated Access of Electronic Health Records 978-3-319-73423-1 2017
500 NIZAR BANU P K ,TEODORA OLARIU,IUSTIN OLARIU,LAKHMI C. JAIN,MARIUS MIRCEA Conference Proceedings Soft Computing Applications Cluster Analysis for European Neonatal Jaundice 978-3-319-62520-1 2017
501 SANDEEP J,MURUGESAN UMADEVI,M. DEVAPRIYA,J. K. MANDALPARAMARTHA,DUTTASOMNATH ,MUKHOPADHYAY Conference Proceedings International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics CICBA 2017: Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics Optimized Gateway Oriented Unicast and Multicast Routing for Multi Hop Communication Network 978-981-10-6426-5 2017
502 NEHA SINGHAL,ICEECCOT 2017 Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques, ICEECCOT 2017 RESTful web services composition & performance evaluation with different databases 978-153862361-9 2017
503 CHANDRA J,MEENAKSHI MALVIA,MANJUNATHA HIREMATH,IEEE Conference Proceedings IEEE Digital Library A Comprehensive Investigation on machine learning technique for diagnosis of down syndrome 978-1-5386-0569-1 2017
504 CHANDRA J,R.MERJULAH,IEEE Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017) Segmentation Technique for Medical Image Processing:A Survey 978-1-5386-4031-9 2017
505 NISMON RIO R,P. CALDUWEL NEWTON Conference Proceedings Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing AASOP: An Approach to Select Optimum Path for Minimizing Data Transfer Delay in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 978-981-10-3770-2 2017
506 NIZAR BANU P K ,ANDREWS S,D.P. ACHARJYA, ANIRBAN MITRA Text book Bio-Inspired Computing for Information Retrieval Applications Swarm-Based Clustering for Gene Expression Data 1522523758 2017
507 GOBI R,E KIRUBAKARAN,CURRAN ASSOCIATES Conference Proceedings International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing, SAPIENCE 2016 An effective communication framework for data management using query caching in Mobile Location based Services (LBS) 978-1-4673-8594-7 2016
508 SUMITRA BINU,RITUPARNA CHAKI,PETHURU RAJ, KHALID SAEED,MOHAMMED MISBAHUDDIN,AGOSTINO CORTESI Conference Proceedings Advanced Computing and Systems for Security, Volume 1 SAFE-CLOUD: A Secure and Usable Authentication Framework For Cloud Environment 978-81-322-2648-2 2016
509 BHARGAVI H GOSWAMI Reference book Rate Control Protocol Plus Protocol (RCP+) Rate Control Protocol Plus Protocol (RCP+) 978-3-659-95410-8 2016
510 MANOJ KUMAR MISHRA,SATAPATHY S., DAS S.,DR. S. MUKHOPADHYAY AND PROF. G.P. BISWAS Conference Proceedings Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) Encryption of Motion Vector Based Compressed Video Data 978-3-319-30926-2 2016
511 GOBI R,JOHN MATHAI,SATHYA PURUSHOTHAMAN,E KIRUBAKARAN,CURRAN ASSOCIATES Conference Proceedings International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet) Location based mobile advertising framework for commuters 978-1-4673-7309-8 2016
512 CECIL DONALD A,L. AROCKIAM,NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (NTU) Conference Proceedings Computer Information Technology and Application Key Based Mutual Authentication (KBMA) Mechanism for Secured Access in MobiCloud Environment 2016
513 CHANDRA J,SULAIMAN,H.A.,OTHMAN,M.A.,OTHMAN,M.F.I.,RAHIM,Y.A.,ANITHA S PILLAI Conference Proceedings Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology Empirical estimation of multilayer perceptron for stock market indexes 978-3-319-07674-4 2015
514 KIRUBANAND V B,PRABU P Text book Fundamentals of Computer Programming Fundamentals of Computer Programming - 2015
515 SUMITRA BINU,PETHURU RAJ CHELLIAH,INDU NAIR,MOHAMMED MISBAHUDDIN Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics A Mobile Based Remote User Authentication Scheme without Verifier Table for Cloud Based Services A Mobile Based Remote User Authentication Scheme without Verifier Table for Cloud Based Services A Mobile Based Remote User Authentication Scheme without Verifier Table for Cloud Based Services A Mobile Based Remote User Authentication Scheme without Verifier Table for Cloud Based Services A Mobile Based Remote User Authentication Scheme without Verifier Table for Cloud Based Services 978-1-4503-3361-0 2015
516 CECIL DONALD A,L. AROCKIAM,DR. S. PRAKASH Conference Proceedings Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) A Secure Authentication Scheme for MobiCloud 978-1-4799-6805-3 2015
517 NIZAR BANU P K ,ANDREWS S, LAKHMI C. JAIN,HIMANSU SEKHAR BEHERA,JYOTSNA KU Conference Proceedings Computational Intelligence in Data Mining Evaluation of Fitness Functions for Swarm Clustering Applied to Gene Expression Data 2015
518 MANOJ KUMAR MISHRA,DR. S. MUKHOPADHYAY AND PROF. G.P. BISWAS,MANDAL J., SATAPATHY S., KUMAR SANYAL M., SARKAR P Conference Proceedings Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications Scheme for Compressing Video Data Employing Wavelets and 2D-PCA 978-81-322-2250-7 2015
519 GOBI R,SATHISHKUMAR RAMALINGAM,L. PADMA SURESH,SUBHRANSU SEKHAR DASH,BIJAYA KETAN PANIGRAHI Conference Proceedings Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems An effective automation testing framework for OATS tool 978-81-322-2125-8 2014
520 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,A. S. RANI,R. K. SAHAI, J. THRIVENI, K. R. VENUGOPAL,L M PATNAIK,IEEE Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems Load balancing with availability checker and load reporters (LB-ACLRs) for improved performance in distributed systems 9781479913541 2014
521 SUMITRA BINU,PETHURU RAJ CHELLIAH,BHARAT BHARGAVA, , SABU M. THAMPI Reference book Managing Trust in Cyberspace Key Management Solutions for Database-as-a-Service: A Selective Survey Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6844-0, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4 2014
522 BHUVANA JAYABALAN Text book Computer Programming 978-93-80170-21-3 2014
523 NIZAR BANU P K , H. HANNAH INBARANI,AHMAD TAHER AZAR,HALA S. OWN ,ABOUL ELLA HASSANIEN ,TOLBA Conference Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science Rough Set Based Feature Selection for Egyptian Neonatal Jaundice 978-3-319-13461-1 2014
524 BHUVANA JAYABALAN Text book Object Oriented Analysis and design Object Oriented Analysis and design Thakur Publishers 2014
525 MANOJ KUMAR MISHRA,DR. S. MUKHOPADHYAY AND PROF. G.P. BISWAS, BISWAS G., MUKHOPADHYAY S. Conference Proceedings Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Design of ECC-Based ElGamal Encryption Scheme Using CL-PKC 978-81-322-1855-5 2014
526 NIZAR BANU P K ,SIMON ANDREWS,AMALA RAJAN Conference Proceedings Current Trends in Information Technology Informative Gene Selection-An evolutionary approach 978-1-4799-2425-7 2014
527 NIZAR BANU P K ,AZAR, AHMAD TAHER,H. HANNAH INBARANI,AT AZAR Conference Proceedings Modelling, Identification and Control PSORR - An unsupervised feature selection technique for fetal heart rate 978-0-9567157-3-9 2013
528 SUMITRA BINU,MOHAMMED MISBAHUDDIN,SABU M. THAMPI,GREGORIO MARTINEZ PEREZ, CHUN I. FAN,PRADEEP K. ATREY Conference Proceedings Security in Computing and Communications: International Symposium, SSCC 2013 ... A Survey of Traditional and Cloud Specific Security Issues 978-3-642-40575-4 2013
529 ANITA H B,G. G. RAJPUT,SPRINGER LINK Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Handwritten Script Recognition Using DCT, Gabor Filter, and Wavelet Features at Word Level 978-81-322-1524-0 2013
530 HELEN K JOY,SREEJITH L DAS Conference Proceedings 2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT) A Novel Approach for Biomedical Web Image Super Resolution 978-1-4673-4921-5 2013
532 GOBI R,P. SATHYA,E KIRUBAKARAN,CURRAN ASSOCIATES Conference Proceedings International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (INCOSET) Performance analysis of partitioning mobile web services 978-1-4673-5144-7 2013
533 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,THRIVENI J, MANJUNATHA H C ,VENUGOPAL K R,PATNAIK L M,CHAKI N ,MEGHANATHAN N ,NAGAMALAI D Conference Proceedings Computer Networks & Communications (NetCom) Message Efficient Ring Leader Election in Distributed Systems 978-1-4614-6153-1 2013
534 BEAULAH SOUNDARABAI P,THRIVENI J,MANJUNATHA H C,VENUGOPAL K R,PATNAIK L M,NABENDU CHAKI,NATARAJAN MEGHANATHAN Conference Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Message Efficient Ring Leader Election in Distributed Systems 2013
535 SANDEEP J,JANAHAN LAL STEPHEN,NAVID HASHEMI TABA,DR. J SATHEESH KUMAR Conference Proceedings ACEEE Conference Proceeding Series 03 2012 Proceeding of IPC&ITEeL ACT&CIIT CENT&CSPE Impact of MAC Protocol over the Performance of Routing Protocol in MANET 978-93-5107-194-5 2012
536 MANJUNATHA HIREMATH,P. S. HIREMATH Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing Fuzzy Geometric Face Model for Face Detection Based on Skin Color Fusion Model 978-81-322-0740-5 2012
537 NIZAR BANU P K ,HANNAH INBARANI H,VIJAYALAKSHMI P Conference Proceedings Advances In Engineering, Science And Management Unsupervised feature selection using Tolerance Rough Set based Relative Reduct 978-81-909042-2-3 2012
538 NIZAR BANU P K ,HANNAH INBARANI H,THANGAVEL K Conference Proceedings Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Medical Engineering Unsupervised hybrid PSO - Relative reduct approach for feature reduction 978-1-4673-1039-0 2012
539 NIZAR BANU P K ,H. HANNAH INBARANI,S. ANDREWS,JAYASHREE P Conference Proceedings Recent Trends in Information Technology Unsupervised hybrid PSO-quick reduct approach for feature reduction 978-1-4673-1601-9 2012
540 ANITA H B,YEON-MO YANG,SRIKANTA PATNAIK ,G G RAJPUT Conference Proceedings Soft Computing Techniques in Vision Science Handwritten Script Recognition Using DCT, Gabor Filter and Wavelet Features at Line Level 978-3-642-25506-9 2012
541 GOBI R,P. SATHYA,E. GEORGE DHARMA PRAKASH RAJ,T. SASIKUMAR,CURRAN ASSOCIATES Conference Proceedings International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI) ComEn- a mobile device compression and encryption approach 978-81-8371-369-6 2011
542 ANITA H B,SUGUMA S, DEEPA, PRASHANTI Text book Software Engineering for BCA Software Engineering for BCA 2010
543 SUMITRA BINU Reference book Special Economic Zones in India A Study and implementation of classification algorithms in Data Mining for a CRM based banking application 978-81-8387-275-1 2009
544 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Information Technology and Its Applications Information Technology and Its Applications - 2006
545 KIRUBANAND V B Text book System analysis and Design System analysis and design - 2003
546 KIRUBANAND V B Text book System Software System Software - 2003
547 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Operating System Operating system - 2003
548 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Computer Networks Computer Networks - 2002
549 KIRUBANAND V B Text book System Software System Software - 2002
550 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Computer Information Technology Computer Information Technology - 2001
551 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Operating System Operating System - 2001
552 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence - 2000
553 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Digital Fundamental & Computer Architecture Digital Fundamental & Computer Architecture - 2000
554 KIRUBANAND V B Text book Computer System Architecture Computer System Architecture - 2000


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 innovative environment and continues to pursue research that addresses current challenges while anticipating future technological needs.

Cyber Security
2 Web-Based Content Preparation Using Photoshop, Flash & Dreamweaver

Computer Science
3 A Refreshing Dive into the World of Generative AI for Tech and Non-Tech Enthusiasts

4 Hey ,what's Cognitive psychology?

5 Large Language Models and Transformers

Computer Science
6 Case study on Ethical Considerations in the Implementation of Healthcare Robots

7 Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Autonomous Vehicles: A Case Study

8 The Impact of AI and Autonomous Systems in Warfare-a case study

9 Agents and Environments in Artificial Intelligence

10 About a special person on a special day

11 AI - The Artist

Artificial Intelligence Image Generator
12 Discussion on Turing Test, The Foundations of AI in various fields, & The Typical AI Problems

13 Production System & Production System Characteristics In Artificial Intelligence

14 Problem, Problem space, Problem characteristics in AI

15 TIC TAC TOE -(Approach) 1

16 AI techniques

17 Tic-Tac-Toe Game Playing using Magic Square ? Program 2 in AI

18 What is artificial intelligence ?

19 Exploring Ethical Hacking with C: Unleashing the Power of the Programming Language

20 Functions in python

21 Exception handling in python & zig zag program

22 The ANNOYING loop?

23 Elements of Flow Control in Python

24 Boolean operators in Python Let's BOO the Boolean operations !!!

25 Are you interested in research? Tips to step into research

26 Follow the flow chart with Boolean expressions.

27 Lets write a simple program

28 Let?s learn about Variables in Python

29 Come lets explore python from scratch

30 Errors are ok ,lets clearify and go ahead

31 Operation precedence in python

32 The Data Types in Python

33 Pros of Having a Master's Degree In Computer Science and Software Engineering

34 Easy SQL Notes

Notes on Database Management Systems
35 The Preservative Technology in The Inventory Model for The Deteriorating Items with Weibull Deterioration Rate

Inventory Model
36 Multiple for Creative Empowerment

Teaching Training
37 The backbone of my life

Inspirations for Effective Living
38 We Have Never Learnt Alphabets

Life Experiences
39 Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Ramp Type Demand under Permissible Delay in Payment

Inventory Model
40 P4 Language Installation Guide - 2

Programmable Networks
41 P4 Language Installation Guide - 1

Programmable Networks
42 Introduction to Pyretic

SDN Controller
43 Difference between Traditional Data Center and Software Defined Data Center

Computer Networks
44 SDN Controllers (Ryu and ODL)

Programmable Networks
45 inventory model for deteriorating items

Inventory Problem
46 Mobile Applications

Computer Science
47 Searching mechanism of Google

48 Communication Technology Gadgets

Computer Science



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